In my web surfing today, I came upon a couple of good sites. Here is the first one:
It has some really cute aprons and bags. Like this apron and tote bag above.
The other fun site I came acrossed had some neat articles to read like the one about the 3 amazing mothers that was in the May issue.
Cute website! I bookmarked it for future use! Thanks for sharing!!
Those would make way cute church bags!!!
Totally cute bag!
kari - what a small world this is ... ganel-lyn and her husband lived diagonally from us in our first apartment complex!! i remember her teasing me about my "biking shorts" showing beneath my skirt. *rofl* i knew they moved - and i was wondering how they were doing. thanks for the update!! i love your blog, btw
This is Ganel-Lyn How do I know "just me" and Kari?
Ganel-Lyn, I emailed ya! But Just Me is Jannet and she says you guys lived in the same apt. building and ward in AZ --- a looong time ago!!
Jannet says she'll email you.
I only know you from reading Wasatch Woman Magazine and your emails!!
Happy to meet you!!
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