Seven Years ago Today...
I had been on bedrest for 3.5 weeks because one day when I went to vote with my 2 little ones in tow, I realized I had started contracting regularly and I was 31 weeks pregnant. I went home and put my feet up and drank loads of water. The contractions didn't stop. I called the doctor and though they were reluctant to get me in, dismissing it as probably nothing, we had them check just for "peace of mind." Well, it was something as I was dilated to a 2.5. Not a good thing.
So, here I was at 34 weeks and 5 days pregnant. It was a Friday and I remember laying there in bed that morning wondering when my baby would come, but grateful he hadn't come yet! I was giddy with excitement because it was a HE, my first baby boy!!! I had had a steroid shot to help his lungs develop as a precautionary measure should he happen to make an appearance too early.
Well, around 5pm that night regular contractions started in. I got the bloody show, a significant sign of labor. The contractions were difficult already but bearable. My Mother-in-Law had been at our house helping out since I was incapacitated. I called my husband at work and told him what was going on, just to give him a "heads up." I then called my doctor, he said to come in to the hospital.
I was terribly worried about the baby because he appeared to be coming too early and the doctor had previously informed me of potential problems about having the baby come too soon. Of course the doctor seemed all calm, cool and collected when I spoke with him.
My husband came home, we threw our Coming Home bag together and took off for the hospital. This was to be our second baby born (but 3rd child overall) at Mesa Lutheran Hospital in Mesa, AZ.
When we came in they checked me and I was dilated to a 7. So the newborn baby crib and equipment that they had moved out of the room when I first came in, they moved it right back and told me that I would be needing that equipment before anyone else they already had in there.
Dr. Tutt, my doctor, was not the doctor on call that night. So instead I saw Dr. Beck. He is very easy-going and quiet. He is a very good doctor too. I was so worried, but he gave me much reassurance. I got an epideral not because I was in terrible pain because really it was manageable. I got it because I was scared.
Well, an hour and a half after arriving at the hospital, Kyle came out with lots of white vernix on him but he was healthy and let out a wailing scream to prove it!! A miracle occured. Unlike the predictions of the doctors and nurses, he needed no oxygen or any other assistance in breathing and surviving. He did just great on his own. I realized immediately my wonderful blessing. Kyle weighed, around 6 pounds 4 ounces and was 21 inches long. I'm embarassed to admit I don't remember exactly what he weighed but I do have it written down in his baby book.
Kyle has been blessing my life ever since!
7 Things I Love about Kyle
1. Kyle has a gentle and conscientious nature about him.
2. Kyle is getting good at fixing things just like his Dad. Just this morning Kyle found a screw and figured out that it came from the weight bench and screwed it back in to fix it.
3. Kyle is a good friend to others. He seems to make friends easily. In fact he is downstairs rough-housing with one of his friends as I type this.
4. Every single week-day, Kyle comes home from school and immediately sets the timer on the microwave for 30 minutes and Kyle reads. He does this entirely on his own. I know that sounds too far-fetched to be true, but it is true!! I wouldn't say he loves to read, but he knows he has to do it so he does!
5. Kyle is a great conversationalist at times and has many intriguing thoughts and questions.
6. Kyle is patient with his siblings. I don't think it's always easy for him to have 3 sisters. And Kyle will let Tyler sleep with him and grab hold of his head and rub his buzzed hair almost anytime, though it seems like it would be totally annoying!
7. Kyle is intelligent. He is an excellent student and he always amazes his teachers with how well he does on his schoolwork with little instruction.
Kyle, I love you more than words could ever say! You are a fantastic son!!
What a great kid, he sure does sound like a blessing in your family.
I didnt know you lived in Mesa. Most of my family is there. Did you live there long? What moved you away to Colorado?
Carolee, we lived in Mesa for nearly 5 years. We moved away because of my husband's job. He is an Engineer and designs roads and there were some big projects going on here in Colorado.
Plus, we didn't like the HEAT of Arizona and we were far from all of our family.
Interesting that your family is there!! It is a great place and we loved it there!! We made some great friends and we loved our ward and so many things about it!!
I've really missed it this past winter since it's been so cold here in Colorado and especially weekends like this where we are getting snow and AZ is in the 90's!!
Happy Birthday Kyle! Sounds like a wonderful son!
Happy Birthday Kyle! I have a 7 year old too. I bet he is so excited to lose his first tooth.
Hippy hop, hippity hop.
Will the Easter Bunny stop?
Will he leave a treat behind,
An Easter basket for me to find?
I'll look over here,
I'll look over there,
I'll look behind things,
I'll look everywhere
I'll look until I find my treat,
And then I'll sit right down and eat.
Happy Easter!
What a sweet post. Happy Birthday Kyle. I hope he had a great day.
That's one cute kid. happy birthday, kiddo!
Happy Birthday, Kyle! What a sweet sounding boy. I have a feeling he and my seth would be great friends. Thank you for sharing his story with us.
Happy Easter Kari and family!
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