I never had to wear eyeglasses until I was in 9th grade in high school. Then I only needed them rarely for driving and when I sat at the back of the classroom. Crazy me, I always wanted glasses when I was younger because my older sister had worn them since 1st grade and I was jealous.
Well, finally when I needed them in 9th grade they were not my favorite thing and I hardly ever wore them and subsequently rarely put them on. By the time I was a Freshman in college I decided I wanted contacts. I couldn't get away without my glasses on as much for distances like I could when I was younger.
So I went into the mall and got contacts. The first few times of wearing the contacts they took forever to put in and they were not so comfortable to wear. I had a roommate teach me lessons, the most important of which was to never wipe your wet finger on a tissue before inserting the lens because then all those little fuzzies get all over the contact and are torture on the eyes!! Another thing she taught me was to always put the same one in first.
Well, because I did not like wearing glasses I wore my contacts pretty much every day for the next 15 years or so. I did go through one short spell of not wearing them after I had my first baby but my inspiring friend Julie, at BYU, told me about how she didn't want to let herself go after having her first baby and so she was determined to keep wearing her contacts even though the glasses were much easier!
So I stuck with my contacts until last year on September 1st when I had LASIK. I remember being so nervous. We had put money away in our HSA all year to pay for it. I had my surgery and everything went well and I've been glasses free ever since.

Well, today is the big day for Laren! He is going in for LASIK. He did not have to regularly wear glasses except for driving until about 5 years ago. And he has never worn contacts. So he is anxious to rid himself of his glasses. I actually think he looks great in glasses. But he doesn't like the way they look on him or the hassle of them and not being able to wear sunglasses, etc...
I think it's great that so many people are getting their eyes back. I remember taking a Histology class at BYU and the professor there telling us that he thought eyes got a bad rap because so many turn faulty.
Now you will both be able to stare lovingly at each other in the morning without any blur:)
another thing on my list of things to spend money on when I have it coming out my ears...
I never could stand contacts.
Yeah for Laren!!!
I really would like to do that but am scared to death.
Good luck to Laren!
I don't wear glasses (yet...) but my ds has worn them since he was two yrs old, and his ophthalmologist says he's a good candidate for lasik when he's an adult. What a blessing that medical development has been! Yay for Laren!
Good luck! Let us know how it goes! How exciting! We've never had glasses, but I remember always wanting to wear them - I made my mom take me to an eye doctor once and I pretended like I couldn't see anything - you know that BIG letter "E" they put up - the size of the wall - well, I told the eye doctor it was an "F" so he'd give me glasses! ROFL! Yep, I was a jealous non-glass wearer - but I'm liking it now!
I'm so jealous. :) How exciting for both of you to be able to do this! Congrats! Cute picture, too.
Someday I will join you both in Lasik. I am waiting for the price to go down in Germany. The family photo is so lovely!
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