Up with the
I'm long overdue for an update. There are many reasons to my not having blogged lately, mainly though life has just been overwhelming. I just have not been able to accomplish even the little things in the past month. I think all the stress of moving and having Kyle so ill finally caught up with me.
On my mind right now:
-Kyle getting better, he went back to school full time this past week, was at school a full two days and he came home after getting "sick" at school on Friday morning.
Kyle, a little while ago. He has spent the better part of the past 3 days in bed. So sad for me to see. But his liver enzymes are coming close to being back to normal.
-Kyle's 9th Birthday tomorrow and how grateful I am that he is alive to celebrate it, hoping he is better by tomorrow! Flu bug, I think?
-The wonderful General Conference this past weekend. President Monson, I know he is the Prophet of God. I had the opportunity to attend the General Young Women's Meeting last Saturday with Kayla (who is now 13!) and when the Prophet came in the room, I felt a spiritual electricity run through my body. I felt so blessed that Kayla and I had that special opportunity!
-Young Women, I've been serving in my new Utah ward in the Young Women's Presidency and what a blessing that has been. I can honestly say I love these Young Women that I'm working with (including my own daughter). And the other gals in the Presidency are amazing, inspiring women. It was so wonderful to attend the YW Open House training meeting this past week with the Presidency after a delicious lunch out!
-Laren's job stability. I can happily say that Laren's job was saved by the Utah State Legislature last month. That had been such a worry and caused a lot of sleep deprived nights. That same job is, however, keeping him very busy.
-Our house in Colorado is still for sale.
-I miss old friends in Colorado, and the warmer weather in Colorado (yes, even with your Spring Storms Utah Girls you are still warmer than Utah this year!)!!
-I need to get Kyle's patches put on his scout uniform today. His pinewood derby is tomorrow. I hope he will be able to attend!
-I found these new great jeans thanks to my new-found friend, and meterologist, Debbie Worthen. They are Calvin Klein flap pocket, stretch, boot cut jeans in two different washes from Costco for only $24.99 - hurry they are selling fast! I thought they were hundred dollar jeans for sure, because they look like they are (with the hiney lift and all).
Debbie, the gal who told me the tip about the great Calvin Klein jeans at Costco. (I got 3 pair, because good jeans are hard to find!)
Me on the treadmill today, for the first time in at least six weeks. (Photo courtesy of my cute little Tyler!)
-You may recall me blogging about my desire to work on my waist a couple of months ago. ...And then all that happened with Kyle and I have done nothing, absolutely nothing exercise wise, until today. Hope I can keep it up.
-My baby is no longer in nursery. All of my kids are in Primary or above now. Sad.
-Laren and I are speaking in Sacrament Meeting on Sunday. Topic=atonement. I have not yet started my preparations for that.
-Laren got in a car accident last week. His car was totalled. Now we're either trying to find a new car or maybe have him keep the totalled one (it is still driveable), for now.
-I have the world's most upbeat husband who has buoyed me up through all of our trial and turmoil! I heart you even and especially on my down days, Laren!
I remember when Debbie Worthen was a newcaster here in SE Idaho!
I'm glad things are looking up at your house, and I hope Kyle feels better soon. I hope his feeling crappy has nothing to do with all his previous ailments!
You are such a great person. I am glad you are back updating your blog. Love reading... BIG FAN!!
It is so nice to have an update to read :) I am so sorry to hear that Kyle hasn't been doing well the past couple days. What a sweet boy...I am sure to say that it has been difficult for you guys is such an understatement...you are such a great mom Kari and so strong. I am glad that you found great jeans - I wish I could have that same luck!!! :) Love reading your blog! :)
Wow, you guys have had so much going on. You have such a great outlook on it all. And thank goodness for a great husband to always be there for you. That can make all the difference. I'm glad to hear that Kyle is doing better.
Kari, Wow you have a lot going on in your life. I am so sorry to her about Kyle. I hope he feels better soon. Oh and I didn't know that your husband was in a car accident. What happen?
If i lived close to you, I would take you out to lunch !
Big Hugs
Wow, you are catching up. I am happy to hear that he is coming around, what a scary situation.
I bet it felt great to exercise, I know that it always does when I have taken a break.
We also get to speak in church on Sunday as well. Ours is anything Easter they said, I have been working on my talk about Grace. I guess we will both be sweating bullets on Sunday.
You look great, and I am happy to hear that you are finding the tender Mercies. You are certainly loved.
This sunshine is certainly improving my mood. It's been a hard spring so far, weather-wise. I'm so happy things are getting under control for you again. Yay for Kyle's continued improvement!
My heart pounds just reading all that you've been going through. Hugs, hugs and more hugs.
Great to read your update--a lot going on, that is for sure! Love you!
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