I was so worried not only about the separation but of my baby boy's well-being after delivery. Thankfully I had gotten a steroid shot the week before to help develop his lungs. But, the doctor wanted me to be prepared and told me that boys tend to do worse, breathing wise, when they are born early compared to girls.
I had called Laren home from work around 6pm. He got home and we threw some last minute things together and went to the hospital, arriving around 6:50pm. I was dilated to a 5 and 60% effaced and contracting ever 2-3 minutes. I had already lost most of my mucous plug. Dr. Tutt was my doctor, but Dr. Beck was on call.
He got called away from his daughter's Sweet Sixteen party to do the delivery. After checking me out and the baby-- he made the difficult decision to deliver the baby there, at Mesa Lutheran.
About an hour later our little Kyle was born weighing in at 6 lbs. 1.5 oz. and 21 inches long. He was born at 34 weeks old and was miraculously super healthy! He didn't even need any oxygen! That was a Friday night and Kyle and I both left the hospital together the following Monday morning! We stayed an extra day just as a precautionary measure due to his preterm birth.
It has been a great 8 years so far! Kyle is a very intelligent and conscientious boy. He is friendly and happy! He is a good brother and obedient. We feel so blessed to have him in our family!!
Happy Birthday Kyle!
I feel so blessed to be your Mom!
Happy Birthday Kyle! That cupcake cake is so cute!
Happy Birthday, Kyle. And congrats to you, Kari.
What an adventure!
WOW! What a great story! Happy birthday Kyle!!!
Happy Birthday to one very special boy and a handsome one too!
Yowzers that was quite a beginning to life. Glad he was healthy after all that. Happy Birthday Kyle!! Such a cutie.
Wow, what a crazy story. But what a miracle he was so healthy and happy!
Here's to a happy birthday to one handsome fella!
Wow! That's a great story! He was a HUGE 34 weeker! A total blessing, I'm sure.
I was on bedrest with my last and it was miserable. But it worked and Henry only came 10 days early. And I was induced.
It was fun to hear from you. I love to hear from new people and get a chance to read their blogs.
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