I've been kind of slacking with my blogging lately. I've had some more issues in dealing with my Mom and her symptoms that have been really bothersome. As it is turning out, she has about 6 or 7 of the 10 or so symptoms for inflammatory breast cancer. This is not the type of breast cancer that gives you a lump in your breast. So it is hard to detect and most doctors do not even know about it.
On Monday I, at the last minute, invited a friend over for lunch. She came over and brought her 2 kids as well as one she was babysitting. We all ate and had great conversation. It was lots of fun.
On Monday late afternoon it started raining.
The rainy day.
It was a downpour from then until sometime in the night last night. It was really a good, soaking rain. We don't get rain like that too often around here and so it was good to get. But since we have nothing but dirt in our yard (on all 4 sides), our yard is now mud!
Rilyn and Tyler looking out the sliding glass door, wishing they could go out.
The birds took up residence on our front porch and I could hear them chirping most of the day yesterday. That was sweet and enjoyable! Because it was rainy and kind of bleak out I made Chili for dinner and homemade bread. As I was taking the bread out of the oven, I kept thinking I should be sharing the bread with someone else too. Then when Laren called on his way home from work it donned on me that I should take it to our elderly neighbor, Wilbur, and his wife since she has been sick with Shingles.
Bread in the making. I forgot to get a picture of the loaves before they were devoured. Now they are all gone!

A GOOD MAIL package, "Just Because!" And it couldn't have come on a better day.
Some cute purple ribbon with pink flowers, some K sticky notes, a flower sticky note pad, and a stamp that says,
"of all possessions, a FRIEND is the MOST PRECIOUS."
what a great saying!
Thank you Jenny, I LOVE all of it!! And you really cheered me up on this difficult day!
Sorry to hear about your mom. I hope they can pin point it soon so they can treat it. That must be so frustrating.
We had massive rain last night as well. My kids (both little boys) woke up screaming due to the thunder and lightening.
Glad that package cheered you up. I have been meaning to send you something for a while. Hope you have a good day!
Wow so sorry to hear about your mom.
Your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.
What wonderful GOOD MAIL.
I am sorry to hear about your Mom. We went thru breast cancer with my Mom about 8 years ago. She has been in remission ever since. I too will be at Women's Conference next week!
My thoughts are with your dear, sweet mom. As a family that has been down the cancer path (and is enduring it still) believe me I know the frustrations and pains.
I can't BELIEVE the downpour we received yesterday. I can soooo remember those days with an unfinished yard and all the muck! I'm just glad we didn't have a dog.
P.S. Forget your neighbors. Send bread our way next time. :-)
I need to check your blog for the weather. It seems like whatever weather you are having we get it a day later. It has been pouring here since early Tuesday morning and I think it maybe has stopped. I should have thought of the chili and bread. Sounds great! I will be praying for your mom and your family. Take care.
So sorry to hear about your mom, you have had far to long to worry about the unknown. I hope she at least figures out a course of action soon. She is lucky to have you.
Chili, bread, angel food cake, whipped cream. Sheesh! I need to check in with you before I do my meal planning. Yummy!
Hang in there, sweetie! I don't know how you have the energy to do all that you do AND spend up your emotional bank account worrying about your mom! I hope it all works out for the best!! I've been thinking of you a lot lately!
I've been wondering how your mom was doing. I'm glad she's getting tests done. That has to be scary, and hard, for everyone involved. I'm hoping for encouraging news.
Finally getting caught up on reading blogs. Wow, a lot going on! Sorry about the UTI, but isn't it great we live in an age of anti-biotics?! I am glad you found out more about the possible diagnosis for your mom. Ihope that it isn't cancer, but if it is, that it will respond to the treatments. And the spending stuff--I know how that goes.
I am really sorry about the stresses relating to your mother. I pray that you will have answers soon enough and that the research and knowledge you are gathering will be a benefit to you and those around you.
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