My kids have been out of school all week for Spring Break. And for the most part we have had lazy days! It has been so nice for a change. It has been a much needed decompression time given all the stresses that we've had recently.
On Wednesday though, our stresses were added to when Laren got in another accident! Yes, it was his second accident in 15 days! Even though neither accident was his fault, I'm kind of paranoid to let him drive now!
The first accident was not nearly as serious as the second. The second accident happened around 10:30 Weds. night when Laren was taking our taxes to the mailman so he could deliver them to Uncle Sam. We had a nasty Spring Snow Storm that brought a foot of snow to our little town alone. The storm was rolling in, as Laren drove down the freeway to the only Post Office somewhat close to us open late to mail the taxes. (We don't usually wait until the last day, but we did have to file in 3 states this year plus Federal taxes - and did I mention how crazy the recent months have been for us?)
Laren was in the far right lane traveling S. on I-15 and a Honda Accord traveling S. in the HOV lane lost control, almost went into the center barrier and then went acrossed all the lanes striking Laren. Laren was unable to stop - he was going about 50 mph at the time, and it happened all at once.
I went to go and get the taxes and take them to the Post Office. A normally 20 minute drive took a good hour! I've never personally driven on roads so slippery and hazardous in my life! I never even remember the windy slick mountainous roads in my little Montana hometown being that slick. The thing is that not only were the roads slick but they were not plowed and the visibility was very low. The snow was coming down fast and furious. Somehow I safely delivered the taxes and got back to where the Police Officer was waiting with Laren. By that time, his car had already been towed away. I think we made it home just before 1:00 am. But I didn't care how long it took, as long as we got there safe! I took State Street (instead of the freeway) all the way home.
Today, our previously yucky weather started to turn nice. So we salvaged a bit more of our Spring Break and I took the kids to the petting Zoo at Thanksgiving Point.
Riding the ponies.
And then we went to the Tulip Festival. Let me tell you, the Gardens at Thanksgiving point are absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!! If you've never been, I highly recommend it!!
My 5 kids today at the Gardens. If you look close, you can see a gorgeous waterfall back behind them. This picture doesn't even come close to doing it justice!
And then tonight, Laren and I took the kids bowling at BYU. It was a lot of fun! I can honestly say the good times seem so much better given all the hard times we've been through lately. I am counting on many more good days to come!! :)