4 Happenings
My little cutie pie nephew,
Zack, is growing up! He is 10 months old already, where has time gone? I love to hold this little guy, and love on him! Too bad I was sick with a headcold this week, so I didn't dare pick him up. But I wanted to, darn it, because he is moving with his family to Utah soon and I'm going to miss them all!!
I can't say this is a regular occurence at our house, but only because it was a half gallon of milk instead of just a cup!! What can I say, my 3 year old likes to be "Bigger" and pour his own milk.
(And his Mama didn't even yell! :) ) And please don't tell me this sort of thing never happens at your house!
The waterfall, without water. This project has been my husband's baby this summer.
Trust me, it looks a lot cooler in real life, especially with water running over it!
My GIGANTIC tomato plant! I planted 3 tomato plants this spring. 2 of them were the same brand and one was different. This was one of the ones that was the same brand, and for some reason the other plants didn't follow suit - but this plant has produced 99% of our tomatoes this summer! It's producing like rabbits in bunny hutches!!
Wow...I love the waterfall - it looks beautiful!!!
you have such a beautiful back yard! the waterfall looks great - really! I bet it's just beautiful running! and ROFL about the milk! THANK YOU NO, we don't allow the 3 year old to pour her own milk, the 14 year old does a good enough job keeping milk on the floor....and no, I don't yell either! You're a good mom!
Are you kidding? My 3-yr-old used to spill her food daily, but she just turned 4, so that won't happen anymore, right? *snort*
Good job on the not-yelling! And I love that waterfall. You guys have done a fabulous job on your yard.
Wow I am impressed that Laren did that himself. I am sure that was a TON of work. And for the record, we have more spills than I would ever like to admit mostly because my little ones too like to be "big"
I assume that is your sisters son. Are they moving to Utah? I am sure that waterfall will be so peaceful to listen to. I just love them. Your garden is just lovely.
Is Laren for hire? We want to put a waterfall in our backyard. Maybe he can give us pointers. Your yard is beautiful and the milk thing happens here ALL the time!
I would LOVE a waterfall in our backyard but there isn't a good place for one. You know. In between our dead tomato plant (I'm not bitter) and Haddie's pumpkin....
Your nephew is so cute. I don't blame you I would hold him all the time too. That's one thing that I don't do is a vegetable garden. I love planing flowers but I am not good at gardens. Your tomato plants look awesome. Way to go!
You and Laren are both so talented... did you have a garden when you lived in AZ? I haven't taken the plunge yet but I was wondering if it was worth it here. Love your blog.
I love the waterfall! Your backyard is beautiful! :)
You've really done such a fantastic job on your yard!
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