In counting my blessings, today I added the following two.

First, this little guy was saved from drowning in a pond while I was visit teaching. He went out into her backyard with a friend, and unbeknownced to me there was a pond there. I was worried from the beginning about his safety, especially once he was outside and out of earshot. This guy is H-E double toothpicks on wheels.
So, after I couldn't hear them for about 10 minutes I interrupt my visit teachee mid-sentence and tell her I must check on the boys. She is muttering something about not looking at her messy house, my only focus was on my son. As I approach the sliding glass door I see the other boy, but not my Tyler. Then I see him. He is drenched, head to water-filled shoes. In a panic, I run to him and immediately see the pond where he got soaked.
I still do not know exactly how it happened, but he said he was reaching for a rock. I suspect he just fell head first into the water. He had a gash on his head and a big red mark on his right shoulder and 2 big red marks on his back. Poor guy, he was freezing despite our warm 78 degree day today here in Denver, in mid November no less!!
I count it as a great blessing that he didn't drowned by getting knocked unconscious by a rock on his way into the water. His friend didn't seem concerned at all about Tyler falling into the water. I don't think he had any intentions of letting us know. But, what can you expect from a 3 year old? After the incident, I took Tyler's clothes off and wrapped him in a borrowed, much-oversized robe. We came home and I put him in the bath. I think I remember her saying her teenager had a dead fish in that pond, ewwww!

And the second blessing of the day came tonight. We are Black Friday shoppers, much to Laren's aversion to it. I had read late last week that one of the best deals this year on Black Friday would be a Kenmore Front Loading washer/dryer pair for $599.
So I researched it and I found a "pre-black Friday Sale" at Sears on a great front loading Samsung washer/dryer pair on sale on Saturday for $899.00 at Sears. It was a much better model than the Kenmore set. And, as luck would have it, our current washer/dryer is 13 years old and have been threatening going out for the past few months.
The only problem was the sale was on Sunday only, a day we don't shop. So, we found a kind sales clerk who made it work for us and we didn't find out until tonight that we got what we wanted - only better! They sold out of the Samsung model that was on sale so they are going to upgrade us to the Samsung model with ionization or the #1 ranked LG model.
oh my goodness, how scary for your little guy! i am glad to hear he is okay though!
i wish i had my own washer & dryer! i'm so jealous... one day (hopefully soon!) i will have my own. and it will be glorious! :D
First off, that is just fantastic about the washer and dryer!
And secondly, I'm SO glad Tyler is okay!!! That is terribly scary.
So glad Tyler is OK. Great job on the washer/dryer find, you'll smile about the deal every time you do wash.
Kari! Way to listen to the Spirit! I'm so glad your ds is well and only just a little bruised.
I'm envious of your second blessing. Great deal!!!
So glad to hear that your little boy was OK! HOW scary.
I really want that washer and dryer. Michelle M has the same kind.
Yes that is my house that is on my blog.
That is scary. It is exactly how bad things happen. I am glad it worked out okay in the end. And wonderful about the W/D! I have front loading ones (that is all they have in Europe) but mine are so small and I have to do more loads.
Sorry I missed your birthday. Happy Day you were born, my dear friend Kari! I hope you enjoy all your blessings this year to the fullest!
what a scary situation... so sorry to hear that. oh and awesome find on those deals... You are a bargain shopper for sure!
Oh my gosh! How scary! I'm so glad he's okay. Poor guy.
You totally scored on the washer/dryer. Lucky!
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