Sunday, June 1, 2008

Summer Norm...

We are still trying to figure out our Summer "Norm"...

We are off to a somewhat disorganized start to summer. I'm hoping to somehow get more accomplished. My kids are already sleeping in and staying up late. We are still adjusting to the shocking news of Sidney's death. I'm exhausted during the week getting up at 5 to exercise from 5:30-6:30 with Laren doing the P90x workouts and walking with my friends for 45 minutes or so each day. It's the lack of sleep and physical exhaustion. But it feels great to discover muscles I didn't know I had, and to use them!!

Laren is working on a waterfall in our backyard. It is time consuming,but starting to take shape. Hopefully we'll get it done this week! Baseball is also taking over our lives, this week we have 2 practices and 2 games. We also have a dinner party this week, and Kayla and Alyssa's piano recital and we are having the missionaries to dinner. I also want to get my kids signed up for the Summer Reading Program at the Library this week.

I have several projects that I need to just get organized and do. It's hard when the house stays a perpetual mess(not disastrous, but just the clutter and sink full of dishes that drive me crazy!) It's hard to let the house be and focus on the projects because of the clutter by having all the kids home.

But I do love having the kids home! They sure are a delightful bunch to be with. Today we worked on Fasting, well really we started it last night. It was Kyle's first time of fasting (he was just baptized last month) and one of the things he fasted for was: not getting hit by the baseball at his games and practice (this is a realistic fear as it is the first year without the pitching machines and these young pitchers do not always have a good aim and he has already gotten hit a few times). His coach actually got hit by a bad pitch at practice on Friday and got a black eye and cut on his cheek, it was bad enough they were going to take him to the Urgent Care just to be checked out.

He got really hungry (he just fasted breakfast), and he wanted to sneak and eat his brother's cereal snack at Church but he was good and just held onto the Corn Chex without eating them. I kept telling him to pray for strength and then when we got home he could say a prayer to break his fast and then he could eat. I was so proud of him!! He did a good job.

And I was a little disappointed when my oldest daughter came in from her Young Women's class with a dinner roll. Apparently they gave it to the girls as a lesson handout. I'm sure it seemed like a good idea, but it was disappointing to see her eating it in Sacrament Meeting when she was supposed to be working on fasting. I asked her about it and she said she "broke her fast so she could eat it"!! Oh my! I encouraged her to quit eating it and save the rest until after Church. Reluctantly she did, but it was not an easy choice!


Julie said...

Fasting is still hard for me ;)

Tomorrow is our first "official" day of summer vacation. I'm trying to do my best to stay calm, but my sister and her family are coming to visit from WI on Friday. So, deep inside I'm frantic, but Greg keeps telling me to let the kids enjoy their first week of summer vacation and not get uptight with them. Easy for him to say, he's in Michigan!!

We're not going to have a summer norm til July probably because we're going to be too busy until then. But it sure is nice to not have homework isn't it?

Denise said...

Oh man, giving them food on fast sunday? Not cool. What a bummer.

We are already slacking on our schedule, too. The kids start swim lessons tomorrow, so that will get us out the door in the mornings at least, but after the two weeks are up, we'll really get lazy. I'm trying to come up with summer projects for them. It's hard not to turn into sloths in summer!

Heidi said...

Fasting is SO hard - and I can't believe the YW would give them dinner rolls! I mean - those ARE hard to resist, especially when you're denying yourself!

Our summers are so hectic & busy, too! "see you" in September! LOL!

michelle said...

I hope that you get the rest you need to get thru this emotional time. It has to be hard.

Fasting is a challenge. The rolls sound yummy, but not a good thing on fast Sunday. Maybe the leader forgot it was fast Sunday? Have a great week! I am trying to get in a scheadual around here too. It is a little challenging, but I am trying! :)

jenny said...

We'll be right behind you in a couple of days with the summer thing. Isn't it amazing how fast they can get accustomed to staying up late and sleeping in?

My heart really goes out to your friends family. That really is so sad.

We struggle each month with our older children fasting as well. They constantly are saying it's not fair that Luke & Weston get to eat. Good luck with the waterfall. Can't wait to see it!

Sorensens said...

I hear ya on the summer norm thing, it is hard to get into a grove and just when you find one school starts up again and you go crazy all over.