An aspen tree.
Some Marguerite Daisies that are still undergoing some shock from being transplanted.
A hanging pot at the front of our house. I got those Azaleas at Lowe's for $1 each! When they quit blooming in the hanging pots, I will plant them in the backyard. They are perennials.
However, most of my plants still look like the above picture, just plain dirt! Most of what I've planted has been in bulb form. I can't believe how many plants they sell in bulb form, even daylillies! Here's hoping they all come up this spring, summer and fall!
I've been trying to take advantage of the warmth and get my planting done.
Laren is working on a drip irrigation system for all of my plants, as well as an outdoor lighting system. And we're hoping to put a fountain/waterfall in a corner in our backyard if it all works out. All of this stuff takes (just like everything else) time and money.
Alyssa right before the talent show. She is lined up next to a boy in her class at school and church.
Tyler, me, and Alyssa getting a self portrait after the talent show. I still haven't mastered the art of self portraits!
My kids had the Spring Fling Carnival at their school on Saturday. They had a good time and were pleased with the whole cakes and pies they won at the "Cupcake Walk."
Kyle with the muffins he won in the cupcake walk.
Also, we are getting ready for Kyle's baptism later this week as well. And I've been getting all sorts of permission slips from my kids for end of the year fieldtrips! I can't believe the school year is already winding down!
And we've also been working on planning a family vacation this summer to Nauvoo. Hopefully gas prices won't get any crazier (yeah, Right!) so we don't blow the budget on gas!
Additionally, we've been getting together a lot, it seems, with friends. Over the past 2 weekends, we went out to dinner with another couple, hosted a dinner party, and had our friends the Wardell's over from Highlands Ranch.
Ben and Karla and Baby JoJo
The Wardell's are leaving for Hawaii in a month or so for a year and a half!
He is taking a temporary job transfer through work.
Alyssa and Elissa. Our second oldest daughter and their oldest daughter have the same name, including middle names (just spelled a little different). We didn't even know each other when either of these children were born!
Laren and Ben work together and we were all in the same ward when we first moved here to Denver, 6 years ago. Wow, I can't believe we've already been here 6 years.