After hardly blogging in the last couple of weeks, I'm finding it hard to get my groove back. My Mom just left today, so maybe it will take me a few more days yet?
Last Friday Laren and I went to the Denver Nuggets game. It was good in that they won, but it wasn't a good game because we blew the opponents away -- winning by more than 30 points. But more importantly, Laren and I had a good time and so that was the most important factor!

Pregame Hoopla

Laren and I at the game, in a very blurry self portrait!
On Saturday my Mom and I went to a quilt shop (any quilt shop is one of her favorite places to be) and went to JoAnn's Fabric to pick up a few things. We also stopped at Deseret Book. Then we headed home for the Easter Egg Hunt for my kiddo's.
Laren had spent all morning at baseball tryouts with Kyle (hooray that he is actually able to help drive the kids to their activities now!).

So he met me at the park for the Easter Egg Hunt. There were hordes of kids at the Easter Egg Hunt and Alyssa was disappointed that she only ended up with 1 egg!

We didn't realize until we were at the Easter Egg Hunt that they were having a drawing to give away some free bikes. We entered our kids to win, but we didn't get our hopes up. The drawing was at the very end and amazingly Kyle WON a bike! He was SO excited when they drew his ticket number! And then they showed him the bike he won...

Kyle wouldn't even look at the camera and didn't even want to stand with the pink girl's bike he won initially!
It was a pink, girls bike with a white basket and pink and white streamers. The first thing they asked him was, "Do you have a Sister?" I guess they were implying he could give the bike to his sister. He was in shock and felt disappointed. Then they suggested that we take the bike to Walmart and have them exchange it for a boys bike.
A short while later they drew the last ticket out of the hat and it was a girl who won. They asked her if she wanted the boys bike or the girls bike and thankfully she picked the girl's bike, even though it was a little small for her! Kyle was elated to get the red boys bike instead! It was also a better quality bike from Costco.

Kyle with the red boys bike he won!
Of course Kyle winning the bike added to Alyssa's disappointing day. I consoled her and reminded her that we all get things at different times.
Tyler has a big interest in police cars. So he was excited when a policeman gave him a police badge and offered to show him a police cruiser. Whenever he see's one he will tell me that the police car is going to get the bad guy.
He was happy to get to go and sit in a police car and the officer even turned on the lights and sirens for him. Kyle got off on it too. Rilyn wasn't so sure about it, and hesistated to sit in the back seat.

I'm glad he ended up with the red bike. That had to be a bummer to win a bike and then find out it's pink!!
How fun!!! It's hard when one kid has so much luck and another has no luck at all.
I doubt we'll have an easter egg hunt this year because of too much stinking snow still!
That is definitely a kids dream. How exciting for Kyle!!
I love going to NBA basketball games. I think it's always so interesting watching the crowds.
Well said.
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