Zackery is here!!

Yesterday morning we got the call from Doug, my brother-in-law, at 7:30 am saying that Kallie (my sister) had had her baby!! Kallie wasn't due until November 11th, but we had talked on the phone a few times the past few days and she was losing her mucous plug and had lots of cramping. She really wanted to make it to 37 weeks, but not enough to agree on letting the doctor give her Tributalene when she went to the hospital in labor night before last! I can't blame her there, I would say that is too little too late!
Labor and Delivery went well. Zack weighed 7 lbs. 1 oz. and was 20 inches long and is very healthy. He is the CUTEST baby I have seen since I had my own babies!! ;) He has quite a bit of short blonde hair, blonde eyebrows and eyelashes. He looks a lot like the Clawson side of the family but overall I would say he is a mix of both sides.
I took Kallie up a gift, some flowers and a pizza (from Costco that her husband and kids could cook later for dinner) early in the day with my 2 younger kids. I did not hold Zack at that first visit because Dakota, Kassidy and Drew had just arrived and I wanted them to get in their first loves with their new baby brother. I realized as I was making the hour journey back home for parent teacher conferences that I forgot my purse at the hospital. It had my cell phone, my wallet, drivers license and you know, pretty much all that is sacred to me in it!!
So it was a great excuse to go back up after Parent Teacher Conferences and get it. This time I left Tyler with Laren because he'd been a typical two year old and I was getting a bit frazzled. Laren had his meeting at the Stake Center but was willing to take Tyler along. So I took my very excited 4 older kids with me so they could see their newest cousin. Rilyn was especially happy she got to see Zack twice!
The only sad part in all of this is, is that I forgot my camera! Kayla did remind me that I could use my cell phone to take pictures with it and so I did get a couple on that and thanks to you Crysty for helping me out so I could post a picture here! Though the quality is severely lacking, he is not only cute but such a sweetie too. Very calm, at least so far!
You go to the picture, say send in a message, and then browse your contacts and at the top, there is a choice "new email address" and you can email it to yourself.
He's beautiful. Congratulations Aunt Kari... and Kallie!
So sweet! I just love newborn babies! That is wonderful that you are right there and can share in this special time.
awwww...I wanna sniff his little baby head right through the monitor!
Congratulations! He's precious.
He was there when I met you in SLC...just in utero.
Yes, that's right Kristine - good memory!!
so sweet...
we have/had the same due dates...
enjoy being an aunt!
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