I don't know who said that but it sure is a good thing to ponder. I tend to ere on the side of caution, in most everything. I'm trying to find that good balance. But, obviously it's difficult for me. Not that I have any big risks that I want to take in mind. But I need to find that road in between.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Quote for the Day
I don't know who said that but it sure is a good thing to ponder. I tend to ere on the side of caution, in most everything. I'm trying to find that good balance. But, obviously it's difficult for me. Not that I have any big risks that I want to take in mind. But I need to find that road in between.
The Wednesday Letters

The Wednesday Letters
First of all, I would have to say I would give this book 4.5 stars out of 5. It was a fantastic book that I would highly recommend! It is written by Jason Wright who also wrote Christmas Jars.
The book is set in North Carolina at a Bed & Breakfast where Jack and his wife Laurel live. They were able to frugally get into the business and have created many memories living there, moving in just before their 3 children finished high school.
Their 3 children each go their different ways and there is an underlying story line with the wayward son, Malcom. He flees to Brazil to escape the law and to escape his longtime love, Rain. And he goes through a big identity and relationship struggle. Malcom is both an Antagonist and a Protagonist in the story which creates an interesting twist.
But the main storyline in the book is a great one. It is about how after Jack's expected yet sudden death happens shortly after the unexpected death of his wife Laurel's. They die within a short time of each other and after their death their children discover these letters that their Father wrote to their Mother, every Wednesday, throughout their marriage. It details the hardships and the happiness that they experience. And, it reveals some BIG secrets the kids did not previously know about.
It is heartwarming and inspiring. It made me realize what a treasure a handwritten letter or note is. In this world of computers, we send a good many more emails than handwritten letters. Why wouldn't we? It's much easier and quicker. But this book has almost inspired me to write some notes/letters to my husband.
I love how in the back of the book is one final letter. It is a very nice added touch! I read that the author was so in love with the location of the setting of this book, that he and his family moved there.
I'm kind of a tough critic and so the reason this book did not get 5 out of 5 stars for me is that it takes awhile to get the real storyline going. Aside from that, this book did not disappoint!!
As an aside, one of my "New Year's Resolutions" this year was to develop some hobbies. One of the things I enjoy doing is reading a good book. But sometimes, it's hard for me to read a book I can't just get into.
At any rate, what I'm trying to say is I've done a bit more reading this year than I have in the past years and I'm so glad of that because it really is a joy to spend some time with a good book!
**If you have any great books you would like to recommend, I'd love that. But, I have to say I know many of you liked Twilight and I have to admit it wasn't such a great book to me. I found it to be a bit juvenile and it didn't keep my attention very well. I found it to be a bit predictable too. And I'm not intrigued by vampires, at all - maybe that was part of it?
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Perfect Day
Yesterday was our first perfect day!
This potty training, even though I've done it successfully 4 times before, is not an easy job! But yesterday we had our first PERFECT day with no accidents!! It was so great to take the same pair of pants and underwear off Tyler at night that I put on him in the morning!!
It truly is a one step forward, one step back dance. The day before that, I think we only made it to the potty one time! I'm hoping though that today turns out like yesterday!!
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
With the Holidays, it means lots of shopping. And for me to enjoy shopping I have to be in the right mood for it. I feel like I'm on shopping overload lately, way too much for my own good! Plus to enjoy shopping I have to enjoy what I'm shopping for. I have to say men and boys are not enjoyable to shop for. They do not like clothes or shoes or perfume or dolls or anything girly (thank goodness on that one!). So really it is no wonder I save the guys for the end of my list.
Another particularly difficult person/people to shop for are my inlaws/parents. I never know for sure what to get for them and they have such different interests than me. I have, in years past, told Laren that is his job but he highly dislikes the chore also! I guess if money were not a factor I would have no problem outfitting everyone in my life with everything they want.
This morning I was out shopping for Christmas lights. I hate having to spend dollar after dollar on thing after thing this time of year. And anyone who truly knows me would attest that I dislike spending anytime of year. But this is our first Christmas in this house and we have more than enough mini white lights, but not enough of the colors. I'm copying Jenny and Angie's idea and going with the red and white lights for our house, above the icicle lights. And with decorating for the holidays, I have found if I do not get what I need right away it's gone!
That is what happened with the strings of red and white lights I wanted. I went to both Walmart and Target and they were all sold out! So this morning, I had a few other things I needed to get (including more stickers for my potty training little guy) so I tried another Walmart and between that and Hobby Lobby I was able to get what I was looking for.
Our lights on our house the way we have them now, without any red.
ETA: We can't put lights on the top part of our roof because we have a ceramic tile roof and those babies break without much effort. So we are left to lighting only the bottom half of our house. Laren's kind of glad it worked out that way! ;)
And because I was out and it was on the way home I had to stop at Costco, a real quick stop so I could be on time to pick Rilyn up from Kindergarten. It was slow getting out of there but I made it in time to get Rilyn by the skin of my teeth. I will be so glad when we get a break from half day Kindergarten and preschool. I just get Rilyn there and I'm back already to pick her up!!
And along with the shopping comes something worse: returns. I hate returns. I hate having to dig through all my receipts to find just the right one. I hate that I have to drive 20 minutes to return an item that cost $3.99. But who wants to just throw the money away on something you can't use, like the wrong size of glue sticks for your glue gun? You can't even gift those! LOL ;)
So now I have my lights, 2 strings of red and 2 strings of white but now I have the extra strings of red I got just in case and the wrong size glue sticks, some ribbon that I found something I like better at a different store and a few other miscellaneous items to return to about 4 different stores.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Rilyn (on the right) at her Thanksgiving Feast.
It felt weird to be doing Thanksgiving today. I guess after Thursday, with all the shopping and decorating, I've been in Christmas mode now for almost a week!
Rilyn's class had a substitute teacher for the day, one that I knew from Church. And I had the chance to catch up with some of "my" school friends that I know from helping out in the school. So that was kind of fun.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
The day before Thanksgiving Kayla and Alyssa helped me make pies, the dough for our rolls (it has to be refrigerated overnight), and chop the cranberries. Kayla not only helped with all of that, but she also helped with the TONS of dishes and clean up!
One of the things about baking is that it dirties a ton of dishes and makes a big mess! But it is worth it particularly on days like Thanksgiving!
Kayla and I getting a self portrait in front of our handiwork.
AND we used the tricks suggested on Good Things Utah for our pies and notice how we got no black spots on our Pumpkin Pie and our Apple pie didn't boil over into the oven.
The morning after Thanksgiving, Laren and I found ourselves up and groggy at 3:25 am to go shopping. Thankfully our big electronic purchase (plasma TV) had been made earlier in the week. At 4:00 am we were at Kohls, at 5:00 am were were Walmart, at 6:00 am I was at Target and Laren was at Circuit City. Then I went back to Walmart and Laren went into Bed Bath and Beyond to get me some stocking holders for the mantel. (It was right next to Circuit City, otherwise I'm sure I'd have had to do this errand myself. He doesn't go in stores like that unless he is compelled to by me! :) )
We were back home by 8:15 am with most of our shopping done, everything but a couple of items. Our wallets are lighter than ever now! Our kids will be excited, we hope! I can't spill what we got because my older 2 girls read my blog.
My kids started decorating the house for Christmas bright and early Friday morning. Around 9:30 am I went back out for round 2 of shopping with Kayla and Alyssa who really wanted to hit some Black Friday sales. I took them to Home Depot, Kohls, Walmart and Kmart. (Yes, I ended up at Walmart 3 times on Friday morning - blech! I call Walmart my necessary evil!)
We finished up most of the rest of our decorating this morning.
Monday, November 19, 2007
One of my favorite

Thanksgiving Dinner Menu
This is the tenative plan on what we're having for Thanksgiving Dinner.
Cranberry Salad, a really yummy family recipe from Laren's side
Mashed Potatoes
Homemade Rolls
Green Beans
Homemade Apple Pie
Homemade Sour Cream Lemon Pie
Homemade Pumpkin Pie
I think that covers it. I will do a store run in the next couple of days to get the last minute things I still need to get. It should be lots of fun.
And a few things I'm grateful for:
*My WONDERFUL husband: Laren.
*My Super children: Kayla, Alyssa, Kyle, Rilyn and Tyler.
*The Gospel.
*Our home.
*Our vehicles.
*Clothes to wear.
*Food to eat.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
We have tried for the last 3 weekends to get into a flu shot clinic. The first weekend I realized after we arrived I had the wrong Saturday. The second weekend, we got there 5 minutes after they cut the line off even though we were early.
Yesterday, on the third try, we got the kids up early. Laren was going to stay home, he didn't want to hassle with waiting in a line for a flu shot. After a little convincing he came too. We stopped along the way and got Krispy Kreme donuts for Laren and the kids. This was a different "clinic" this time than the other one we tried for. It was a drive thru flu clinic. We let the kids bring their portable dvd player, books and gameboys.
I brought along the book I'm currently reading The Wednesday Letters and my new Josh Groban Christmas cd, even though I typically don't listen to Christmas Music this early in the "season."
It turned out that our wait was different than expected. It was supposed to be a "Drive Thru" flu clinic, and it was for most people but not us. If you had children under 8 with you you had to get out and go in to the walk in clinic. So we all had to get out and wait in line inside, so much for bringing all our gadgets to make our wait more enjoyable! We had a relatively quick wait though, about 30 minutes.
We all got the flu shot, with Tyler going first and me going last. Later in the day, about 6 hours later right before I took Rilyn to a friend's birthday party I started getting achey. I took her to the party and ran to Target. By the time I got home I was so achey and miserable and cold I climbed in bed. No number of blankets could help to warm me. Not even the heating pad worked.
Finally, Laren got me some rice filled socks that he microwaved and it got me warm. Of course then I was hot and couldn't get cool, typical for a fever. My temperature was 102.4.
Of course it had to be me that got sick, side effects from the flu shot. And here I was the one pushing for it so much. Maybe next time we'll skip it? I'm happy to report I'm starting to feel better today. I was actually looking forward to Stake Conference today. Why couldn't I be sick on the day I had a bunch of wild and crazy Sunbeams to teach?
Friday, November 16, 2007
My To Do List
This morning was so beautiful. The most beautiful morning in a couple of months. The sunrise was a gorgeous reddish pink with a scattering of clouds reflecting the beauty. It was warm enough to get away with a light jacket, a balmy 53 degrees at 6:00am!! I'll take it!! If only the rest of winter could be so warm?! I had my enjoyable morning walk and I'm back and ready to get going with my day!
Get dressed X
Get kids off to School X
Read Scriptures X
Breakfast for Tyler and I X
Do Laundry, wash/dry/fold/put away (X) last load is in dryer. The rest is folded and put away or hung up.
Vacuum X
Declutter paper X
Sweep X
Mop X
Make Shopping List X
Return Curtains to Walmart X
Take Walk with Tyler X
Continue to work on Potty Training Tyler (X in progress, as I imagine this will take weeks!)
Look over Primary Lesson X (did this even though, I realized it's Stake Conf. this Sunday, so now I have a headstart for my lesson in 2 weeks!)
Get kids from school X
Make Dinner X
Get activities ready for girls' friends tonight X
Find address on Flu Shot clinic X
Yikes, one of those days that will hopefully be productive and useful but busy. Yesterday Laren was home sick from work and I helped out in the classes at school then stayed to have lunch with Kyle, Alyssa, and Kayla.
I also went to Costco and picked up our Christmas cards and the must have Egg Nog for Thanksgiving! Laren was disappointed that they do not have his favorite Gallo Salami in yet! Also, checked out those bigger flat screen TV's which we want to get. Our current (huge 27") tv is dying, it won't change the volume without popping the menu up. It takes like 5 minutes to change the volume up or down each time you want to and the picture is getting worse and worse.
We need a new one, but geesh these things cost a pretty penny! It was good day, but I felt like I didn't get as much done as I would have liked.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Some Birthday Pictures...
When Laren got home from work, he made me taco's for dinner (my request) and then he also frosted the cake he'd made the night before when I was at the temple. That was so sweet of him!! My kids and Laren gave me gifts and homemade cards (to me, those are the most special kind), and we just celebrated at home.
Now the pictures...I only added a few and what you see is what you get. My days' makeup had long since worn off and my hair is in a funk of it's own, but it was my birthday and my chance to just be comfy and so I was!! And these pictures certainly depict that!!
That is the lovely Carrot Cake that my sweet husband made for me from scratch! It may not look like a bakery cake, but it sure did taste better and had half the fat too! And that is 35 candles, or rather candles in the shape of a 3 and then a candle with a 5 on it to represent how old I turned.
Laren and the kids also got me a cute shirt (that I had picked out at Kohls a week or so ago), a movie, and the new Josh Groban Christmas CD and I have to say it is SUPER!! It will for sure live up to all of your expectations!!
All in all, it was a great day!!
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
The Road Less Traveled
The Road Not Taken
TWO roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
Monday, November 12, 2007
What's for Dinner?
As the kids arrive home from school there seems to be one common question. They all want to know what's for dinner. Sometimes I know the answer to that and sometimes I don't. Sometimes it's what they want to hear and sometimes it's not! Obviously if it's something they dislike, they groan and try to talk me into making something else. But if it's something they like and they're hungry, they are right there getting the table set early and counting down the minutes until it's done.
Tonight's dinner was something I'd consider is an "in between" favorite of theirs. They don't love it, but they don't hate it and they eat it well for the most part. What is it?
Tyler this morning next to his clothes that I had laid out for him. Today was Day 1 of Potty Training. Notice the 3 pairs of underwear there? We tried Potty Training him about 4 months ago but it was such a power struggle and after about 6 weeks we gave up and decided to wait it out a few months.
Here's hoping to a successful effort this time!!
And speaking of my Itty Bitty Lil' Boy Guy (yes, that's one of my many knicknames for him), he's had a rough day! This evening he fell down the stairs to the basement. He got a little roughed up but was fine after Mommy and Daddy helped him for a bit. And then he got his fingers in the door to the Garage. Poor guy. He cried worse over that one. I held him and kissed his fingers better. After about 3 minutes he was up and wanting to go back out and help Dad organize again. He's a tough little one!!
I guess if you have a sucker in your mouth it helps you heal faster and makes everything okay? Maybe the drool helps too? I sure do love this boy!! :)
Tag You're it!
Four jobs I've had:
1. Maid in a Hotel
2. Working Fast Food at both McDonalds in my hometown (Libby, MT) and Arctic Circle in Rexburg, ID
3. I worked in the Commisary Bakery one Summer in between my first 2 years of College. It was where my parents moved to outside of Spokane, WA at Fairchild Air Force Base.
4. Washington Water Power (Administrative Assistant) and Farm Credit Bank
Four movies I can watch over and over:
1. I do not watch any movies over and over
2. Because I seldom watch movies.
3. I did watch Dirty Dancing over and over when I was younger
4. and also Can't Buy Me Love.
Four places I have lived:
1. Montana
2. Idaho
3. Utah
4. Arizona
Four favorite TV shows:
1. Oprah
2. Today Show
3. American Idol (some seasons)
4. (I don't watch much TV, just catch these here and there.)
Four places I've been:
1. To see the California Redwoods and wrap our arms around the humongous trees with my family.
2. The Ocean in Oregon in the wind with the waves in sub beachy temperatures, but it was a great time with my growing family!
3. Minot North Dakota - yeah, what is there? My Brother and his family when he were in the Air Force.
4. Banff Alberta, Canada - part of a Family Vacation as a child.
Four favorite foods:
1. Pizza
2. Cafe Rio Enchilada
3. Tacos
4. Cinnamon Rolls
Four websites I visit daily:
1. My 2 emails
2. My blog most days
3. Other blogs
4. Random places, depends on what I'm trying to find (ie) today it will be a chocolate colored skirt
Four places I'd rather be:
1. Broadway - I love watching plays and best of all, hearing the great Broadway Music!
2. Europe - Never been.
3. Washington DC - I've never been and I want to see the sites!
4. Disneyland - never been, and want to experience with my kids one of these years.
I want to tag: Jannet, Mary, Kristine, and Ana.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
My boring life...
Laren and I had game night with the kids last night for an hour, it was actually lots of fun!! Then we had Kayla babysit while we ran to Dollar Tree and Kohls. My birthday is coming up and he is panicked that he has nothing to give me for that, yet he doesn't like to shop to find me something. We found me a cute shirt at Kohls. What I really need is a purse.
My purse.
Those 2 front pockets house some very important things, one is my cell phone and the other is my receipt pocket. I keep receipts in there for about 3 weeks at a time before I purge them.
My purse is falling apart. But it was a cheapy when we bought it a few years ago. Laren wanted me to get something nicer at the time but I liked this particular purse and looked forward to something different than what I had.
I figured if it fell apart sooner than later I'd just get a new purse sooner. But I didn't realize what a pain it is to find a decent purse! I mean it has to be functional as well as look nice, be the right color and it is not supposed to serve just me but the entire family since they all expect me to house their belongings in there too!
Good purses are hard to find. My last few purses have been the Rosetti brand and I tend to prefer their purses. I see many cute purses around and I think they look great, but they are really not functional. At least they are not funtional for a Mom of 5 kids!
One of my friends has a super cute pink Kate Spade knock off that she got at a purse party when her youngest grew out of the baby stage and she no longer needed to carry a diaper bag.
I love purses/bags and could so go for a cute purse, just for special occasions. But, I need a practical purse first!!
Editing to add: We are back from Dinner with our friends. We went to Famous Daves Barbecue, it was really good. I tasted Laren's "meat selections" and I had a salad with the dressing on the side. It was really a lot of fun. We gabbed the whole time with our friends. Laren told me afterward that he had a migraine and it was all he could do to sit there.
We ran to Walmart to get some dishwasher detergent and curtain rods for some curtains we bought for our bedroom and he ended up losing his lunch so to speak in the parking lot. He is starting to have these migraines more and more. I have heard there are some good prescriptions to help with that, I need to have him go into the doctor because this is awful. We came home and he went straight to bed.
Friday, November 9, 2007
From the Smile File
The yummiest Cinnamon Rolls I've ever eaten! Seriously, and to think I made them? That is unusual!! Thanks, Pioneer Woman for the recipe!!
A shot of the dwindling food at the "Mom's Morning" this morning.
Because they were SO good, I had to post this recipe. Be forewarned, it is very fattening!! Oh YUM, these are seriously da BOMB!!! Kathy and Kallie (my sisters) and Mom, wish you guys were here to share these with, I know you guys share my love of Cinnamon Rolls!
Cinnamon Rolls from the Pioneer Woman
(Thanks for the suggestion, Kelly!)
Mix 1 quart of whole milk, 1 cup of vegetable oil, and 1 cup of sugar in a pan. "Scald" the mixture. Turn off heat and leave to cool 45 minutes to 1 hour.
When the mixture is lukewarm to warm, but NOT hot, sprinkle in 2 packages Active Dry Yeast. Let this sit for about 15 minutes.
Then add 8 cups of all purpose flour.
Stir mixture together. Cover and let sit for at least an hour. Then add 1 more cup of flour, 1 heaping teaspoon baking powder and 1 scant teaspoon baking soda and 1 heaping tablespoon of salt.
Stir mixture together. At this point, you could cover the dough and put it nin the fridge until you need it (overnight or even a day or two, if necessary.
Sprinkle surface generously with flour. take half the dough and form a rough rectangle. Then roll the dough thin, manintaining a general rectangular shape.
Now drizzle 1 1/2 - 2 cups melted butter over the dough.
Next sprinkle 1 cup of sugar over the butter, followed by a generous sprinkling of cinnamon.
Roll the dough in a neat line width-wise. Spray pan you intend to put the cinnamon rolls in. Then begin cutting rolls approximately 3/4 to 1 inch thick and laying them in the pans. Repeat this process with the other half of dough. This recipe makes 50 + cinnamon rolls.
Let the rolls sit for 20-30 minutes to rise, then bake at 400 degrees until light golden brown, about 15-18 minutes.
Maple Frosting
While the rolls are in the oven, make the deliciously sinful maple frosting.
To a mixing bowl, add 1 bag of powdered sugar. To this, add about 2 teaspoons maple flavoring, 1/2 cup milk, 1/4 cup melted butter and 1/4 cup milk (the pioneer woman uses brewed coffee instead of milk for this part). Also add 1/8 teaspoon salt.
The mixture should be thick but pourable. Taste and adjust as needed.
Generously drizzle frosting over warm rolls after you pull them out of the oven.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Mom's Morning
I will have toys and a kids movie on in the basement for the kiddo's. Hopefully it will be a fun morning and not too crazy for me. Now that I got my busy month of October out of the way, I'm excited to have some fun for November and the coming months!
This will be kind of a trial run for a Girls' Night Out for the Mom's that I hope to host in a few more weeks. Maybe I'm crazy?
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
My Mother-in-law came to visit for a few days and we had a great time, but boy late nights up talking and early mornings don't mix even if you do get an extra hour of sleep!!
Yesterday we drove my MIL around to look at some homes with acreage. She is thinking she and her husband will move here to Colorado to be closer to her grandchildren. We are SO excited!! We hope it all works out!!
Grandma leading the horse while my kids each take a turn getting a ride!
I cannot express how wonderful it is for my kids to have a Grandma who plays with them, reads to them and engages in conversation with them!! She is already talking about how fun it will be to have the kids come for the weekend to ride horses and play with her 3 dogs.
I just hope it all works out!
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Good, Better, Best

Thursday, November 1, 2007
Just me and Rilyn

Well, she wants to do it just me and her. I told her I would just buy her one and she said no that she really wanted to make one for herself with me. So when I went online to look at beads - I did not realize you had to buy a huge string of beads to make one little bracelet -- and she wanted mulitiple colors on one of them, which meant I had to buy 6 different strings of beads to make one bracelet.

So I contacted Kris at this website and she is sending us a couple of bracelet kits at a very reasonable price so Rilyn and I can have some fun Mommy and Me time making exactly what Rilyn wanted!!
She will sell kits to others as well. So get over there and get yourself a fun project for you and your daughter and you will have memories for a lifetime!!
Thanks Kris for helping to make Rilyn's wish come true!!
Invisible Moms
'Invisible' Moms....
One day I was walking my son Jake to school. I was holding his hand and we were about to cross the street when the crossing guard said to him, 'Who is that with you, young fella?'
'Nobody,' he shrugged.
Nobody? The crossing guard and I laughed. My son is only 5, but as we crossed the street I thought, 'Oh my goodness, nobody?'
I would walk into a room and no one would notice. I would say something to my family - like 'Turn the TV down, please' - and nothing would happen. Nobody would get up, or even make a move for the remote. I would stand there for a minute, and then I would say again, a little louder, 'Would someone turn the TV down?' Nothing.
Just the other night my husband and I were out at a party. We'd been there for about three hours and I was ready to leave. I noticed he was talking to a friend from work. So I walked over, and when there was a break in the conversation, I whispered, 'I'm ready to go when you are.' He just kept right on talking.
That's when I started to put all the pieces together. I don't think he can see me. I don't think anyone can see me.
I'm invisible.
It all began to make sense, the blank stares, the lack of response, the way one of the kids will walk into the room while I'm on the phone and ask to be taken to the store. Inside I'm thinking, 'Can't you see I'm on the phone?' Obviously not. No one can see if I'm on the phone, or cooking, or sweeping the floor, or even standing on my head in the corner, because no one can see me at all.
I'm invisible.
Some days I am only a pair of hands, nothing more: Can you fix this? Can you tie this? Can you open this?
Some days I'm not a pair of hands; I'm not even a human being. I'm a clock to ask, 'What time is it?' I'm a satellite guide to answer, 'What number is the Disney Channel?' I'm a car to order, 'Right around 5:30, please.'
I was certain that these were the hands that once held books and the eyes that studied history and the mind that graduated summa cum laude - but now they had disappeared into the peanut butter, never to be seen again.
She's going... she's going... she's gone!
One night, a group of us were having dinner, celebrating the return of a friend from England Janice had just gotten back from a fabulous trip, and she was going on and on about the hotel she stayed in. I was sitting there, looking around at the others all put together so well. It was hard not to compare and feel sorry for myself as I looked down at my out-of-style dress; it was the only thing I could find that was clean. My unwashed hair was pulled up in a banana clip and I was afraid I could actually smell peanut butter in it. I was feeling pretty pathetic, when Janice turned to me with a beautifully wrapped package, and said, 'I brought you this.'
It was a book on the great cathedrals of Europe I wasn't exactly sure why she'd given it to me until I read her inscription: 'To Charlotte , with admiration for the greatness of what you are building when no one sees.'
In the days ahead I would read - no, devour - the book. And I would discover what would become for me, four life-changing truths, after which I could pattern my work:
No one can say who built the great cathedrals - we have no record of their names.
These builders gave their whole lives for a work they would never see finished.
They made great sacrifices and expected no credit.
The passion of their building was fueled by their faith that the eyes of God saw everything.
A legendary story in the book told of a rich man who came to visit the cathedral while it was being built, and he saw a workman carving a tiny bird on the inside of a beam. He was puzzled and asked the man, 'Why are you spending so much time carving that bird into a beam that will covered by the roof? No one will ever see it.' And the workman replied, 'Because God sees.'
I closed the book, feeling the missing piece fall into place. It was almost as if I heard God whispering to me, 'I see you, Charlotte. I see the sacrifices you make every day, even when no one around you does. No act of kindness you've done, no sequin you've sewn on, no cupcake you've baked, is too small for me to notice and smile over. You are building a great cathedral, but you can't see right now what it will become.'
At times, my invisibility feels like an affliction. But it is not a disease that is erasing my life. It is the cure for the disease of my own self-centeredness. It is the antidote to my strong, stubborn pride. I keep the right perspective when I see myself as a great builder. As one of the people who show up at a job that they will never see finished, to work on something that their name will never be on. The writer of the book went so far as today that no cathedrals could ever be built in our lifetime because there are so few people willing to sacrifice to that degree.
When I really think about it, I don't want my son to tell the friend he's bringing home from college for Thanksgiving, 'My mom gets up at 4 in the morning and bakes homemade pies, and then she hand bastes a turkey for three hours and presses all the linens for the table.'
That would mean I'd built a shrine or a monument to myself. I just want him to want to come home. And then, if there is anything more to say to his friend, to add, 'You're gonna love it there.'
As mothers, we are building great cathedrals. We cannot be seen if we're doing it right. And one day, it is very possible that the world will marvel, not only at what we have built, but at the beauty that has been added to the world by the sacrifices of invisible women.
“Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?” I Corinthians 3:16
I posted yesterday below, all about our Halloween in case you missed it.