Nice Sunday
It was another busy day. I don't know why life is so busy lately! Because we were having company over for dinner I had another Sunday of getting food prepared in the morning so it would be ready to go right after church.
About an hour before Church I got a call saying my team teaching companion for Sunbeams wouldn't be there and it was her turn to teach so she wanted me to do it for her. Yep, I can do that! It just added to my crazy busy morning, but really I'm happy she could get a weekend away and that I could help her out!!
Speaking of Sunbeams, the little rascals were actually quite well behaved today--at least considering how they usually are!! And there are 8 kids in the class and usually we average about 5 or so each week. Of course we had to have 7 of the 8 there today, which was great on the one hand but added some extra chaos on the other hand!!!
After church we raced home. I made a green salad and a fruit sald to go with our pork shoulder loin ribs and scalloped potatoes and baguette bread. It was a race to get it all done in time, plus get the house picked up and deal with 5 rowdy kids, but we did it! The only thing was the potatoes didn't quite get done in time. Now I remember why I never make scallop potatoes, they are too much work and then take forever to cook!!
Our neighbor, Hap, ended up getting called out on a train derailment right before they were supposed to come over for dinner. (He works for Amtrak.) So Amy and her infant daughter Jordan and her little guy Jack came over without him. I gave her a tour of our house while we waited for the potatoes to finish cooking. I left Laren in charge of the potatoes and they ended up getting a little overcooked. Oh well.
It was fun. They stayed for 3 hours and our kids were totally wound up by the time they left. We hurried and got our kids off to bed and I came in here to blog and relax. I have to have some "me time" to unwind after a really busy day.
Also, Nick came back as promised and finished moving all the dirt with the Bobcat. Actually there is some left, but it is too close to the utilities (electric and cable lines) to get any closer with the machine. Laren will have to hand dig the rest with the shovel. But Nick literally saved us hundreds of dollars (we didn't have to rent the Bobcat) and many hours and months worth of hand labor that Laren would have spent shoveling the dirt by hand.
The Chocolate Mousse Tuxedo Cake. This was SO delish!! I'd never had it before, but it was sooo good!
The flowers that Amy brought when she came to dinner. Aren't they beautiful?! I LOVE them!! I makes me smile everytime I see them!!
I, too love the way flowers brighten my home! And what a busy Sunday you had. I love your attitude about teaching your Sunbeams at the last minute. We need more folks like you in our ward!!!
Your description of sunday is what it is all about. I have gotten really bad at inviting people over for dinner. But having different people come over and break bread and enjoy the spirit in our home was how I grew up and I've always meant to do it in my own. Something I will have to overcome,
Your dinner looks delish!
I want to be your neighbor! *smooch*
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