My 8 year old son has been going to early morning practices for his school Halloween Program for the past month or so. Kyle has enjoyed every minute of it. Today, we got to go and enjoy it! It was great!!
On the way home from the Halloween Program we were out of milk so we made a detour through the store. Every time we go to our local Kroger grocery store, my little Tyler wants to ride on this horse.
And I always let him, because it only costs $.01. There isn't anything that only costs a penny anymore! I remember when I was a child all of the grocery stores having these horses and carousels next to the door going out. It always beckoned me to ride, everytime I walked by it, but my Mom rarely obliged. You don't see these around much anymore, and certainly not for a penny!
And on our way home, I happen to look over and notice my favorite cheap gas station and the price was only, $2.33 per gallon!!!
I had to hurry and snap a picture, but it was not a good one thanks to driving and having my window rolled up.
Lastly, our weather here has been the BEST weather lately! I couldn't ask for better weather at the end of October. We are supposed to hit 75 degrees F today!
What is it with you and cheap gas? I swear, it's worth the drive out there just to fill up. :-)
And I, too am loving these fall temperatures. Bode and I went rollerblading in Washington Park today and it was gorgeous!
I hope the gas continues to go down. I often pass those horse rides up because they are a rip off. You are right about not being able to beat that for a cent. I probably would be more willing to do that. Gorgeous leaves!
Our gas is about $2.52 right now, and I hope it keeps going down. I love it!
We had our last gorgeous day yesterday. Actually, it's supposed to stay decent, just get up to 60 instead of 70. I was hoping it would stick around til at least halloween... it's supposed to rain then!
I'm jealous of your weather... I'm hoping we'll be out of the 90's sometime soon.
wow a penny. I don't think i ever spend just a penny on anything.
Yes that is such cheap GAS!
That is so funny that you were taking pictures in your car. I am sooooo jealous that your gas is down to 2.33 are gas is still at 3.40 or so. Anyways, have a great week!
Love it! The program was so cute!! I'm glad we went, eventhough we didn't get to see the costume version, it was still GREAT!
Love your blog!
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