Yesterday the day started out kind of chaotic and unproductive. For awhile I thought it was doomed to ruin. But I decided to just hurry up and get the kids to help me and get the house taken care of (it's an ongoing situation, cleaning the house) so we could get out and have some fun.
So we hurried along with our chores. It seems like overseeing that things get done and get done properly takes so much time I find it difficult somedays to get my own jobs done. I threw a "snacky" sort of lunch together and we left for the lake. It was our first time to this lake (in case you're reading Amber, it was Jackson Lake) and it was about an hours drive from our house.
We scoped out the best beach and we had a fun afternoon of swimming.
Kayla and Tyler thinking about getting wet.
Kyle building sandcastles, he did this most of the time.
Kayla and Rilyn playing in the water. Rilyn is in her dollar store "floatie."
And this is what I did! I caught some rays while watching the kids. I didn't realize I wouldn't get a chance to do any reading while there, but Tyler was really active in the water. I tried to upload a video of him but it wouldn't work. He was running into the water landing face first. He tried floating on his back and on his tummy. He kept wanting to go out deeper and deeper, he had no fear whatsoever! He is so the opposite of my other kids in that regard!
Though I didn't swim, I did get out to dunk myself and cool off a few times. And of course when Tyler got really crazy in the water, I was right next to him getting splashed on and getting my skin all wrinkly in the water along with him! You have to love the fun things we Mom's do!!
We finally ended our fun when Tyler had a potty accident in his swim attire and it forced us to end sooner than we wanted. The kids were so exhausted they all slept all the way home.
What a FUN day - and hello - those legs are so white, they're purple! LOL! You're such a good mom - love the sandal marks on your feet, too! LOL!
Wow! It sounds like you had such a blast! I love visiting lakes. Where I grew up, we swam in lakes quite often.
Gee, how'd you know what I was thinking? :-) You must be on the other side of town (we're in Arvada) because I think that would be a haul for us!
Looks LOVELY!!!
What a beautiful lake. You're a good mom to drive an hour so that your kids could have some fun.
HOW FUN!!!! To think there is a lake not 10 minutes from me that we never go to... SHEESH!!!
Now that is summer! Looks like fun!
I am laughing at your farmer tan on your feet (because it resembles mine) There is nothing better than a full day of fun and then the kids crashing!
What a good mom you are, and what fun your kids had!! Enjoy those times--they go by too quickly!
It loos like it was a fun day for everyone!
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