Tuesday, June 24, 2008



Warm days and Cool nights

DOg Days of Summer with less of a schedule to keep!

Hearing the laughter of my Children

Planning a getaway to San Francisco with just my Sweetie

Those early morning walks

That hour after my kids go to bed

Weight Watchers Chocolate Fudge Bars

Finding a great bargain on something I've been wanting

Having Girlfriends to empathize with


michelle said...

It sounds like your summer is going well! Isn't it nice to be able to relax with family, and have some fun! I saw the snowman that your going to be making. I wish I was closer, I would love to attend to that class!

Kristine said...

I LOVE that hour right after my kids are in bed. It's one of my favorite times of day. (It rivals the hour or half hour I get in the morning BEFORE they wake up...but that means I have to get up before they do!)

Krista said...

Yeah for summer.

jenny said...

Sounds like you are enjoying your summer. Remember the great weather during the winter we had. Now it's your turn. Enjoy those fabulous cool nights! I am jealous :)