Cookies we made to take so we could be the Halloween Phantom this week!
*I went to Kallie's (my Sister) on Wednesday and got to hold the cutest newborn in the world. You know you're pretty attached when they do this

And you could just kiss them to pieces anyway!!!
Along those lines, seeing my Sister have a baby after 9.5 years has caused me to do some internal pondering about being a Mother to my own 5. Laren and I have felt for a long time we would have 5 kids, even before we had 5. We felt that way back when we only had 2. So now we have 5 and have had for almost 3 years now. I can't believe my "baby" (yes, I still call him that and he is 2.5 now) is growing up so quickly.
I felt for so long that my years of child birthing would never end. And then it seemed to pass quickly, too quickly. I had my last child and then I got my body back (which I'm quickly losing because of too many Halloween and other treats) and sold my house and bought a bigger one to raise these 5 kiddo's in. I have been well on my way to being done with babies of my own. I no longer own a crib, an infant carseat, baby clothes, etc... And, I still think we are done having children of our own but I don't know if it's my baby getting older or seeing my Sister with her new little one or what but it really makes me mourn the loss of no more babies around here.
I think it must be something that every Mother experiences at one time or another, but for me there is a lot of nostalgia and a bit of sadness involved. On the one hand I'm happy to be moving on-- and boy am I as I listen to my "baby" screaming at 10:35 pm and he won't just go to sleep. But on the other hand I want to reach up and slow down that clock, turn it back a little, make time pass a little slower. I want to enjoy this stage of life and not let it escape without relishing it.
In honor of Red Ribbon/Drug Awareness week at School we had school Spirit week and this was Kyle's Orange hair on Crazy hair day.
**Enough blubbering, while I was at my Sister's we made this:
Isn't the snowman cute?!! I can't wait to put it out. But now I will have to fix it first because said "Baby" knocked it down a few times and it now needs some more gluing.
**Thursday my girls had piano lessons and Kayla said she loves her piano teacher (who happens to be Japanese but very Americanized and wonderful in most every way). Just a few weeks ago Kayla was telling me she was not liking her piano teacher and wanted her old one back, but her old one is expecting a new baby and is no longer teaching piano. Hmm, I was so happy to hear Kayla take an about face in her opinion and it shows in her practicing as she is playing some very upbeat classical pieces (Bach) and it is so fun to hear her play. And when I look at that sheet music I stand in awe because it looks so hard! Alyssa and her playing, well she does not have the same motivation but I think she enjoys it.
**Friday, I went to lunch with Rilyn, Tyler and my friend Cassie who I walk with every morning and her youngest daughter. We had fun and time almost got away from us but we realized it just in time for me to get to the school to pick up my kids and her to get to her kids as well. Also, Laren and I had not had a date night in nearly a month. We have had something going on every single weekend, whether it was our Halloween Party, General Conference, Super Saturday, Time Out for Women, etc...
**So for our date, I picked what we did and we went to The Great Indoors. I love this store, although it is a bit spendy.
A snapshot of some of products on display at The Great Indoors.
I love to browse for ideas. We went to the store at Flat Irons instead of the one by Park Meadows and the store at Flat Irons has this cool escalator that takes both us AND our cart up! It was amazing!!

So we went there for me and because Laren felt a bit left out, we went to Best Buy that was next door. Just kidding, Laren was a good sport but we went to Best Buy to get an extender cord for my Printer so I could free up some desk space for myself.
**Today Kyle had his big Wrestling Tournament. Laren took him to that while I took the other 4 kids to the Practice for the Primary Program. Then in the Evening was Trick or Treat Street at the School.
Rilyn as a Ladybug.
My kids had a good time and each won something Fabu at the Spooky Walk (cake walk) -- they give out entire cakes and entire packages of cookies here. It's unbelievable!
Me and Tyler, after his tantrum because he didn't like getting make-up on his face.
**Tomorrow is our Primary Program. I'm optimistic that it will go better than our practice did today. The kids always seem to pull it together the day of the Program. And I'm bracing myself for 3 hours of Church with 6 little Sunbeams.
I know EXACTLY what you mean about the time. It passes by too quickly. My sister is currently trying to get pregnant and he makes me ache to see her so sad about it. It makes me wish I could magically make her have a baby!
Fun stores and LOVE the snowman. That is what I accent my entire house in.
I hope the primary program runs smoothly today..ours isn't for a while.
Sounds like a pretty great week! I feel for you not having the baby stuff around anymore. I really want 1 more (to make 5) and am feeling pretty baby hungry, but then I step back and go, hmmm, am I really ready to add to the craziness that is already my life? It will be nice to have that "done feeling" someday!
Love the snowman! I can't wait to decorate for Christmas.
Hey, that is one very cool escalator! I've never seen one like that before.
I was just expressing my amazement that my oldest is 12 and passing the sacrament now...I feel like all of our babies are here now...but that was almost a harder transition that knowing another one needed to come to our home. It will be an interesting transistion for me to move past the baby stage.
I totally hear you with the date and busy, busy weekends. I was able to go to the temple with my husband on Sat. (which is a BIG deal for us...we live 5 hours from the nearest temple). It was a joy to spend time with him.
I hope you enjoyed your time with your looks like you had fun going to those stores.
Boy that post was just full of news! I love the costume pictures. Glad you got to spend more time with Kallie and her new little one. I know what you mean about moving on. Once in a great while I do some grieving since I know this is it for us and I am okay with it. In fact, when I am around newborns and hear about them being up every 2 hours and the sleep deprived moms, I am so glad my kids are through that stage! Guess there are moments every so often to make us revisit the decision and focus on what we have.
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