A number of months ago I was reading on a blog and they were touting the virtue of this particular DVD. I was intrigued enough to buy it for my own little kiddo's. I wasn't too sure that it was all that it was cracked up to be until yesterday morning while waiting for the kids to get ready for school, Tyler (my 2 year old) picked up a book and brought it to me.
I was reluctant to read it to him as I was trying to encourage my older ones in getting ready for school. The book was "There's a Wocket in my Pocket" by Dr. Seuss. He looked at the first word and pointed to the letter T and started saying Ttttt, and then he did the same with the W only he mistaked it for the Mmmm sound. And then he did Ppppp for the letter P in Pocket. I was AMAZED!!! When I quizzed him on what he knows, I realized he knows more than half the letter sounds. I wish I could take credit for that, but it's not me it's this.

The Letter Factory really does work!!
This past week while driving on a street I drive on often, I noticed this Church messageboard. The message read: "We admit our priorities by our actions." This has caused a lot of reflective thought for me this past week especially as I have tried to prepare for General Conference. I have been so busy re-staining my fence, dealing with some Super Saturday problems, throwing a Halloween Party for my kids and a few other things and I know my priorities need to be better with other good things that I neglect, like personal scripture study.
Our Halloween Party was a great success! We ended up having more kids than we originally planned on. I let each of my kids invite 3 friends and when you have as many kids as I do that adds up!! Well, then a couple of the friends said they couldn't make it so I let them each invite another friend as a replacement and then the original invitee's came back, everyone of them, to say they could make it afterall!!
Kayla (our oldest daughter), and friends Lonnie, Natalie (who is hidden behind the hanging bat) and Emma. We had decided to make dressing up optional and Kayla was happy about that. She's starting to get to the age where it isn't such a big deal anymore.
Me explaining how to make the witch cupcakes.
We decorated these tote bags I got at Michaels for $1 each. They stamped them with acrylic paint and Halloween stamps and glued felt Halloween shapes on them and put lettering on with puffy paints.
We played bowling with Pumpkins and 2 liter bottles spray painted white with ghost eyes and mouths, we had a Spooky Walk (like a cake walk only when their picture was picked they got a sucker instead of a cake.) And we played Halloween Corners where each corner in our family room had a different picture in each corner. The pictures were all done by my kids. The corners had a Ghost, Pumpkin, Witch and Bat. When the music stopped all the kids picked one of the 4 corners. One of the corners was randomly drawn from a label inside a dish and everyone in that corner was out.
Then we made these cute witch cupcakes and ate spider cookies, Cheetos and had some Gory Punch.

It was lots of fun, but I have to say lots of work too!! I'm so glad that we were able to make the time to do this for our kids. We need to do stuff like this more often!
You are such a good mom, Kari! What a FUN party!!! And I love your kitchen. It looks so good nwo. What kind of cabinets are those? When adn if we ever redo our kitchen (someday) I want this color of cabinets. They are so rich and elegant looking.
Kris, those are Cherry Cabinets by Mastercraft with a Mocha colored finish.
They are not done yet, we still have to put up the classic crown moulding and the rope moulding overlay on top of that.
Plus we still have to install the bottom cabinets (on the left in that picture), the kickboard and put on the countertop that will go on the bottom cabinets we have not yet installed.
Kari, oh my goodness! That Halloween Party sounded AMAZING! I am very impressed... Vince and I are throwing a Halloween party and I think I might borrow some of your ideas... :D
I too swear by the Letter Factory DVD. Ryan knew his letters so early and it was from the DVD. I wish Alex would watch it. If it isn't Blue's Clues or something Princess, she isn't interested. :)
The Halloween party looked great!
Holy Cow! You went all out for your party. It looks like everyone had a lot of fun.
You have much more stamina than me. Your little party turned out so cute. I have always wanted to throw a party like that for my kids......hmm maybe in our new house.
I need to re prioritize as well. This weekend had a lot of good reminders!
I have the same Letter Factory DVD and guess I need to play it more for them! How did you do the ice hands? Looks like a lot of fun and your kitchen looks fabulous in the background!
Krista, we used those plastic gloves like what nurses use and then filled them with colored ice water and froze them. Once they were frozen we had to cut the glove off the ice.
The kitchen is coming along. We still have a bit more to do - but it makes a huge difference to have the cabinets there, doesn't it?
I LOVE Halloween parties and am throwing our third annual bash in a few weeks. Looks like you had FUN!
And the Letter Factory from Leap Frog - is it a DVD or a game?
Amber - it's a game. And I figured you were wild and crazy enough to throw a Halloween bash!! :)
All Hail Kari, queen of parties! I wish I had your energy. It looks like a blast!
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