Laren deciding he couldn't bring himself to do the scooter. Being on crutches all the time begins to hurt his armpits, so I convinced him to take the scooter. It lasted all of one minute or so. But I did manage to get a picture, barely!
I have to say though, it's a fun place to shop! Shortly after we got there, I had to use the bathroom. I usually go in the "family" bathroom if I need to go when I'm there and so I'd never been in the regular women's restroom.

It's a Tampon dispenser that says "Free". So yes, not only are the tampons free there but so are the pads. I couldn't believe it!!
I'll admit it was a bit of a challenge to shop with 5 kids in the store with me.

But overall it was a fun trip!
No way! I am so stocking up next time I'm there, lol!
Just one more reason I like Target better than Walmart. If you're caught unprepared, that's the place to be!
Just another reason to shop at Target.
I was at Target yesteday afernoon. I love that place! I have to say I am impressed with the free ladies items! hee hee
I love TARGET!!!!! It is the happiest place on earth:)
Oh i also use the bathroom at Target yesterday.
Free tampons :) !!!! YAHOOOOOOOooooooooooo
OMH!!! LOL I am totally busting a gut thinking of you taking a picture of the tampon dispenser!!! BWWA BHA HA!!!
Hahahhahahaa, that is too fnny. We must be too scoogy here in Australia as we still need to pay for ours.
Just more reasons for me to miss not having a Target over here in Germany!
I haven't been to target in a while (for that reason you wrote)
Free tampons? Wow impressed.
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