Both Jill and Jenny invited others to share their 3's. Here are mine.
My Husband
My Kids
Living closer to mountains and pine trees.
Being a student.
Warm weather on a cold April Day, the kind of weather we had in Arizona this time of year.
Cleaning up the same messes over and over again.
Arrogant people.
People who make me Laugh
My friend Heidi L. (since I have like 4 friends named Heidi!)
My son Tyler.
My daughter Rilyn.
Crazy drivers
Big Dogs (especially Rotweillers and Pitbulls)
On my Desk
My Computer CPU, thanks Laren!
Bills to be paid.
A pen.
I Want to Do in this Life
Exceed mediocrity, in all areas of my life!
Help others whenever I am able.
Teach my children all that they need to learn.
Things I CAN do
I can make others feel comfortable pretty easily.
Sew curtains.
Make good bread.
Things I CAN'T do
Drive a semi-truck.
Fly an airplane.
Live on little sleep for long.
Things I would like to Learn
To be more organized.
How to be more balanced in life.
Not having someone else do my hair for my wedding.
Not being more confident in my younger years.
Not trying harder in my College Writing class.
Favorite Foods
Fruit Salad made with various fresh fruits
Favorite TV shows as a kid
Growing Pains
Little House on the Prairie
Jeopardy (I was a game show nut!)
Love getting to know you better through your 3's.
On my 3's I put I wanted to
earn photography, too. I also like Growing Pains as a kid. WHat girl wasn't in loove with Kirk Cameron, right? Having someone else do my hair on my wedding day should have been on my regrets, too. I look back at pictures and think I could hae look so much better if my hair would have been done a different way.
Wasn't that fun? I think it's a great list to find out some interesting facts about others. Aren't you guys in the mile high city--I guess I just assumed you were pretty close to mtns?
I am with you on the sleep. I can't function on anything less than 6 hours. The witch comes out!
My dad and I would watch Jeopardy together. I still enjoy that show.
I love reading these lists, it's so interesting.
Having someone else do my hair on my wedding day is probably the ONLY good thing about that day (other than getting married of course), and that only happened because she was my old roommate. I'm glad you pointed this out though because I don't have good feelings about my wedding and that's one thing I never knew to be thankful for.
I wish I had gotten a really good photographer on my wedding day. We didn't even have one on the actual day but only at the reception the next day. Really, now all I would care about is good photos. I just had no perspective!
I also had bad hair too but don't care as much about it. My sister actually dropped the curling iron on my forehead as she was helping me do my hair in the temple after the wedding and I have a big burn mark in all of the "professional" pictures the next day:)
hopped over to see you spt and found this bonus of your 3 list!
i am SO with you on the cleaning up the same mess over and over...
your wedding hair reminded me of "wish we had found a better photographer"
fun to see your list!
Fun 3's! :)
Insomnia is th worst. I hate it. Great 3 post :)
Great to read your 'threes'.
I am going to have to give the 3's a try. How fun to learn more about you. Where in Arizona did you live? Right now it is about 80 out, and breezy. This is the time of the year that I have to enjoy! Have a great night.
I hadn't played my flute for over 15 years when I was asked to play in Sac. meeting at Thanksgiving. I was so nervous I practiced 40 hours the week before our first practice. I didn't want to be the loser that held up choir practice. I loved playing and loved performing. Now I am on fire, can't stop me, I want to march down the street like the little pied piper tweeting away.
Go find your flute in those dang boxes!
Now commenting on your 3's:
Argh! Those same messes, I'm cleaning them up to, the top two being junk piled on the kitchen counter and floor around the toilet.
Your wants are three things I have been pondering a lot this week, I want them too.
The photographer locked his keys in the car and never made it take the photos so hair was the least of my wedding day bummers.
I also didn't have someone do my hair for my wedding. I totally regret it! I also regret not having a better photographer. I won't let my kids make the same mistakes.
So I guess we all have the same messes, and the same hatred of them? What a sad state of affairs.
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