First Day of School

Yesterday was the first day of school for Kayla, Alyssa and Kyle. Kindergarten starts later next week and then Rilyn will start. We were all a little nervous the first day, new teachers, new routine, new classmates but it seemed to have turned out really well.
Kyle, who is a boy of few words, said after school that, "I have the best teacher I've ever had!" Very nice.
We need that. After a few less than stellar teachers for him, we really needed this I just hope it keeps being good.
Alyssa, my social one, was a little bugged by the fact that one of her dearest friends was not in her class and that there are only 8 girls (including her) in her class.
But she has a great teacher and so we are excited about that!
Kayla's year will be an interesting one, I think.
Many of the kids she went to school with last year opted to attend the Middle School instead of the Elementary and this year will be the last year 6th grade can be in the Elementary here, after that it will always be in the Middle School. So she is having to go about making new friends and is having a completely new experience.
We opted to keep her in Elementary because well, Middle School can be just scary! And also I needed things to be a little easier on me since I take them all and drop them off and pick them up and with Rilyn being in Kindergarten this year, it amounts to a lot of running around for me. And I'm not too sure I want my Middle Schooler on a bus with no supervision. I've heard horror stories about that.
Anyway, here's hoping for a great school year! We are excited and I actually felt productive yesterday. That is hard to accomplish when I have all 5 kids at home underfoot because just after we get the house clean it somehow manages to get messed up again. I don't deal well with a messy house, it makes me feel paralyzed and I seem to get nothing else accomplished!
Your school looks so nice! I think I may have opted the elementary thing as well. I guess lucky for us we will still get one more year of elementary after we move (AZ goes thru 6th grade) Texas on the other hand is middle school in 6th grade.
They all look so cute and eager! And I don't blame you one bit for holding Kayla back. Our neighbor who was seriously THE BEST girl in the world did a complete about face when she entered Middle School and has suddently turned into a popular teen with attitude. I think I'd keep them young as long as possible. :-)
That's a huge school! Wow. How does it work that you get to choose which school to attend? I don't get that one.
Cute cute kids! What a relief to have the house cleaner and quieter for awhile. I'm so looking forward to school starting, for that reason!!
Great to get back into the routine again. Jenna starts back tomorrow but it will be a gradual transition during the weeks so I really don't have too much time to myself. I really need to get onto some projects I have put off too.
Your kids look darling! It sounds like their first day back was a success!
I always remember my mom taking the 1st day of school photo too!! I am glad your kids lucked out with some good teachers. Unfortunately there are teachers out there that you think "how did you get into this profession?"
Brooklyn has a late bday so she doesnt start school until next year. I am so nervous.
Glad their first day went well. they look so cute. I think I would have kept with the elemenaary routine too. 6th grade here is in middle school and that will be a little scary next year.
Ahhh! They all look so stylish and scholarly :)
So cute! I can't believe how much Alyssa looks like you in that picture. They are adorable!
Look great! It's a nice feeling when they go!
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