And I REALLY need to get my act together and get a plan for my days and weeks. Yes, we are still moving in but it is time to get my day back to a regular schedule. I really need some consistency of my own rather than just running my kids to and from school.
This week basketball is supposed to start for my son, I'm semi-lined up to start helping in Alyssa's class. I have a doctors appointment and a few other obligations.
Slowly the house is getting put together. I got all of the hardwood floors and bathroom floors cleaned this week, finally. Last night Laren got the double ovens in. I helped him hoist them up after he got everything connected, and boy are they heavy!! I have to say though I really like the stainless steel with the cherry finish, it looks sharp!
Yesterday we also got our bed put up on it's bedframe and our armoire, bookcase and entertainment center secured to the wall so my precocious almost two-year old will be safe around the furniture. Speaking of my ALMOST two year old, his birthday is on Tuesday and I'm SAD that my BABY will not be a baby any longer!!! I cannot believe how fast he is growing up!
Today, we got 8 more inches of snow and it is still snowing. Laren spent part of his day shoveling us out, again, and meeting some more of the neighbors who all seem to be nice. We ended up staying home from Church because of all the snow. We just switched to an afternoon schedule with the move. Laren had been Ward Clerk in our old ward up until today so he went to be released and to help train the new guy, who incidentally had been serving as an assistant financial clerk. So, thankfully, the long hours of training will be lessened since he already knows much of what is to be done.
My kids are rather hyper. I think it is from being house-bound and the weather. It will be nice to get them back in school tomorrow (if they have school because of the weather).
So, my goals for this week: Get the Study organized and set up.
Pay the bills.
Have Heidi over for lunch.
Have Sarah over for lunch.
Help out in Alyssa's class.
I need to add a "get organized" section to my blog... that way I will have to be more responsible, right? LOL
sounds like you have a full week. Good luck with all the tasks. I commend you for putting your son in baseball, I couldn't deal with the two times a week practice and games. I haven't gotten enough courage for that one yet :)
I'm glad you're getting settled in. You sound good. I can't believe you guys got another 8 inches of snow! Holy Cow. We only got an inch or two over the weekend and aren't supposed to see another storm for 9 days. Crazy.
Jill, they said on the radio this morning that we are looking at another "regional" storm by Saturday! I'll send it your way, okay?!!!
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