Saturday, December 30, 2006
Two great quotes!
—President Gordon B. Hinckley
"Though our trials are diverse, there is one thing the Lord expects of us no matter our difficulties and sorrows: He expects us to press on."
—Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin
Friday, December 29, 2006
Where I'm From Poem...
I am from the 2 story white house near Highway 2, whistles from the lumber mill and the sound of Sammy hissing at Freckles and Missy.
I am from a large garden of vegetables and rocks, the blooming lilacs and crabapple blossoms littering the ground.
I am from Brown Frickler nights and teasing laughter, from the Clawson’s, and Grandma and Grandpa Lloyd and siblings who were Carr’s.
I am from sledding on the dirthills in winter, ice skating at Asa Wood, and the Cosby Show on Thursday nights.
I'm from, "Lights out or I'll flip the switch," and "do the dishes or you'll have them again tomorrow night!!
I am from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and “Early Morning” Church (seminary) and a modern prophet and once a month Fast & Testimony Meetings.
I'm from the sweet scent of pine trees in the Big Sky Country, Homemade Pizza and Sunday treats.
From David nailing the duck’s feet to the ground, the Logging Truck Christmas Tree, and Bunad making for Nordicfest.
I am from rugged timber covered mountains, glass green dishes, and camping at Lake Koocanusa. I’m from siblings to play with and TV to watch. I’m from long walks to Jr. High and redneck talk! I’m from mild summers and cold winters. I’m from unique and beautiful Northwestern Montana; a small town place.
2 babies in 1 year? On Christmas each time?
Here is a link to the article:
Wow, I feel bad for her on the Christmas's in the future! Trying to do Christmas for TWO kids and Birthdays for TWO kids all at once!! That just sounds absolutely EXHAUSTING!!!! Her babies sure are cute though! I'm glad to just look at them and not want another one of my own though!! For me, five is enough!! I hope her little one gets out of the hospital healthy and soon!
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Because of the snow and someone being out of the office at our Lender's, our house closing was delayed until maybe next week. That is a bummer, but we'll deal with it! Laren is quite disappointed!! He is still hoping for us to close tomorrow, but that's if they have all the documents to the Title Company in time and if we can all get there to sign it in the snow!!
My kids are having a good time playing with their Christmas stuff, reading books and playing in the snow. I have a crockpot full of chili cooking. Laren and I have been taking down Christmas and packing. He decided against going into work, since last Wednesday when that blizzard hit it took him 3.5 hours to get home from work!! Kind of a boring way to spend our 13 year anniversary, huh?!!
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Off to Bath and Body Works
If you have never been to Bath and Body Works Semi-Annual Sale, check it out here. You will not be sorry! This week they have their Wallflowers on special, and I need some more spiced cider, it's a great scent for fall (yes, I stock up when it's cheap!) and I love SweetPea and Black Raspberry Vanilla and Brown Fig and Sugar!! Plus, I love their Body Cream, their Room Sprays and so much more!!
Happy Anniversary!!
We got married in Washington state in the Seattle Temple. In our 13 years of married life we have moved 11 (almost 12) times. We have gotten 2 Bachelors Degree's (one for each of us: His in Civil Engineering, Mine in Elementary Education), and added 5 kids to our family. We had a slow start to our child bearing, were unable to get pregnant for a year and a half. It was quite a trial, especially after we moved to Utah and everyone we knew was expecting!! In our married years, we have suffered the deaths of Laren's Grandma and Grandpa, my Grandpa, and my Dad. We started our early married years poor as church mice and it took us a few years of "working life" to come out of that.
Laren's career has since taken off and we are blessed by being much more prosperous now!! We have had work heartaches. Laren has had 3 different jobs, professionally and countless jobs while still in college. His first college job was throwing pizza balls for Rizzutu's Pizza and then Working on Professor Bell's Ranch (a psychology professor of mine at EWU, in Cheney, WA where we started married life). His best paying part-time job was unloading trucks for UPS, we even had great medical benefits at that job. Because of the great insurance, I was able to have my wisdom teeth removed for only $33! (Of course I thought I would die as I put in a miserable night of throwing up every 5 minutes for hours and hours afterward!)
My job was working at Farm Credit Services in Spokane, a lending company for farmers and ranchers. I worked a few odd jobs since then, mainly through temp agencies in Provo. After 2.5 years, we were blessed to finally welcome our first child into the family: Kayla Lynn! The timing couldn't have been more perfect, I had just finished up my student teaching the week before she was born. (She came 5 days early.) I was able to take my last class, a health and nutrition class independent study and graduated in August of '96 from BYU. Laren graduated in April of '97. We moved to Arizona where he took his first job in Phoenix with ADOT, the Arizona Dept. of Transportation. We lived in Glendale to start with, then Tucson for 6 monts until settling in Mesa.
While in Arizona, we added Alyssa Suzanne, then suffered a difficult loss of a baby through miscarriage and we named that baby Jared Laren. I have ultrasound pictures of his hands. He had all 5 fingers already, I was 17.5 weeks along. They don't know what happened, why we lost him. But they did know it was a "him". In the process of extracting him from my body, my uterus was perforated (cut) and I lost too much blood. I ended up back in the hospital and at home with an IV and a home health care nurse. It was tough times, healing physically and emotionally.
Then we welcomed Kyle Laren into our family, miraculously a year later! He was born at 34 weeks. Amazingly he needed no oxygen or anything at birth. Later he would need physical therapy to learn to walk (he finally walked at 17 months), but now he is 6 and doing just fine! Rilyn Nichole was born a month after we moved to Colorado at 36 weeks. I had placenta abruptia and the bleeding wouldn't stop, so we had to induce. Again she was born healthy without any problems. It was such a blessing to have her in a somewhat tumultous time as we were in between moves then, similar to how we are now.
And we had our little caboose, Tyler Talmage almost 2 years ago in January of 2005. He came just 11 minutes after arriving to the hospital! No time for an epidural or even a doctor. He was delivered by a very young nurse (I'll bet she was only 22, if that! She certainly looked a lot younger but I know nursing school takes a good 4 years so that is why I'm guessing her age to be 22.)
So we have spent the past years of our marriage life raising our families, serving in our church and growing Laren's career. I am fortunate enough to be a stay at home Mom, though on some days it feels "unfortunate".
Through the hard times, Laren has always been my best friend, my confidante, my greatest supporter, our provider, my level head and logical thinker and protector. He is a great Dad who feels remiss if he doesn't get time, often, to play with our kids. He gives them piggy back rides up the stairs to bed and brings them, one at a time, home with him on Sundays from church. (We drive separate because of his calling, he goes early and stays late.) The kids love all of the attention they get from him and I love him for being such a great Dad and Husband.
Thanks for the 13 great years, Laren! Here's hoping for another 50 or more years together!!!! I love you!!
The Big Move
So, we are supposed to close on our new house tomorrow. We are contemplating getting a truck today and loading this afternoon and then unloading tomorrow around noon so we can hopefully beat the storm. We will then have to move the rest of our stuff after the storm and after they get the roads cleared!! Who knows when that will be? Thankfully, we have this rental house until January 4th. Laren has lined up a few guys to help on Saturday, but if it is anything like last week everyone will still be snowed in and not be able to get out of their neighborhoods to help!!
Today is a day of packing! I need to get in there and take down Christmas and put together some boxes so the kids can get their clothes and toys packed. We are thinking of using Vonage for our new phone service. Does anyone have any experience with them?
Monday, December 25, 2006
Merry Christmas!!!!!
Laren and I were awakened at 6, thanks to Kayla and Alyssa but we laid in bed for as long as possible!! After getting dressed, we ate our 60 second Rhodes Cinnamon Rolls and Orange Juice. Yes, we make our kids get dressed and eat breakfast before opening presents. With little ones, if they don't do it beforehand, they will go without and will be grumpy the rest of the day!!
Then we read from Luke 2. Of course our kids wanted to get right to the unwrapping but we missed the chance to read from Luke 2, as we always do, the account of our Savior's Birth, so we seized the opportunity on Christmas Morning - this morning!!
Finally we got down to business and started opening gifts!! It was a good Christmas, but I could not help but think that we over did it. Next year, I really would like to stick to 3 gifts per person!! Problem is, I always start out with good intentions and then I find a good deal or something we need, etc...
Some highlights of what we got:
Laren got a laptop, bluetooth headset for his Blackberry, some new clothes, a new clamp/tool, etc...
I got an under the counter tv/dvd/cd player for the kitchen (I like to watch Oprah or the news but that is during the time I make dinner, so hopefully I will now be able to do both simultaneously!) I also got some new clothes, dvd's, bath and body stuff, jewelry, a weather station (to tell the weather in my own backyard), perfume, etc...
Kayla got an I-Dog, new clothes, jewelry, craft kits, some tall black boots, a Dance Mat, games, etc...
Alyssa got an I-Dog, Gameboy game, clothes, jewelry, Digi-Makeover, an interactive plush dog, games, etc...
Kyle got a Rokenbok set, a Dart Tag set, a Remote Control Hovercraft, Gameboy game, paint set, Spin Toy, a scooter, etc...
Rilyn got a Spark Art Easel, some My Little Ponies, a Cabbage Patch baby, some clothes, Pet Shop Amusement Park set, etc...
Tyler got Bristle Blocks, Playskool Triple Track Race Car Set, a toy cell phone, cars, book, clothes, etc...
The family got a new computer, a new game table, a new 8" portable DVD player and case, and some new games (board games).
***Incidentally, the Rokenbok has been the most played with toy, so far (by all the kids!!! It was the number 1 rated educational toy for boys ages 6-8 on msnbc. And that is proving to be a popular choice in our family as well!!
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Shopping, Skiing and Sledding!
After taking a lunch break and talking to my brother, David, on the phone we took off for some winter fun! We intended on going sledding but Laren threw our cross-country skis in the van as well. When we got to the sledding hill just a couple blocks away near a local elementary school he suggested I get out and ski while he took care of Tyler (our 23 month old) and helped him sled while watching the other kids too. You bet I took him right up on that offer!! It had been awhile since I have skiied, and I had forgotten how fun it was!!
Thank goodness for that great deal at Sniagrab (bargains spelled backwards) that we got on those ski's and boots the first year we moved here to Denver!! If you've never tried Cross-Country Skiing, you should. It is very enjoyable. I would have loved it more if Laren and I could have skiied together! The kids had a great time sledding and so did Laren. I even ventured down the sledding hill a couple of times. It brought back so many childhood memories of all the sledding my siblings and I did! It was such great blustery winter fun in Montana, where I grew up.
While skiing and sledding we saw the most beautiful sunset I think I have ever seen! It was mostly pink with a bit of orange and red. The colors were streaked diagonally descending from the left with the gorgeous Rocky Mountains in the foreground. I called to Laren so he could see it too. He came over and gave me a kiss so we could both "enjoy" the sunset together! Whenever either of us see's something beautiful in the sky, particularly sunsets we always share it with the other. It's a fun thing we do together.
After skiing and sledding we made it home on the deep, sloppy, snowy neighborhood streets. The snow is still so deep that if you stop you will get stuck. So the rule is (at least for us) look quick at intersections (on the backroads) and if no one is coming then just keep going so you don't lose your momentum and get stuck!! We fishtailed our van into the driveway and came into the house to warm up and get some dinner! I had made taco's while Laren went out for his turn at skiing.
The kids played Uno Attack while they waited for dinner. They are loving that game. My kids are big time game players though. Last night we let them unwrap one family gift (to give them something to do since we are in between moves and most of our stuff is still packed away) and it was Uno Attack.
Laren and I have the last of our wrapping to do tonight. It is still more than I would like, but we're further along, I think, than we are most Christmases. Oh, I must add today while shopping at Costco I finally got Laren a bluetooth headset for his Blackberry!! I was so excited to find that so easily!!
Thursday, December 21, 2006
The Blizzard of 2006
The kids and I hibernated in the house until Laren called and said he was stuck on the street behind our house and that he needed help shoveling himself out. By the time we got out there he had gotten unstuck from that spot but was stuck again as he rounded the corner to get onto our street! The neighbors came to help too (we have such great neighbors here!) and we got the job done!!
The kids have had a great time playing in the snow. I was feeling bad for them for missing their last 2 days at Thimmig (the school they have went to for 4.5 years), but their sadness was short-lived and they are loving the snow! I guess Christmas Break started 2 days early for them this year!!
Two of my daughters, ages 8 and 4, made snow caves and did a great job at it!! My oldest daughter, 10, has helped 5 people shovel their cars out when they got stuck. Kyle, my 6 year old son, keeps trying to get the girls with snowballs!!
But all of this snow has paralyzed Denver! Even the stores are closed (4 days before Christmas)!!!! I wish I could find my camera docking station so I could charge up my camera and take some pictures of all this snow! It is so deep, picturesque and beautiful!!! But since I can't find it, I guess you'll just have to take my word for it!!
Sunday, December 17, 2006
My attempt at Church today...
Friday, December 15, 2006
Company Christmas Party
They will also give "funny" money where you can earn more by gambing all night and then trade the extra funny money earned from gambling for more raffle tickets. Laren and I don't participate in the gambling, we just wander around and visit and sit and eat and talk.
I usually don't love the Company Christmas Party, but I'm a people person and I'm pretty good at small talk so I fair all right. I get tired of all the WOW! I can't believe you have 5 kids comments because I know that is code for: We think you're crazy!!
(I need to find some way to post some pictures from the web to make this more interesting...anyone know?)
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Ahhhh, Exercise!!
Monday, December 11, 2006
Monday Morning Madness
I had stayed up late last night wrapping the Visit Teaching gifts. The gifts were supposed to be Sweet Pea scented Wallflowers (my favorite!) from Bath and Body Works. But in the midst of our move, the Wallflowers have disappeared and so it was Christmas Kitchen Hand Towels (some cute ones) I had gotten a couple of years ago at after Christmas sales for cheap. (Maybe that's an idea for somebody for those they VT for next year?)
So we got done later than we had hoped with our Visit Teaching. It was a huge distance to travel (our ward has huge boundaries, not to mention we just moved out of our ward boundaries which makes traveling there further). We got home and my one year old had fallen asleep. I carried him to his bed. When I went to get lunch for my sick daughter and my 4 year old, the phone started ringing. I answered the phone. Then my one year old starts screaming, I realize my four year old had went in and woken him up! My eight year old is trying to eavesdrop on my phone conversation and then my cell phone starts ringing! My husband was calling with some news of a discouraging setback on this house we are trying to get.
I set the odometer on my car at zero when I left home this morning. It now reads 68.8 miles driven. I have already driven that far today! And it will probably read over 100 miles before the day is done since I have to go and pick my kids up from school, bring them home feed them and take them to my daughters Christmas Piano recital tonight.
My ordinarily thoughtful husband told me this morning that he would just meet us at the Piano Recital tonight...what? So I mentioned how it would be nice to have him home first (read: I need help getting 5 kids dressed up and ready to go out). So, thankfully, he has agreed to come home!! YAY!!!!
So in the midst of my trials today, I got a Pearl of Great Price from my Mother in Law in email. She got this great quote from a friend who heard it at her Stake Conference. It says:
Sunday, December 10, 2006
This is US!! I'll bet you can't tell anything about my kids' personalities from this picture!! I bust a gut every time I look at this picture. Rilyn is our little 4 year old at the top. Every mother must have one child who is bound to give her gray hairs! She has already ran away from home (when she was 2.5, I had to actually call the police to help find her...I was on the phone when she disappeared and she was found at the school behind our house underneath the slide playing in the woodchips!).
I have also had to call poison control on her behalf 2 times, once for eating too many children's chewable vitamins and the other time for eating a little of the dishwasher detergent. We have had to have a "code Adam" called out for her in the store while Christmas Shopping last year. We weren't shopping in the section that she was interested in, so she took off to go and look at what she wanted to!!
But she is the best in our family with sharing. She gives hugs freely! She is smart as a whip. And she is one of my biggest helpers!! She wants EVERYTHING for Christmas. She actually looks around the room and wants everything she sees! I have helped her to make out her Christmas Wish List at least 3 times now! She even wants, "that white square thing hanging on the wall." (The thermostat!) I honestly couldn't imagine life without her!! She is truly one of our greatest blessings!!
Saturday, December 9, 2006
I'm a SAHM to the five best children on the planet Earth!
We have 3 girls and 2 boys. My husband is wonderful man
and a hard worker.
We are active members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I like to associate with other people who inspire and motivate me. I love to read, but haven't been able to find the time as much the past few years. I like to do crafts, but I have a very real practical side to me too. So I have to be practible in my creating!!
I'm interested in diet and fitness. Since having my last baby in January of 2005, I have worked on getting my body back. So I am always looking for a great new lowfat, fairly easy recipe using real ingredients (none of those ingredients that are so specialized you can't find them).
I have my degree from BYU in Elementary Education. One day I hope to be able to do some teaching, professionally. We love living in Colorado with it's beauty and seasons.