She Photographs on Tuesday Challenge!!
So, this week Lelly issued a challenge to show signs of Spring! This was a delightful challenge!! After a long and sometimes dreary winter in Denver it is SO nice to have Spring here!
One sign of Spring at our house (since we just bought a new house and the landscaping is not done) is that my husband, Laren, is out moving dirt and landscaping:
Oh, it's so nice to even see that dirt since it spent most of the winter snow covered!
Another shot.
This is a tree in bloom. You can see the buds just coming out.
Another sign of Spring is my kids playing outside.
Actually it is their Spring Break right now and we spent yesterday having some fun together (that I will blog about later) and here they were waiting for our shuttle (bus) to come. You can see their short sleeves or light weight jackets in these pictures. Proof positive that Spring is here!!
And finally,
I had to show this shot of Mother Nature giving us warning of her Spring Showers!! We have had some rain lately and it's been lovely!! It smells so fresh and clean. It gives the ground much needed moisture and it is one of the main things that will help those flowers pop out of the ground!!
one of my favorite things about spring is children outside playing! especially mine!!
Kids being able to play outside is a wonderful sign of spring. Even though I could do without the spring showers it is nice that after they've come and gone, blooms are surely close behind.
Hope you guys have a great spring break! We only get 1 day off now for spring break so they can get out of school in May instead of June now, kind of a bummer for them but a nice long Summer instead.
Enjoy! :)
I bet it is a relief to see your dirt after a long cold winter. Your back yard looks like a pretty big project to tackle. Good luck with it and due post pictures!
Kids playing outside is always a wonderful thing. There is just something about fresh air and being outside.
I would love to start over in my yard with a bare canvas! Dealing with grass everywhere and weeds... it is SO much more work!! Looks like you are all having fun!
Even though it is still chilly, my kids are playing more outside too. That is a great thing about warmer weather.
I enjoyed your pictures.
Your landscaping projects look like fun. I think my favorite part of spring is sending my kids out to play. They are always to excited to venture out after a winter of being cooped up inside.
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