The Pepsi Center today, all decorated for the Democratic National Convention. It's looking quite different than it does for Nuggets and Av's games!
I am a registered Republican, so I can vote in the primaries. But in truth, I'm an Independent. I do not yet know who I will vote for in the 2008 Presidential Election. It is no secret, I do not really love either candidate (McCain, or Obama). But I'm listening to them both. I, obviously, have conservative views when it comes to moral issues. And I do not want socialized medicine, ahem Barrack, are you listening? But I do not want to stay in Iraq nor do I want a 72 year old President. What I do want? An improved economy (supermarket and gas prices to go down), a united Nation, who is strong and Trusting in God. will be interesting to see who this Mother of 5 votes for. Maybe I will have to write in a candidate? In past presidential elections, I have voted Democrat, Republican, and Independent. So, I am not a party Loyal.

THE Stage at the Pepsi Center/DNC. And I have to say, they did a beautiful job of transforming this sports arena into an auditorium!

This Fox News Station inside the Pepsi Center. I was intrigued by those "power cycles" there that will really create power! They are trying everything they can to make sure the GREEN can be seen!!
Tyler, Me and my supportive Hubby! In front of the Pepsi Center.
Laren was not super thrilled about going, but I met him on his lunch break today and he came along for the ride. Politics is not his thing, he's an engineer and unless it's technical or something to do with nature or cars, he's not much into the news. But we did manage to have a good time and it was quite an intriguing sight!
At this point I'm waiting for the VP announcements, because I don't like either candidate, either. Bleh. How cool you got to tour the facility!
I am the very opposite of you...probably because I can't even vote but mostly because I am absolutely appauled at the astromical amount of money that is being thrown into the DNC. SERIOUSLY. For the millions of dollars they are putting into putting on this huge show, they could be making a real difference somewhere else.
I avoid politics... probably because my dh is a little to "right-winged" for me. I'm totally "right" but, if he was any more "right" he'd be in another universe! It's like a disease with him. My dad tried to get me to chat up politics the other day, and I said, no way, talk to the husband! My dad is also extremely "right".
I'm with Denise... I need to know who the VP's are, cuz the choice for president just isn't cutting it with me!
I am not a big fan of either one as well. I think we are doomed no matter what!
Kari, I wonder how things will turn out too. I still think about writing Mitt Romney in the ballot. The elctoral votes are what votes in the president, not our individual votes, so I don't think my vote will swing the election. BTW, Spokane sent out its voting ballot and it is party free. You can vote for canidates now, no matter what party.
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