My Sister, who is also trying to sell her house to move out of state, sold her house over the weekend! I'm so happy for her. A little depressed for myself. But I am glad to know that there are houses selling out there in this terrible economy!
It's Monday and after my kids being, well kids - for the sake of terms that I probably shouldn't call them, I woke up this morning after a bad nights sleep to a messy house. That is usually my welcome to a new week, even though I always hope for more! And the cherry on top was my unwelcome monthly visitor arriving to herald in this new week too. She chose to present herself on a day I chose to wear my whitest of whites. Lovely.
So, I'm turning this week around! My house is almost put back together. I need to mop still. And I have a major trip to the Goodwill planned to get rid of all the excess stuff I am getting rid of after going through my basement clutter over the weekend. Speaking of the weekend, I did manage to read a good parenting book while I referreed the kids yesterday. It is called Screamfree Parenting. I'm hoping it sinks in by osmosis! My kids are hoping too.
that good news about your sister .
So how long has your house been for sell?
good luck, I hope your house sells soon.
Every Monday is house pick up for me . My house gets to messy over the weekend.
Donna - it's been for sale almost 2 months.
Your home is beautiful I'm sure the right person will come to buy it any day:)
I am amazed at how messy my house can get. I feel like I am picking up/cleaning all the time. On Sat. I usually do a major pick up of the house and without fail come Sunday afternoon it is a disaster. How does that even happen, we are at Church most of the morning?
Your house will sell just as you're starting to wonder if it ever will... should be any day now.
Thanks for your comments, they were very helpful. I'll use all of them except for about the cute bags because I'm going to give them to most of the people who will be there :)
When are you going to the Goodwill? I need to go too. I feel like I'm drowning in a sea of stuff.
I am glad Kallies house sold, and yours will too. I know you really want to join Laren, so this is so hard.
It sounds like you have been busy with sick kiddos! I hope that everyone is feeling better. I had to laugh a little whe I read the title to the book you were reading. :)
Oh, I hope you get a future buyer soon. Your house is so nice, it will soon go! You will have to let us know about that book, it sounds interesting. Hang in there!!!--Jenny
Major headache, I know!!!! I am so tired of this houseselling thing! Any nibbles? None here. In fact, it has been dead for the past 2 weeks.... I feel bad for you. At least I get to see my hubby on the weekends and Mondays.
I hope it goes fast for the both of us. :)
Thank you , thank you for the book recommendation! I feel like that is all I do is scream. I am buying it right now!
Thanks for the book idea! I'll have to get my hands on it. I definitely need all the help I can get :) Our house went on the market Sunday and we had a showing the next day! Of course she had four dogs and looked at the backyard and said Nope. I can't believe your sister sold her house in 2 months. That's incredible. Your house is awesome though and I know it'll pick up since the elections are over. It always slows down to a stop when elections come around...crazy. My little one with special needs was spiraling out of control and I decided that it was best to pack up the kids and live in Rock Bottom as a family - come what may. She's doing so well this week, so I think it was a good choice (air mattress's and all). We moved out to a townhouse that is really nice and CLEAN!
Good luck with everything
Hurray for your sister and there is still hope for you! My heart goes out to anyone trying to sell their house in this market!
My perfectionist sister-in-law is coming into town tomorrow. Must. Start. Organizing. Now!
Hi Kari! Just wanted to wish you a fabulous Birthday to you today!!! May all your dreams come true! :)
Thank you in advance,You have share good tips , These tips will help me a lot .
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