This morning has been busy. It started with my early walk this morning. The temperature was 22 degrees (F) but surprisingly I felt hot about midway through the walk, probably because I dressed so warmly using double layers. I rushed home pulling into the driveway as Laren was pulling out to go to work.
I got the kids up and out the door to school. This is one of my biggest fete's of the day, really. Some kids awake and get going easier than others. And of course I want my kids to make their beds and pick their rooms up, every morning. It doesn't always happen and it doesn't always/usually happen according to my specifications but it usually gets done. I also make them unload their section of the dishwasher, get dressed and eat breakfast, do their hair and make their lunch if it still needs to be made.
So yes, I get that it is kind of a lot to do for them in the mornings. But there is time, if time is used appropriately to get it all done. I usually have to spend most of my time reminding Kyle, my 7 year old son, to stay on task. He really likes to play around wasting his time away! On mornings like this morning, it was going the rounds with my tween whose hormones are kicking in and she is not very respectful at times.
After getting everyone to school, even a little bit early so Alyssa could set up for the school store, Tyler and I came home to get a bite of breakfast. I had a Visiting Teaching Appointment first thing. But first, I had to take Rilyn the Homemade Bread I made yesterday for her belated Kindergarten Thanksgiving Feast this morning and Kayla her forgotten lunch.
The gal that I visit taught today has her husband away in Iraq. He just left about a month ago. She is dealing with that and getting ready for the holidays. It was nice to catch up on all that is going on with her. I can't help, however, to feel a little sad for her that it must not be easy to have her husband gone at this time of year especially.

During the visit, Tyler told me he had to use the potty. Victory!-- Since we are in the throes of potty training. But when I got him to the bathroom I discovered he already went. I put him on the potty anyway and he did go some more in the toliet. After the visit, we were running late and so I had to change his wet pants and underwear in the van.
Rilyn's Kindergarten had their Thanksgiving Feast today and I wanted to be there for her. The kids had a good time and I did too.
Rilyn (on the right) at her Thanksgiving Feast.
It felt weird to be doing Thanksgiving today. I guess after Thursday, with all the shopping and decorating, I've been in Christmas mode now for almost a week!
Rilyn's class had a substitute teacher for the day, one that I knew from Church. And I had the chance to catch up with some of "my" school friends that I know from helping out in the school. So that was kind of fun.
We got home in time for lunch. Then it was Tyler's nap time, it still is Tyler's nap time but he is in their giggling with Rilyn and not sleeping. He is to that age where he usually naps, but once or twice a week he refuses to.
First of all BRR for your morning walk. I still haven't adjusted to my cold mornings yet. Hopefully tomorrow I will be more willing.
I expect the same thing from my kids in the morning, I also have a few stragglers....
Your Thanksgiving dinner looked great as does your tree. Good luck with potty training. I feel for you--it so hard!
Way to go!! You've gotten so much accomplished...and good job on getting the VT done too. Sometimes it's the first thing to be pushed off when things get busy!
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