Thursday, January 29, 2009

Holding my Breath

Laren's job permanency is being determined by the Utah State Legislature. And currently all of the project's have been reinstated except for his. Here is the link to the article. Oh boy is it ever a roller coaster.

But I do have to say that in this economy, with everything being as bad as it is. I'm glad that Laren is into roads since President Obama seems inclined to improve that sector particularly. And in my opinion, roads are important for commerce. If the roads aren't taken care of , it takes a toll on pretty much anyone who works outside of the their homes. We all get frustrated by not being able to get from point A to point B in a reasonable amount of time.

Laren seems optimistic about his job. I am hopefully optimistic too, despite hearing that all of the roadway jobs in the state have been refunded except for his! Here's to HOPE!!

Monday, January 26, 2009


I have long had the goal to get my abs in shape, especially after having 5 babies. But I've never done it. So along with my treadmill workout, I've been adding some abs in. I'm not really bold enough to make a committment and say this is the year. And I definitely won't be posting a before picture. If I do a good job, I may be brave enough to post an after picture but I doubt it. I can say I'm more motivated than ever. And I have done more than I usually do with them this year.

I actually asked my husband for one of these gizmo's for Christmas this year. And I love it! It's great if you have weak lower back muscles and need that extra little umph when coming up out of your situps, like I do.

And most recently I came upon this great pilates ab workout from the But be forewarned, it is much harder than it looks. I'm hoping to incorporate this workout into my routine too.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Christmas Cards -

I just wanted to let our friends know that we are pathetic on the Christmas Card front this year. We didn't get them out due to our move. But we loved each and every one that we received! Thank you so much for thinking of us and next year we will not disappoint!

PS LeAnn C - it was so great to see you blogging. Please email me so I can get permissions on your blog! :) livingston 93 AT hotmail DOT com

Some Random Thoughts

*I'm really hoping this fogginess in Utah County lifts soon. You really can't beat the Colorado Sunshine!

*I loved the dress that Michelle Obama wore to the Inauguration Ball (s). Although, as my daughters have pointed out, it is not modest. So it would need sleeves if any of us wore it. But it was beautiful and I love that she chose a lesser known designer.

*I found this cute little desk at DI and gave it a coat of paint in the color my daughters' requested. I think it was a great find and it is perfect for their bedroom!

*I am sure loving our new washer and dryer and not just for the convenience they provide - front-loaders are much better than the old top loaders! And how sweet it is that we got this set for only $899! And thanks to my handsome Hubby for installing them and making them purr :)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration Day

Inauguration Day

I did not vote for Obama - mainly because of his views on issues like Partial Birth Abortion, I take huge issue with things like that. But, I like Obama. He is smart, level-headed, he doesn't rush to judgement. He has not come from wealth or prosperity. He has had to work for everything. He is a hard worker and I believe he is going to do his level best to do what he can to help the economy. He acknowledged that his administration "WILL make mistakes".

He seems humble to me. He is crazy enough to house his MIL in the White House! lol He is a family man. Religously he is different than me. But then again I don't know what kind of views I would have had I not been born into the gospel. I am happy and excited for our Country and having Obama for President. I think for as much flack as he has gotten by the right, I think he will surprise many for the good when it is all said and done. Even if I didn't feel this way, what is done is done, and like it (for me) or not - he IS our President.

I feel optimistic about him as our President! I am actually glad he won!! A year ago, there was NO way I would have ever thought I could say that. But, I have since opened my mind and my heart. And - I'm not saying this to intentionally oppose nor agree with anyone. It's just my thoughts. And a little side note - Obama is a lefty like my dh and he has the same build as well, and if nothing else, how could I not like that about him. I enjoyed watching the ceremonies today. And I'm looking forward to some positive changes for our country. I'm also really hoping he puts a lot of economic stimulus money into roadway design since that is our bread and butter! LOL

I am optimistic about the future of America. I remember back in August Laren and I toured the Pepsi Center in Denver right before the Democratic National Convention took place. I had a strong feeling at that time that Barack Obama would be our next President.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Our new house and some adjusting.

Some of you have asked for pictures. It's nothing special but it is to us, because it's the place where we can be together as a family. It is our house that we are renting while we wait for our house in Colorado to sell. My two oldest don't like having to share a bedroom. Well, I think Alyssa, our second oldest, secretly likes it while Kayla despises it.

The family room/study/gym. (Notice the multiple functions this room serves as - with my treadmill, our computer and our tv and bookcase in there! It is also our spare bedroom as that couch is a hide-a-bed and recently hosted my brother for a night there.)

The huge backyard with my boys playing there. And we love this view of the mountains!

We are still getting settled both physically and emotionally. Most of the kids are adjusting well. But Kayla, 12, is having a particularly hard adjustment with being in Jr. High and everything. I won't share the details but let's just say it's been a long week. Very long!
We have pretty much unpacked everything that we are going to unpack for now, until it's time to pull out our summer clothes! LOL There is just not room in this house to unpack everything. It is actually kind of nice to have a simpler lifestyle with fewer things to have around cluttering it up!

We got our dishwasher installed last night and I can't tell you how joyful it was to have one of those for the first time since our move here! My kids were especially joyous, since they are primarily the ones who do the dishes around here.

Additionally we left our washer and dryer in Colorado, and we ordered a new Washer and Dryer about 2 months ago and it's been on backorder and it's finally supposed to come in tomorrow. I could not be happier about that because I have reluctantly made friends with a couple of laundromats nearby and let's say I don't like them so well and I would rather befriend my own set, in my own house! ;)

Also, I have discovered the local library and I'm enjoying some great books. Most of what I am reading right now is LDS non-fiction. Stuff I like to read, but couldn't read it without buying it when I lived outside of the Beehive State. I'm enjoying reading without having to invest in the book!

Finally, today I'm so excited that Nienie (Stephanie Nielsen) is back to posting on her own blog. You must go and read her first post back, posted today! It was like a ray of sunshine in this smog-covered valley this morning. Go and check her out!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Favorite Thing

One of my new favorite things:

I recently was watching an episode of the M and J Show on Fox. And they had a guy on that had lost a ton of weight (like half his body weight or something). When asked how he did it, his response was not getting surgery like so many do these days. And for the record, I believe that surgery has a place and I have a friend whom I love who had that surgery and it has turned her life around completely!

But when asked how this young man lost his weight he replied that he invested in a George Foreman Grill and started eating grilled chicken, turkey, veggies and even buffalo (it is supposed to have a low fat content).

The George Foreman Grill--and it's even in RED!

His main emphasis was on eating right. He didn't follow a "diet plan" other than just eating healthy, portion control and not snacking unhealthily. His results were amazing!

I feel that I have been in my own slump, eating/weight wise. And so after thinking about it for a few days I decided to bite the bullet and try out a George Foreman Grill. More than anything, I need variety in my healthy eating.

My dinner last night, along with a piece of no fat cornbread.

As a result, I've been having lots of this

for dinner and veggie sandwiches for lunch. And it's especially nice when I make something like this:

for my family (notice the cheese), that I have something else to eat that is appetizing and healthy!

And I recommend the Sunflower Market for a great place to buy great veggies and produce at great prices with lots of variety. [And most of their stuff is organic.] In Colorado there is one near Deseret Book in Littleton and other places too; and in Utah there is one in Orem and Murray (I believe).

Additonally, another thing about the grill is that it is also a waffle maker and has a shallow pan insert too, so you can make eggs, etc... in it--including pizza! I have used this thing almost every day since I bought it.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Nienie Benefit Concert

Here is a great fundraiser for Stephanie and Christian Nielsen.

Nie Nie and her beloved Mr. Nielson are currently recovering from critical burns sustained in an airplane crash August 16, 2008.

Everyone PLEASE come and give your support to this wonderful family in need!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Poking my head out of the hole...

Some Random Thoughts Since our Move:

I just wanted to post and say that we made it here safely. I cannot believe I went so long without blogging. Oddly, I haven't thought much about blogging in the recent busy weeks. Or maybe that isn't so odd?! Hmmm.

We are here and getting settled. The three middle children started school on Monday. Kayla, the oldest, starts school next Monday because they are doing testing this week here. Finals, to be exact. In Colorado, we had finals before Christmas break. So this is a little unusual for us. Tonight is Kayla's first night at YW in the new ward. She was so nervous to go, so I'm praying she has a good time!

The weather here has primarily been cold and snowy. We have about 1.5 - 2 feet of snow in the yard. It's crazy! But my kids have enjoyed sledding and playing in it. We live at the end of a Cul-d-sac and I'm converted to this way of life! I love being able to let my kids, including and particularly the youngest ones, wander in and out without fear of them running right into the street. And I love the huge, triangle shaped yard!

I love being with Laren again and having us all together. I love that Laren actually gets home about 10 minutes or so after he leaves the office! In Colorado, it took him nearly an hour to get home after work.

We have a Church just a half a block away from us, but that is a different Stake. So we attend one down the street and around the corner and around another corner - like maybe 5 or 6 blocks, way too far away! Ha ha!!

I've gotten lost way too many times already, even with the Garmin. Apparently, these small neighborhood streets are just too hard for a college educated mother of 5 to navigate!! I'm getting used to parking out nearly to the main street every time I go to Walmart or Costco. And Colorado has never seen a long line compared to Utah. It's crazy!!! But, I love having lots of kids around here for my kids to play with; and to think we had a lot on our street in Colorado!

So far we are liking it, but it is not without lots of adjustments, including this small, but sufficient-sized house. I'm still missing so many things, so I'm just relenting and replacing some of the less-expensive things, either that or just accepting it and trying not to be frustrated!

My kids say school is a lot easier over here. They cannot believe how easy their homework is and how little time it takes them to do it, but we are not complaining!! ;)