Five for Friday...
1. I had 3 parent-teacher conferences this week. I will admit they are not my favorite thing, and I don't know exactly why. For the most part, my kids are good students. There is just something about them I don't like.
2. On Sunday, we found out our ward (at Church) is getting split - again. We have lived here in our little suburb for over 6.5 years and this is the 3rd split since then! I've never enjoyed ward splits!

3. I took the opportunity to go and browse in Barnes and Noble this week, something I haven't done in over a year! It was a fun excursion, minus having to chase Tyler around the aisles and keep him content while I browsed.

4. Our weather has really taken a turn for the worse (meaning cold) this week! I had to turn our heat on. But, on the brighter side we have warmed up for the weekend back into the 70's!!
5. Laren came home last night! We have all loved having him home. Today we took a trip to the Zoo with him and then he and Alyssa went to the Daddy-Daughter Sock Hop!
The Monkey's who live in our "Monkey House" (notice the sign).
I'm glad you got to spend some time with Laren! BTW, I love the new picture of you up there, you are so cute!
our ward has been split a few times in the last few years..I think it will happen again. Our ward is growing.
Zoo are always so fun....
Fun family outing. Kayla is really looking teenageryish in the picture. At least you don't have to worry aobut reintegrating with people in the ward, you are all but out of there!
Love the zoo -- how nice to have your hubby home!
That's the difference between your area and mine. We live in a more established community where nobody moves in, nor is there any new development. Your area is exploding. But you won't be there for long!
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