Kathleen Kennedy and Frank Marshall, big time movie producers.

Larry Gatlin, a country music singer.

L. Tom Perry, apostle.
These individuals come from very different walks of life, but they all share one thing in common, what is it?
The Answer is:
That these guys are all my brush with fame!
When I was a teenager I babysat for Kathleen Kennedy and Frank Marshall. They were producing the Movie Always that filmed in my small Northwestern Montana town growing up. And I babysat for them, it was the day of their little boy's birthday even.
They rented a house in town, just a couple blocks from my own home. It was an old, Victorian style home. I remember the kitchen being filled with helium balloons with stars on them as part of the birthday celebration. Their little boy was only about 2 years old at the time! They paid fairly well, but not as well as I would have expected! But when your used to making $1 per hour (the going rate at the time), $3 per hour was acceptable!! :)
Larry Gatlin and the Gatlin Brothers performed at my High School when I was a Junior. It was for Nordicfest, a local celebration the town holds every year. I was a varsity cheerleader and we happened to be the act right before them. When they came on stage, after waving to the crowd, Larry Gatlin thanked us and grabbed me and while kissing me on the cheek bent me backwards over his leg as if we were dancing. He also gave me an autographed picture. All of my fellow cheerleaders were swooning for him, but he kissed me! Of course it's no big deal now, but it's a fun memory!
And I met L. Tom Perry at an area Youth Conference in Missoula, Montana. My older brother Mike had brought my brother Charles and I along with him for a photo shoot of some wildlife at a wildlife refuge nearby. And while we were there, Charles and I attended the meeting where L. Tom Perry spoke. At the end, I got to say "hi" to him and shake his hand. That was a special thing.
They all sing the praises of motherhood? I dunno...
(looks like you've got a spammer):(
I have no clue what they might have in commone! I'm very curious to know.
I think I know but I am going to reserve my answer.
Hmmm...are you related to all of them?????
Do they all have a common ancestor? (And I don't mean Adam and Eve, lol)
Glad you didn't make us wait any longer...I was trying to google them all together to figure out what it could be!
I would have had no idea what they were all linked with, but how cool!!
And score on the equal exchange. I need to check out Craigslist for more things!! (We just posted our house on there, hopefully that will get us some traffic)
What is with all the deleted comments? I didn't have to guess because I read at the end of the post. Cheater!, I know! Anyhow, it was neat to find out some things I never knew about you!
Krista, those deleted comments were from Spammers!!
Hey, cool... I have my own connection to the movie "Always", meaning I know the guy who played the french horn solo (he also plays the theme song for Dallas). LOL That's my one and only claim to fame. Yours is way more impressive! A kiss from a Gatlin? Woohoo!
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