Thursday, August 21, 2008

Bounteous Harvest

Bounteous Harvest

When we put in our garden this spring, we had no idea what kind of harvest we would reap. We have pretty much planted a garden every year for the past 9-10 years or so. But we never really know how the plants will grow. Some years do better than others. This year is proving to be a great year for harvest!

Tomatoes I picked just today. Too bad I don't make salsa, huh?

Zuchinni Squash

My payload from just today's harvest, and there are more tomatoes and zuchinni and summer squash coming - quick! If anyone wants to get some veggies of this sort, call me or come over and we will gladly share!


Krista said...

I'll be right over! I love both!

michelle said...

Those veggies look yummy! There is nothing better than home grown vegetables.

Julianne said...

Wow, they look beautiful! That squash and zucchini is amazing!

Julie said...

I have a really easy salsa recipe if you're interested... I tried tomatoe plants but they died this year.

Angela said...

Those look delish!!! Great job farmer woman!

{krista} said...

Your veggies are beautiful!