I've never paid a whole lot of attention to my numbers, really. I just figured if I was eating "decent" and getting exercise 5ish days a week, on the average, that I was fine. But having turned 35 this past year, and being on the verge of turning 36 soon, I decided I better pay closer attention.
I recently had a conversation with my brother, Rob, about health after another Aunt of ours died a "young" 57. Of course, for her, she had other health problems too that were contributing factors, probably not related to genetics. But Rob and I both agreed that we need to pay better attention to our numbers.
So, before Laren quit his job here and started his new job I got us all in for all of our appointments. When I saw Laren's LDL levels at 115, I told him that though it wasn't "bad," it certainly could be improved upon. In my mind, I attributed it to his, almost nightly, dish of ice cream or his love of BLT's.
I never took a second thought to consider that my own cholesterol might be similar, or exactly the same! So after reading and researching my own results, I was astonished that my "attempts" at being healthy weren't as successful, based on my cholesterol numbers, as I had thought.
I eat oatmeal for breakfast, almost every morning. Though, this morning I had some delicious high fiber toast with a little butter on it and some diet hot chocolate. (Yeah, where is my protein and where is my fruit? Hey, we all need a break every once in awhile!! :) ) Isn't eating oatmeal or cheerios supposed to take care of all of a person's cholesterol problems? (ha ha! That seems to be the message these days on some of the commercials on tv).
I had some steamed summer squash and tomatoes from my garden for lunch, along with a few pieces of Halloween licorice and tootsie rolls from the stash that has already turned up around here. (It is only the beginning of October and we already have the candy around - I guess I passed my sweet tooth onto my kids!)
And for dinner, since I haven't eaten yet tonight I will tell you about last nights dinner. I ate a veggie burger sandwiched between 2 slices of my delicious high fiber bread with a little ketchup and relish in there. That was before we had a dinner appointment at my daughter's middle school for one of the program's she is in. There they served pizza. I picked at the pizza, eating only a few bites and declined the soda and cake. Aside from the candy, I have snacked on some pecan pieces that I keep around for baking, and some homemade, wholewheat banana bread that I made.
Some days are better with my eating and some days are worse. But I think it's a pretty good "snapshot" into my eating habits. So, I'm wondering how all of this translates into my cholesterol levels: HDL 47, LDL 115, Total Cholesterol 173. So, I'm on a mission to find out. I know for some people, if they had these numbers they might be satisfied. But it makes me nervous to see these numbers at my "relatively young" age. I'm wondering if there is a genetic factor that comes into play here, because of course I can't take ALL the responsibility for my health now can I? ;)
So if anyone has suggestions for how to help my cholesterol (and my husbands), I'm open to them. And do you know your numbers?