1. Autumn is my favorite season. But I love ALL seasons. I like the change in weather.
2. I like to hear and feel the Autumn leaves crunch beneath my feet.
3. I love to hear the silence of a snowy winter.
4. I like the sound of birds chirping and a soft breeze blowing on a hot summer day.
5. I am a people person.
6. I like to stay informed by reading the newspaper or watching the news.
7. I am not a movie watcher, except for chick flicks.
8. I don’t watch much tv either, though I try to watch Oprah when I can.
9. When I was little I always dreamed of being a Wife and Mom. It was my dream job, and still is but sometimes I wonder why I am not enjoying it more.
10. I like to find solutions to problems rather than wallowing in them for more than a short time.
11. I went to Ricks College and graduated with my AA degree in Communications.
12. I went to Eastern Washington University in Cheney Washington where I met my future husband at the Institute and it was there that I switched my major to Education.
13. I graduated from BYU with my degree in Elementary Ed. in August of 1996.
14. Education is important to me (and my husband), we want our kids to have a positive educational experience and it is important to us that they go to a good school and have good teachers.
15. I like “Classic” looking clothes instead of all the trendy ones. Though, on occasion a trend or two can be nice!!
16. I don’t like to spend too much money, but I do like to shop.
17. Walmart is a necessary evil for me.
18. Kohls, Costco, Target and Bath & Body Works are some of my favorite stores.
19. I get cold easily.
20. I like pretty packages.
21. I like my home decorated and the walls painted something other than white!
22. I love bargains.
23. I love pizza.
24. I used to weigh 35 lbs. heavier and lost that weight 1 ½ years ago.
25. When I eat things I shouldn’t early in the day, I will often times make up for it by eating oatmeal at dinner.
26. Since I lost weight, I like my wonderbra!
27. I played the flute from 5th-10th grades.
28. I like watching sports including football, basketball, baseball, hockey, The Olympics and Rodeo’s. (Though I seldom find the occasion to watch).
29. I grew up in Northwestern Montana, in a small town named Libby.
30. I come from a blended family of 10 kids, I fall in at number nine.
31. I am the youngest daughter in my family and I live close to one of my sisters who also lives here in Colorado.
32. I like a clean house.
33. With 5 kids, laundry adds up faster than I like it to!
34. I LOVE things that smell good, like Wallflowers from B & BW.
35. I like to cross country ski.
36. Exercise makes me feel good.
37. I like cookies.
38. I love to eat at Cinzetti’s (an Italian Buffet here in Denver).
39. I do not like icy roads!
40. We are moving into a new house sometime this week.
41. I like a grassy yard (after living in AZ, I didn’t take the grass for granted anymore).
42. I love Pine Trees.
43. I love mountains.
44. I like to garden.
45. I love beautiful flowers, especially Orchids and Daisies.
46. I like foot rubs with no strings attached!
47. I like Toyota’s.
48. I’ve always claimed blue as my favorite color, but in truth it is probably green like a sagey green since more often I choose the color green for things than any other color.
49. I like debit cards.
50. I enjoy listening to my husband about his work.
51. I like talking to my husband.
52. I love taking long, hot baths!
53. I don’t like talking on the phone for long periods of time.
54. I like jewelry.
55. I am a big time safety nut, especially for my little almost 2 year old who is very accident prone at the moment!
56. I like looking at old barns and fields.
57. I love long walks – alone, with my husband, or with my whole family.
58. I like bike rides.
59. Spelling things correctly without having to use spell check is a big deal to me.
60. I wish I were better at grammar.
61. I’m not much good at math.
62. Jelly Belly jellybeans are one of my favorite treats.
63. When I get into a project, I can’t stop until I’m done.
64. I like candles.
65. I like to help out in my kids’ classes.
66. I have lived in Montana, Idaho, Washington, Arizona and Colorado.
67. My dh and I have a dream to invent some things someday.
68. I like to associate with people who inspire me.
69. I hope to someday visit Washington DC and tour all the great historical sites there.
70. I also have long had a dream to visit the New England States in Autumn.
71. I would like to go on a Church History tour.
72. I LOVE my 20/10 vision since having had LASIK in September of this past year.
73. I like my new Kenmore Canister Vacuum cleaner, it makes vacuuming pleasant.
74. I hope my husband and I can serve 5 missions for the church someday, one for each one of our 5 children.
75. I’m not a high maintenance person, but I don’t consider myself low maintenance either.
76. I like trivia. And I used to love to watch game shows when I was young.
77. I think it would be fun to travel the world and visit different cultures.
78. I like squeals of laughter from my children.
79. I like to make my husband and children happy by helping to meet their daily needs.
80. I like to browse magazines…and I stock People magazine in the grocery store while waiting in line but I never buy it.
81. My Piriformis muscle gives me grief and flares up from time to time, like it has been lately (it runs down the back of the leg from the spine through the hip and down).
82. I like the beauty of uncomfortable shoes more than I enjoy the comfort of comfortable ones.
83. I love to “people watch.”
84. I like to go on roadtrips with my family.
85. I like to go on dates with my husband.
86. I like to tour model homes to look at floor plans and decorating ideas.
87. I like to chew gum.
88. I like sweet things.
89. I like ribbon.
90. I chew my finger nails to get them 'even' when I don’t have a nail file with me, which is almost always.
91. I’m about 5’3” (give or take).
92. I like to dance, though my husband doesn't like it so much.
93. I like to look at sunsets with my husband or look for the rainbow after a rain with my kids.
94. I like music, particularly top 40 and country.
95. I like books and reading though I haven’t taken the time to do much of it lately.
96. I love Plays and especially love Musicals, the last one I saw was Mama Mia with my sister, Kallie and it was a lot of fun! Gotta love Abba!
97. I like to do the hardest tasks first, saving the easier ones for last.
98. When, I do watch TV I always mute the commercials.
99. Our family enjoys camping in the summer.
100. I’ve never had a professional massage, but I want one!