First Day
Rilyn, first day of Kindergarten.
As I look back through my years of school, I don't think I can recall a specific first day but I do have "blanket" type memories of the beginning of the new school year. The new clothes were always one of my favorite things.
Of course we were poor and so many years it meant a new pair of shoes and me wearing whatever clothes my Mom sewed for us. I will never forget the dark green corderoy jumper dress my Mom made for me in Second Grade. It had "I Love School" painted on the front.
Me in first grade. This outfit was not homemade.
Part of why I loved that dress was because of what it said on it. I truly did love school. I always looked forward to not only the new clothes, but the new school supplies, a regular routine again, and the crisp air of Autumn.
I liked learning new things and thrived at being a student. I looked forward to football season in the Fall and that sort of thing.
With all of my firsts, I now look upon my very own daughter, Rilyn, she's my 4th child and I still keep looking at her amazed that she is already old enough for school. But she is and yesterday was her first day.
She is so excited to be a "Big" Kid now!! I'm so happy for her. I think it's because I know so many good things and experiences are in her future and because I've been down the road 3 times before that I didn't get sad or teary yesterday. While standing there with all the other Kindergarten Mom's and Dad's my eyes scanned acrossed the crowd and I noticed one Mom who was quite teary. My first thought was, "What is she crying for?" And then it dawned on me that this is probably new territory for her and she is sad to see the previous season of her child's life pass.
It reminded me that everyone has a first time for everything and for my daughter this is her FIRST experience (aside from preschool) at school.
And though everyone experiences school in their own way, I look forward to it for her because it was always such a positive thing for me and I'm hoping it is for her too!
Rilyn looks exactly like you! when you look at the picture from you in 1st grade and Rilyn I can see that you cloned yourself! Adorable!
I don't know who anonymous is, but I was just going to say the same thing. Holy cow, the resemblance is striking between those pictures!
I, too, was more happy than teary this year when my daughter started first grade. But when my youngest goes, I think I might have a little harder time again, just like I did when my oldest went.
That is awesome! Congratulations Rilyn!
I never ever liked school, no fond memories of the first day from Kinder on. But my kids LOVE it! I am so happy for their enthusiasm because it makes disguising my own anxiety easier. I think your tear streaked mom would be a scary thing to see on the first day. I'd be wondering "why is she sending me off to something that makes her cry?"
I can't believe how much she looks like you. She is so gorgeous.
Kari, sorry about the last post. I have had trouble loading your blog page but hopefully that is fixed. I LOVED the picture of you as a child--so very cute. And fun to see Rilyn taking the big step. Hard to believe you only have one at home.
I can't believe how much you guys resemble one another. So cute. I am glad she had a good day. We finally got to our first day today!
Ahhh you two are suck cuties!
You two are twins! What a cutie! Mine starts tomorrow, eek! :)
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