100 Things about me – Round 2
1. I really love dresses, but not enough to wear them except on Sundays and special occasions.
2. I ran my first 10k race with my oldest daughter, Kayla on Memorial Day 2007

3. I am hopeful all of my kids do well in school, I want them all to go to College and graduate from it too.
4. I am the first and only child, so far, in my family to get my Bachelors degree.
5. I get cold easily.
6. I like Bath and Body works scented oils for my oil burner. I like fruity smells and brown sugar and fig the best.
7. I only like fitted T-shirts. The other ones make me feel fat.
8. I love my new house!
9. I like perfume. My new favorite is one from Kohls. It is: Happily Ever After
10. When I gave birth to Tyler, my 5th baby, I got to the hospital 8 minutes before he came out. The doctor didn’t make it, a nurse delivered him. They told Laren, my husband, that if we were planning anymore children he should learn how to deliver a baby!
11. My girls and I have competitions as to who can grow their fingernails the longest, the winner gets a bottle of nail polish.
12. I love clean windows on my house, but they never last!
13. My two favorite numbers are 4 and 14. I was born on November 14th.
14. I like subtle lip color.
15. I like makeup that makes my face look naturally made up.
16. I love hearing and helping Tyler (2) say his prayers.
17. I love that Kyle has an intellectual side, just like Laren (my husband).
18. I love that Alyssa is so easy going and such a girly girl!
19. I love that Rilyn loves her babies so much.
20. I love that Kayla loves to write. She does it for fun. She has written many stories and is working on a book. She is 11.
21. I love that Laren, my husband, is such a handyman. He can fix almost anything.
22. I feel a lot of support from Laren. He makes me feel secure.
23. Laren is the great love of my life and my best friend.
24. I love it when my girls brush my hair.
25. I like the spelling of my name now, when I was young I didn’t.
26. It’s been a long time since I read a book, even though I do like to read. The computer has replaced my book and TV time, I think.
27. I love to get together with girlfriends.
28. I do not like to iron.
29. I talk to my husband during lunch almost every day.
30. I like clothes and Kohls is my favorite place to buy them.
31. I do not like debt, and do everything I can to avoid it.
32. I color my hair, I’d be a dishwater blonde without the hair color.
33. I first gained a testimony of the gospel when I was 14.
34. I read the Bible cover to cover when I was 14-15 because my seminary teacher challenged us to. I don’t remember the scripture stories very well. I forget easily and have to reread them.
35. When I was 14 I loved tracting with the sister missionaries and served a “mini-mission” that was a weekend long.
36. I lived for Stake Dances when I was a youth.
37. I have a close relationship with my Sisters Kallie and Kathy.
38. I also have a special bond with my younger brother David and my older brother Mike.
39. I wish I had a closer relationship with my other brothers.
40. I have a supportive Mother-in-Law, Vala.
41. Tyler, my 2 year old, loves to hold my hair and pull on it. It used to be cute and now it bugs me.
42. I have kidney stones.
43. Lately I’ve been struggling with scripture study and personal prayers.
44. I’ve never been further east than Minot, North Dakota.
45. I’m scared to travel abroad, but I want to someday.
46. I have many long distance girlfriends.
47. I just got my first pedicure the day before Mother’s Day with my Sister, Kathy. We got the French Manicure and I love it!
48. I love how it feels to de-junk.
49. I got married when I was barely 21, Laren was 22.
50. Figuring out what to major in during College was really hard!
51. I loved having roommates in College. I still keep in touch with some of them.
52. My College years were some of the best years of my life.
53. I love daisies.
54. One of my favorite desserts is Éclair Cake.
55. I also love Cinnamon Rolls.
56. I wish I had the singing voice of an angel.
57. I like to read biographies about people who inspire me.
58. I want to be a fun Mom!
59. I love to watch Broadway plays and Theatre performances.
60. I’m big into classic looks. And even though I’m not too much into trendy looks, I do have some big sunglasses!
61. I don’t like cats, my kids want one anyway. They also want a dog.
62. I just started a blog in December 2006.
63. I teach Sunbeams (3 year olds) and am on the Enrichment Board in my ward.
64. I watch what I eat.
65. I still have a sweet tooth and I like candy, not so much chocolate though.
66. I like gum, Orbitz Bubblemint is my favorite kind right now. I also like Cinnamint Orbitz.
67. I have a ton of projects on my “To Do” list right now.
68. My favorite tree is a pine tree, it's my husband's favorite too. We just planted 2 of them in our front yard.
69. I am conservative with my money. But I wish I had more of it, lots more.
70. I love whole wheat bread, do not care for white bread unless it is Texas Toast.
71. I detest cleaning bathrooms and doing laundry.
72. I like to watch baseball and basketball games when I can be there in person.
73. I make my kids do chores or read or play sports so they can earn time on the computer or their gameboy.
74. I try to tell my children “yes” as much as possible.
75. One of my favorite comfort foods is Beef Stroganoff.
76. I have found that I like to exercise. (Like, not love.)
77. Right now my favorite colors are greens, warm greens and pinks.
78. I love to spend time with my husband.
79. My wedding colors were Fuschia and a Turquoise Green color. I was married in December.
80. When I was young, I hated having a November birthday where I was older than most of my schoolmates.
81. I like to do crafts.
82. I like beautiful things. And I like the clean, crisp look when it comes to decorating.
83. I wash my hair every other day.
84. I love the computer.
85. I just renewed my Drivers License because I hated the picture on my old one, and I needed to have the vision restriction removed.
86. Since we moved into our new house in January, my husband and I have enjoyed hosting our friends here. And we want to continue with that.
87. I love my 5 kids tremendously. I feel so privileged to be their Mom.
88. I had a colonoscopy in March. It had good results.
89. I am going through the process to get lithotripsy for my kidney stones soon.
90. I inherited my Mother’s health problems, despite my efforts to eat properly and exercise.
91. I have a great love for my Mom and my Dad, even though they divorced when I was 20.
92. I got my Drivers License when I was 15.
93. My first car was a grey Toyota Celica after I graduated High School when I was eighteen.
94. Right now I drive a 1998 Toyota Sienna Minivan. It is a tannish brown color.
95. I like Top 40 and Country Music. I care for very little Jazz and Classical.
96. I pluck my eyebrows 2-3 times a week.
97. I help out at my kids’ school at least 2 times a week.
98. I used to be in 4-H when I was a girl. Our group name was the ‘City Slickers’.
99. I took Ballroom Dancing in College.
100. I love the big front porch on my house.
What a great 100 list!!! I need to make a new one for me (the last one was pretty pathetic, and I never blogged it anyway). Good job... I loved reading it.
I love reading those 100 things--so random and interesting, like a stream of consciousness.
Such cool stuff...I really should make my *first* one, lol.
I love your list! Great job!!
I'm about halfway through making my list. I've been working on it since February. I'm almost considering making mine a "Fifty List", lol.
Fun list! I too enjoy pine trees, just not the shedding they do. I grew up with a few in my front yard.
I would love to take ballroom dancing with my husband.
Just catching up on your blog, I can't believe you were able to put all that mulch in your van! I guess thank goodness for vaccums right?
Loved you list, wish there were 101!
Wow a great 100 list:)
I also I only like fitted T-shirts. The other ones make me feel fat
and I love my new house. Have a wonderful day !
Look at you! Was it as therapeutic as the first 100?
Thanks for sharing yourself:)
That was fun! I feel like I've been on life's journey with you.
Thanks for the lake recommendations. Too bad I've never heard of any of them. :-) Seriously, you must be on the waaaaay other side of town.
Some of my favorite kid-friendly hikes (and I'm sure you've been to a lot of them): Lair of the Bear (can stay on the flat or do the loop. Either way, they can play in the river afterwards).
Three Sisters, Evergreen. Gorgeous area with a huge variety of trails.
Matthew Winters Village Walk. A good one for them to start out on. Has a nice shaded picnic area by the river.
Mount Falcon. Has a great loop (Castle) and is pretty flat. Has a great picnic area as well.
There are a few for starters. Now get that family out hiking. :-)
Oh, and the Red Rocks loop is another favorite, not to be done when it is really hot (no shade). We did it just last week and I love it!
Wow, another 100! Impressive.
What a fun list! You had so many things on there that I can relate to--like the number 4 (my lucky number) daisies, ironing, and even washing my hair every other day! I too was scared to travel abroad the first time, but it's amazing how much of the rest of the world is the same. People work, play, eat and sleep. So where are you going first--because you must go, or I will make you.
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