We raced home from Church to have dinner on the table 45 minutes later. All I can say is Thank Goodness for Crockpots!! We had Chuck Roast (that we shred), baked potatoes and toppings, a green jello salad, broccoli, lemonade and a Mudslide Brownie Cake (leftover from Laren's birthday the day before) for dessert. Then the missionaries shared a scripture with us and we had a prayer and they left.
And then we took cookies around to 4 sets of neighbors and 1 set of friends who just had 2 back to back deaths in their family. So far, we are totally liking our neighbors and we had a really great time visiting with them. I felt bad though when we went inside to one house who has 2 kids who my kids have made friends with because the noise level noticeably went up a couple of decibels with my kids there and I could tell the Mom was not used to it.
Hopefully we kept our visit short enough for her and next time, I'm sure, she will think twice before she invites us in! We even hesitated to go in, because we know 5 kids can be overwhelming if you're not used to it. But they really wanted us to come in. We were invited into all the other houses we stopped at, but we only went in one other house and my kids were pretty mellow in there, but then there were no other kids around to play with so I bet that is probably why!
It was a lot of fun, all of it, though it made for a busy, busy day!!
My little Sunbeams were literally bouncing off the walls in class yesterday!! Our lesson was on "I am Thankful for Water," and I brought little little cups and a pitcher with water in it. Then, for an enrichment activity after the lesson, I brought a big bowl for a basin and we all washed our hands/lots of kids played in the water when they were supposed to be washing their hands in it. One little boy threw the towel we were using to dry our hands into the water!!
After Church I feel like I need a couple of hours to unwind after keeping 8 kiddo's corraled for 2 hours and my 5 kids underwraps for the first hour in Sacrament Meeting. Yesterday one of the little Sunbeam's Mom came into the class because he was having a hard time being away from her (well actually his twin sister is in the class too) and she kept asking me what she could do to help?
She is in the Primary Presidency and she probably thought the class was WAY out of control, which it definitely gets at times. Of course, it didn't help that there were some adults meeting in our classroom - even 10 minutes into our lesson time giving the kids a good chance to run the hallway and get even wilder before we went in. And everytime I tried to go and get my class set up in advance the room was unusually occupied by those same adults.
But I still feel like we got a good lesson in, despite the craziness of it all!! Next time, I will make sure we have the little chairs for the kids to sit in, because we only had the big chairs and because the kids have such a hard time with those we sat on the floor but the kids kept impeding each other's boundaries and added to the chaos!!
Today so far I have gotten my tired kiddo's out the door to school. I had to use my spare, spare set of car keys because even my "spare" set has disappeared -- thanks to Tyler and his fascination with carrying them off.
I got all signed up to go on Rilyn's fieldtrip to the Natural History Museum on Wednesday, washed the car and then came home and washed the china dishes that we ate on last night (because they have to be hand washed and we were not home long enough to take care of it last night before bedtime) and cleaned the kitchen!! And I'm gearing up for more of a busy, tired Monday. But I am loving the time change! I love the extra hour of daylight in the evening!!
I love those lessons for sunbeams/nursery, but it is hard to keep all those kids on track. And the lost keys...sounds like our house but I put them on the key ring and give them "fake" keys--ones that I don't know what the keys belong to.
First off--that dinner sounded yummy! What a fun lesson you planned! I bet those kids had a great time and remembered what they learned! good job!
What great missionaries to leave a thank you note! Around here I think they take it all for granted because most complain what they are fed much less say thank you. lol!
Sounds like a fun lesson too!
Sounds like a busy, but nice, Sunday.
Crock pots are heaven sent! They are great. I will have to send you this wonderful Chicken Tortilla soup recipe I got from Angie. It is ridiculously easy and sooo good!
Have a great week!
I think that primary teacher is one of the hardest callings. Your lesson sounded fun. That was pretty thoughtful of the missionaries to write a thankyou. The ones we have fed haven't done that before. I hope you find your keys--I hate when that happens. Hope your Monday went smooth.
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