Friday, April 17, 2009

In the Junkyard and other stuff...

Spring Break and Stuff...

My kids have been out of school all week for Spring Break. And for the most part we have had lazy days! It has been so nice for a change. It has been a much needed decompression time given all the stresses that we've had recently.

On Wednesday though, our stresses were added to when Laren got in another accident! Yes, it was his second accident in 15 days! Even though neither accident was his fault, I'm kind of paranoid to let him drive now!

Laren's car in the junkyard!


The first accident was not nearly as serious as the second. The second accident happened around 10:30 Weds. night when Laren was taking our taxes to the mailman so he could deliver them to Uncle Sam. We had a nasty Spring Snow Storm that brought a foot of snow to our little town alone. The storm was rolling in, as Laren drove down the freeway to the only Post Office somewhat close to us open late to mail the taxes. (We don't usually wait until the last day, but we did have to file in 3 states this year plus Federal taxes - and did I mention how crazy the recent months have been for us?)

Laren was in the far right lane traveling S. on I-15 and a Honda Accord traveling S. in the HOV lane lost control, almost went into the center barrier and then went acrossed all the lanes striking Laren. Laren was unable to stop - he was going about 50 mph at the time, and it happened all at once.

I went to go and get the taxes and take them to the Post Office. A normally 20 minute drive took a good hour! I've never personally driven on roads so slippery and hazardous in my life! I never even remember the windy slick mountainous roads in my little Montana hometown being that slick. The thing is that not only were the roads slick but they were not plowed and the visibility was very low. The snow was coming down fast and furious. Somehow I safely delivered the taxes and got back to where the Police Officer was waiting with Laren. By that time, his car had already been towed away. I think we made it home just before 1:00 am. But I didn't care how long it took, as long as we got there safe! I took State Street (instead of the freeway) all the way home.

Today, our previously yucky weather started to turn nice. So we salvaged a bit more of our Spring Break and I took the kids to the petting Zoo at Thanksgiving Point.

Riding the ponies.

And then we went to the Tulip Festival. Let me tell you, the Gardens at Thanksgiving point are absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!! If you've never been, I highly recommend it!!

My 5 kids today at the Gardens. If you look close, you can see a gorgeous waterfall back behind them. This picture doesn't even come close to doing it justice!

And then tonight, Laren and I took the kids bowling at BYU. It was a lot of fun! I can honestly say the good times seem so much better given all the hard times we've been through lately. I am counting on many more good days to come!! :)

Monday, April 13, 2009

Good Number News!

Good News!!

Today Kyle's numbers (liver enzymes) came back the best so far, since this began! Not normal yet, but getting close. It is rather surprising to me after the devastating setback with his numbers going up last week.

I am cautiously optimistic. But just wanted to share the good news!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Pinewood Derby!

Pinewood Derby!

All of the cars before the race. Kyle's is the shiny red one near the center.

Kyle and his car. (They did the hole in the middle because when they took it for weigh-in his was slightly over weight.)

Kyle and the scouts putting their cars on the track. Kyle's is the red one in the middle.

Laren sweating bullets!
Right before the race started Laren leaned over to me, telling me he hoped Kyle's car made it off the starting blocks. He thought it might have been too low, or that the tires would rub on the center thing on the track.

We realized right away that Kyle had a fast one! He ended up winning every race except for one, and he finished third place in that one. (There was something wrong with lane 5 on the track - every car that took that lane had problems.)

So Kyle WON the entire DERBY!!!!
I was happy for Kyle in that he has gone through SO much lately with his life threatening liver problems and being in and out of the hospital - and most especially that he could enjoy racing cars like boys do and that he had something positive happen on his 9th Birthday since he had been so sick earlier in the day!!

Kyle and Dad with the winning car, first place blue ribbon and Kyle's "Ring of Fire" award. All boys got a certificate and candy for racing. The top 3 finishers got ribbons. I was glad they didn't put too much emphasis on place because not all boys had a Dad to help them, etc... But especially so the boys didn't feel bad if their car didn't do well.

I am not sure all that they did to make Kyle's car fast, but I know with Laren being an Engineer he was thinking about speed through the whole design process. They moved the tires back, and put the weight in the back, rubbed graphite on the axels and I'm not sure what else.

**And just a little aside - Kyle does look different than he did before his liver problems. His primary teacher told me he did not recognize him the first time he came back to class and sat down. Most of the change is caused by the steroids (prednisone) making his face swell and making him gain weight. As for his sickness and his numbers going up - I guess, at this point the doctor thinks his numbers going up is directly related to him having had the flu this past week. Crossing my fingers that is the reason!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Happy Birthday and Hurry up and get Better Son!

Happy Birthday Kyle!

Kyle this morning before school. He is 9 years old today!

Kyle was feeling well enough to get up and go to school this morning. Only to have the school call me after an hour or so later and tell me that Kyle is feeling sick and had been in the nurse's office for the past 30 - 40 minutes. He was shivering, even with a blanket on. His temperature was 99.5.

I went and got him, brought him home and he is back in bed. His temperature is now 100. We are hoping he is feeling well enough to have Ice Cream Cake tonight for his Birthday Celebration - and the Strawberry Crepes he requested for his birthday dinner. And if he is feeling well enough, the Pinewood Derby tonight - to race his "Phantom Racer" (the name he gave his little four wheeled red race car that he and Laren built together.

Yesterday we got some disappointing news, his numbers that had been coming down are now going back up. I don't know why for sure, but it may have something to do with the doctor cutting his prednisone in half last week because he was getting "close enough" to normal to do that.

In the meantime, the school called and now Rilyn, our youngest daughter is sick with a sore throat, cough and tossing her cookies. So once Kayla and Alyssa come home from school I will have them watch my sick littles and Tyler who is napping and dash to the store to get what I need for Kyle's Hopeful Birthday Celebration!

Hoping for a Happy Post really soon!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Up with the


I'm long overdue for an update. There are many reasons to my not having blogged lately, mainly though life has just been overwhelming. I just have not been able to accomplish even the little things in the past month. I think all the stress of moving and having Kyle so ill finally caught up with me.

On my mind right now:

-Kyle getting better, he went back to school full time this past week, was at school a full two days and he came home after getting "sick" at school on Friday morning.

Kyle, a little while ago. He has spent the better part of the past 3 days in bed. So sad for me to see. But his liver enzymes are coming close to being back to normal.

-Kyle's 9th Birthday tomorrow and how grateful I am that he is alive to celebrate it, hoping he is better by tomorrow! Flu bug, I think?

-The wonderful General Conference this past weekend. President Monson, I know he is the Prophet of God. I had the opportunity to attend the General Young Women's Meeting last Saturday with Kayla (who is now 13!) and when the Prophet came in the room, I felt a spiritual electricity run through my body. I felt so blessed that Kayla and I had that special opportunity!

-Young Women, I've been serving in my new Utah ward in the Young Women's Presidency and what a blessing that has been. I can honestly say I love these Young Women that I'm working with (including my own daughter). And the other gals in the Presidency are amazing, inspiring women. It was so wonderful to attend the YW Open House training meeting this past week with the Presidency after a delicious lunch out!

-Laren's job stability. I can happily say that Laren's job was saved by the Utah State Legislature last month. That had been such a worry and caused a lot of sleep deprived nights. That same job is, however, keeping him very busy.

-Our house in Colorado is still for sale.

-I miss old friends in Colorado, and the warmer weather in Colorado (yes, even with your Spring Storms Utah Girls you are still warmer than Utah this year!)!!

-I need to get Kyle's patches put on his scout uniform today. His pinewood derby is tomorrow. I hope he will be able to attend!

-I found these new great jeans thanks to my new-found friend, and meterologist, Debbie Worthen. They are Calvin Klein flap pocket, stretch, boot cut jeans in two different washes from Costco for only $24.99 - hurry they are selling fast! I thought they were hundred dollar jeans for sure, because they look like they are (with the hiney lift and all).

Debbie, the gal who told me the tip about the great Calvin Klein jeans at Costco. (I got 3 pair, because good jeans are hard to find!)

Me on the treadmill today, for the first time in at least six weeks. (Photo courtesy of my cute little Tyler!)

-You may recall me blogging about my desire to work on my waist a couple of months ago. ...And then all that happened with Kyle and I have done nothing, absolutely nothing exercise wise, until today. Hope I can keep it up.

-My baby is no longer in nursery. All of my kids are in Primary or above now. Sad.

-Laren and I are speaking in Sacrament Meeting on Sunday. Topic=atonement. I have not yet started my preparations for that.

-Laren got in a car accident last week. His car was totalled. Now we're either trying to find a new car or maybe have him keep the totalled one (it is still driveable), for now.

Laren, on his birthday last month.

-I have the world's most upbeat husband who has buoyed me up through all of our trial and turmoil! I heart you even and especially on my down days, Laren!

-My kids make my world go 'round! What a blessing they are to me!