Pinewood Derby!
Laren sweating bullets!
Right before the race started Laren leaned over to me, telling me he hoped Kyle's car made it off the starting blocks. He thought it might have been too low, or that the tires would rub on the center thing on the track.
So Kyle WON the entire DERBY!!!!
I was happy for Kyle in that he has gone through SO much lately with his life threatening liver problems and being in and out of the hospital - and most especially that he could enjoy racing cars like boys do and that he had something positive happen on his 9th Birthday since he had been so sick earlier in the day!!
I am not sure all that they did to make Kyle's car fast, but I know with Laren being an Engineer he was thinking about speed through the whole design process. They moved the tires back, and put the weight in the back, rubbed graphite on the axels and I'm not sure what else.
**And just a little aside - Kyle does look different than he did before his liver problems. His primary teacher told me he did not recognize him the first time he came back to class and sat down. Most of the change is caused by the steroids (prednisone) making his face swell and making him gain weight. As for his sickness and his numbers going up - I guess, at this point the doctor thinks his numbers going up is directly related to him having had the flu this past week. Crossing my fingers that is the reason!
I"m SO glad he got to go and enjoy the derby! And yeah for winning! That's awesome. I know you'd said his meds were puffing him up - he's still the cutest kid around!
Congratulations! That is so exciting!
So great Kyle made it to the derby - and had such a great time.
Way to go Kyle! Your red car is awesome! :)
I used lipstick to write those messages. IT works great and easy to come off.
SO can your car get fixes or do you need a new car?
WE are keeping Mr Kyle in our prayers. OH and Kari you are such a wonderful example to me! Thanks so much for sharing your life with us.:)
That is funny about having an engineer father helping and getting nervous about the race! The rites of fatherhood! He DOES look so different, but glad it can help and he is alive!
It looks like the pinewood derby was a big hit! How fun. Kyle, and your family are in our prayers. You are such an amazing Mom! Have a wonderful Easter my friend. :)
Love the pics! Jakob's first pinewood derby is next week. He wants his car to look exactly like the one on the box. (yellow and red)
Glad he did so well!
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