So, we did the usual today but it was not as enjoyable as usual. For one, I have a gazillion things to get done at home and wasn't looking forward to losing my morning. But also, Tyler was being a mischievious little monster! He wouldn't sit still or even stay in his seat. He was wanting to run the halls or play in the drinking fountain or disrupt the kids' during their reading by running his cars over the page.
It didn't help that Alyssa's teacher, Mrs. K., had me read with the boys (it's her low reading group and they are all boys) the SAME story that we read LAST week again and then we did a short 2 page worksheet on homophones. It isn't easy to listen to s.l.o.w. readers anyway but this particular story was extra long and the fact that we were reading it for a second time made it even longer!!
It also didn't help that Kyle's teacher, Mrs. B., had me doing copies and making up booklets because of the way Tyler was acting, he wanted to be horsing around with the phone, the computer, the copier or the drinking fountain!! I thought I was going to pull my hair completely out by the time I was done if Tyler hadn't beat me to it (Yes, he kept pulling on my hair too -- whenever I would pick him up and take him out of whatever trouble he was getting into)!!
I finally got over to the Preschool classroom to pick up Rilyn. It is a modular trailer that sits next to the school. I was the last parent there to pick up my child!! I always hate that, because I don't want them waiting on my account.
Anyway, we got home and I returned a couple of phone calls and both of them I had to leave a message for. I hate that, because I never know if when they do call back if my house will be too noisy to answer or if I will be in middle of a project or at a good stopping point. Maybe I'm the only one that feels that way though?
But, I did manage to do several loads of laundry, paint a couple of closet doors, talk to my sister on the phone and make up some cards today too!! But I can't help but hope for a less stressful day tomorrow!
At our school, they don't let you bring little ones with you... they are too distracting. I remember Justin's teacher telling me how all the little girls like to play mommy to the little ones... LOL That is why I never did any volunteering until Ashlee was in school. What a long day it makes to be in a class room... with a toddler in tow!
Kris, I'm glad they let me bring him even though it does make it tougher for me. I still think it's more productive to help them out all than I'm able to with him there than not at all.
I would trade with a friend, but then it would tie me down even more while I had their kids over. Plus, I'll be starting in Kayla's class too in a couple of weeks. That's 3 1/2 hours plus a week in the school and so it would be at least a 4 hour trade (including travel time to and from the school) and I don't know that I want to do that!! LOL
Some teacher's at this school won't allow the little ones either. But usually beggers cannot be choosers - so if they want the help they have to take what they can get.
Usually Tyler is not as bad as he was today, thankfully!
Sorry you had a rough day. Sounds like the field trip below went well. And hey you got some laundry caught up--that's something right?
Love the self portrait shot--too cute!
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