Playing Catchup!
Because I've been bad at blogging lately here is a bunch of pictures to catch up on my life!
Here is my life the past couple of weeks -
Last night was free Rootbeer Floats at Sonic. My kids wanted to go badly. So I took them!! We got there about 15 minutes early and got a parking spot with no problem. When we left about 45 minutes later it was SO packed! There was a HUGE line of cars waiting to just get into the parking lot. Gotta LOVE Sonic!
Kayla sipping her Rootbeer Float and listening to her tunes! I cannot believe my oldest is growing up so fast!!
We got our FIRST Family Pet last weekend!! It is this bunny the kids named Thumper!! He is very sweet and docile. He lives in a cage and he's a year-round outside pet! I had to have a pet that could be outside because I have enough messes to clean up after having 5 kids. And animals make their own messes and I just didn't want to have one more
inside mess!!
Alyssa and Kayla loving on Thumper!!
After my kids got their rooms cleaned up, I made a picnic lunch which consisted of a French Bread Sandwich (
very yummy), some microwave popcorn, and some Green Apple Spiderman soda. We took our lunch and went to the newest park in our neighborhood to give it the inaugural treatment!

My girlfriend, Amy, who is serving in the Army in Iraq sent me this cute card thanking me for our friendship. I
love it Amy!! And the quote is very inspirational and true. I will have to share a great quote she sent inside of the card as well. That will be another post though!
I've been babysitting for my neighbors a fair amount. What began as a
little bit turned into more than I had bargained for. But their kids are very sweet and in a true emergency I would still watch for them, but an emergency can't happen every single time their work schedules don't work out which is like 4 times a week! Isn't little Jordan cute? Tyler
loved her too and wanted to hold her constantly!
Last night my kids and I made personal pizza's together! They had a great time, even though it did make quite a mess! Notice Tyler couldn't be at the table without his ball! He's kind of attached to that lately like Rilyn is her baby Cabbage Patch that Grandma Linda got her for Christmas. She carries it
Alyssa making her pizza.
Yesterday I took the kids to the Library. Rilyn and Tyler and I went into story time while the older ones browsed the books. When we came out Kyle had picked out this book on Pluto, the planet that he just had to check out. I didn't know he has such an interest, but he does! I tried to talk him into something that might be more interesting to him, but nope
to him that was the most interesting thing. He came home read the entire book and gave me a good review of facts about the planet Pluto!!
We also signed up for the Summer Reading Program while there and then the kids and I went out to lunch.
Also, notice how Kayla couldn't get off the phone with her friend for the picture! She is growing up right before my very eyes!!
Kayla and I running in the morning right
before we left for the Bolder Boulder on Memorial Day.
We've been working on our landscaping in both the front and back yards. Laren's been working a lot of hours at work so I decided I needed to pick up some slack. I took all the seats out of my minivan and put a tarp down and loaded nearly a TON of rocks (yes literally, it was almost a ton) and bought 3 aspen trees to plant too.

Then I went back with Alyssa and we shoveled in a yard (3'x3'x3') of medium bark. Then we came home and shoveled it out of the van. As you can imagine, it left quite a mess so then I had to vacuum the van completely and wipe it down!! Earlier in the week, Laren and I had bought 2 pine trees, an Austrian Pine and a White Spruce, they are planted in the picture above.
Last week we found a dead mouse in our basement. My girls and I are very sqeamish when it comes to mice so Kyle had to be the man and remove it for us! Thank you, Kyle you did a great job!
Tyler had picked up this mouse with his bare hands and we had to get him to drop it....EWWW...that's when we had Kyle come to the rescue and I scrubbed Tyler down like mad to get rid of the mouse germs!
Tyler is SO boy! Here he is one morning piling up the throw pillows in the family room and jumping off the fireplace hearth onto the pile of pillows! Silly boy!!
11 comments: such a stinkin' great MOM! Holy cow! Look at all the great stuff you do with your kids! I am going to try to be more like you, instead of letting my boys play nitendo for hours. Thank you for being such a good example!
I meant nintendo, but nitendo...or "nitwit-tendo" works too. I can't believe I let them rot their brains on that for hours just so I can have some peace. *Sigh*
Kari, I LOVE all the pictures. I hope I can remember all my comments. Tyler and Niklas would be kindred spirits that is for sure. He is always diving off the couch onto the pillows. Your landscaping is looking so great. And what a hard worker you are! Can't wait to see it soon! You looked great running. And all the other pictures of the kids are fun. I LOVE pictures--they do tell a thousand words.
Loved looking at all these pics Kari! You are an active mom in your kids lives.
Wish I could be more like you :)
i loved all of the pics! thanks!
WOW...what else can I say?!
It looks like you have been having fun with the kiddos being home for summer! Great pictures. Your a wonderful Mom.
looks like you guys are having lots and lots of fun. i love sonic too... they have crushed ice, my favorite! i can't believe you put all those wood chips in your car...
Thanks for that fun update! Love to see landscaping pictures - we totally mooched on the sonic night, too! Cute picture of your farmers tan! ROFL!
Love all the pictures! Looks like summer is off to a great start!
Awww.... I am so envious of you!! You manage to do so much with your kids, whereas I... manage to do... um... nothing? Love all the pics!!!
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