So, I think I've mentioned how we've gotten a lot of Snow and Cold in Denver this Winter, so far. Here are a few pictures, keep in mind it hasn't snowed here in about a week and last time it was just a few inches. We have now had snow on the ground for more than a month. In fact, to be precise, it's been a month and 2 days that we've had snow on the ground.
This is what it looks like down our street. Most of the secondary roads are snowpacked and icy. They have been this way for a month now.
This is what it looks like out our front door and acrossed the street. Keep in mind we have had some time for melting to occur. We haven't had tons of melting because we've had a whole lot of cold. But on days like today, where we are up in the high 20's for a high that snow does start to melt. I'd say overall a good foot of it has already melted in the past few weeks overall. And then we've added some here and there.
This is what it looks like up our street. I don't know if it helps or hurts to know that more snow is on it's way. We are supposed to get up to 6 inches more this weekend!! I guess, ultimately I 'm okay with the snow. I actually enjoy it and LOVE to watch it fall from the sky inside a cozy house sipping hot chocolate or warm apple cider. I also enjoy catching snowflakes in my mouth while standing outside in it.
But what I do not enjoy is the LOW temperatures that we've been getting. I get cold easy and below zero and the single digits and the teens are just TOO cold for me!! I have noticed that there is a BIG difference between 10 degrees above and that that is almost tolerable. But below 10 degrees it is FRIGID feeling!! It is similar to me as when we lived in Mesa, AZ and the difference it felt like over 100 degrees (above zero!), and how that was intolerable. If it was 115, it might as well have been 105 or 125 because it all felt HOT.
I do enjoy tracking the weather. It is one of my favorite parts about the "news." And so for Christmas my husband got me this home weather station at Costco. I am loving it. I love to check the high and low temp for the day at MY house and compare it to the highs and lows recorded by the news at DIA (Denver International Airport). It tells us all sorts of interesting things like if rain or snow is on the way or if it will be a clear night, the barometric pressure and much more.
So, I'm happy we are getting snow. We need the moisture to end this drought and it is pretty to look at and fun to play in. But it's the bitter cold that needs to stop! They are saying we will be mid 40's by the middle of next week. Oh, how I'm hoping that will be the case but it has a funny way of changing as we get closer to the actual date!
That's a lot of snow! We usually get it here but so far it's just a light dusting here and there and cold!
Those houses are nice but everyone seems so close together, but I'm out in the country where my neighbor is 50-75 feet on either side of! What are your lot sizes out there?
Can't wait to see more inside pics!
V, our lot size is a little more than 1/5th of an acre (.207 acres). So yes, it is SMALL compared to your 1 acre. But, actually these are "large" lots for the city!!!
Kari, Thanks for posting these pictures! Amazing with all that snow--and more on the way. Ugh. I am like you about the cold. I like how beautiful, but if it could just be the right tempature to enjoy it! I also enjoyed seeing what your neighborhood looks like. Look forward to the rest of the house pictures sometime!
Wow snow...looks fun...but cold too! (We'll never see any of it here on the we feel a little envious when we see great snow photos!)
Holy crap that's a lot of snow! We've hardly had any and that seems weird to me. I'm glad you took so many pictures, it's cool to see what life is like for you in Denver.
I love it!!! We had some beautiful snow this morning, i was dying to go out and take pictures of it, but we had to go to church, dang it!!!
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