We started off our Saturday sleeping in until 8 am. Oh, it felt SO good!! Then we got up and had breakfast, got ready and went to the Church because we were assigned to clean it today (with several other families). I spent most of the time vacuuming and chasing Tyler down and keeping him out of trouble. Another ward was having a Primary Activity Day at the same time, so we needed to keep everyone out of their way.
After we came home, I got a few things organized and Kayla and I set out to Hancock Fabrics to look for some fabric for curtains for her bedroom. I told both Kayla and Alyssa that for their birthday this year they would get their rooms done as a gift since we recently moved into our new house and it would need to be done eventually anyway.
We have been searching and searching for just the right fabric, but up until today we could find nothing that was pink and chocolate (except for 1 style that I saw at Hobby Lobby the other day but it had a real "retro" look to it). Awhile back we decided on doing her room Pink and Chocolate brown.
Anyway, we lucked out and found this great fabric at Hancock Fabrics today. It was a little expensive, but we liked it well enough to get it anyway. Plus it is less than what it would have cost to buy pre-made curtains to hang.

Here's the ribbon that we got to go with the curtain fabric. These curtains will be more of a shade than a curtain and will have ribbon lining it.

After we came home, I spent some time painting this wall-hanging for Kayla and Rilyn's bedroom. I want the border to be brown instead of white.

I also spent some time in the backyard painting these closet doors.

I helped Laren move some dirt in the backyard. The kids all had a hand in helping too. They had great teamwork!! The backyard is sloped towards the house at the fence line so we are trying to level it out.
Thankfully the "Call Before You Dig" guy got here before we needed to dig around where the utilities are located!

Despite our efforts, Laren has done most of it!! We are also putting dirt up underneath the stamped concrete patio. They didn't have it right around the edge and we don't want it to break off at some point. It is back-breaking work!! Laren's back is going to be killing him when he comes in tonight!!

Because the weather was so nice (in the 70's) we decided to have our inaugural barbecue for the season!! So this is what we had. It was soo yummy!!

Tyler helping to make the juice.

The yummy Island Ambrosia salad that Victoria mentioned on her blog the other day.

Some Green Jello because it is St. Patricks Day!

Some of the barbecued meat.

Chowing down!!
And then I got out on a run. It was my 3rd one for the week. It was more difficult today than the other times. But I just slowed up my pace and worked my way through the difficulty by keeping at it. It must have worked because it did eventually get easier and more enjoyable again. I ran for about 2.5 miles.
Now, it's make sure the kids did/are doing their kitchen duty and bath time to make sure they are clean for church tomorrow!!
You sure had a productive day! Your family looks adorable and I bet all that time together, working and playing will be such a great memory for them.
I'm impressed!
Don't know how you get it all done! I was amazed to see the kids in shorts. This weather is funny. And kudos to the running. Are you planning on a race someday?
Sounds like a very busy, prductive day! (I love that after all your activities you still found time to run for yourself!)
I also love the fabric you picked out...oh, and the paisley fabric you blogged about a few days ago is beautiful...
Have fun with all your projects!
That is beatufiul material. I can't wait to redo my girls bedroom this summer!
Looks like a fun and productive day! Hope you liked that salad it was so yummy!
Enjoy the running!
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