Lately, life has been filled with lots of running around. Yesterday we went to Church and then came home and got ready to go to my friend's daughter's baptism in Fountain, CO that is south of Colorado Springs. It's almost 2 hours from our house and so we didn't get back until late last night.

We were so happy to go and be there for Natasha and Amy. I gave a talk on the Holy Ghost and Laren did the confirmation. He couldn't do the baptizing because of his leg.

Amy and Natasha, her daughter.
While we were at Amy's, Tyler (our 3 year old) fell from her kitchen down to her family room. Her house is a tri-level and there was a little opening next to the stairs. I was really scared because he seemed to be fussy and acting funny. Of course it happened just before we were ready to leave!
We stayed another 30 minutes or so just to be sure nothing serious was wrong and then we made a dash for home! It was a long drive because I was worried about Tyler and the road was windy, it is a 75 mph speed limit which is kind of fast for lots of curves and hills and lots of traffic!
Tyler seems to complain whenever I lift him on his right side to wash his hands or to lift him into his carseat. The left side doesn't seem to bother him nearly so much. He landed on his right side when he fell.
So this morning I had to take Laren to a doctor appt. right after I dropped the kids off at school. Laren was able to get his stitches out, but will not be able to bend his knee for another month which is when he will go back to the doctor. So his leg brace and his crutches are his best friend right now.

After Laren's doctor appt. we picked Rilyn up from school and took Tyler to the doctor. We just wanted to have him checked out to make sure nothing is seriously wrong.
The doctor, the same guy we are borrowing Laren's crutches from, said Tyler may have bruised or broken ribs. It was inconclusive, but that in about a month his soreness should improve and that he should heal fine.
Now we need to get Laren's temporary handicap permit and get it to the drivers licensing place and then I need to pick the kids up for school! Thankfully, it is not my turn to drive the carpool for Kayla's basketball practice tonight but it is my turn to drive for Kyle's. So I'll be taking care of that too.
This is really taxing me. I never realized how much stress is imposed on the Mother at times like this. One thing is for sure, I will always appreciate the "dull" times in life much more than I used to!!
Despite all that has gone on, I have so much to be thankful for for sure! For the most part, we enjoy good health, insurance, and I'm SO grateful the injuries were not any worse than they were!
Oh dear, Tyler has had a few falls! Boy's will be boy's! Hope his okay and he heals up nicely!
Cas xo
Hope Tyler is order some pizza and take a little time off! It was fun to hear from your husband....sorry to cause you guys to worry....I thought I emailed or posted on your blog that you would be getting something...just wanted to help....and thought pizza might be a treat!
Love to your family!
Alisa -- Oh my goodness Girl!! You didn't have to do that! You are SO SWEET!!!! Thank you so much!! :)
Oh my goodess! Hugs to all of you!
Boy the excitement just keeps coming. I wish you a more uneventful week ahead :)
oh heavens, kari ... what NEXT?!? i hope that everyone heals well. poor tyler - falls are so scary! can i order you some dinner? please? let me? let me know ... you know how to reach me! love you!
Oh Kari, I'm so glad Tyler is okay, nothing too bad that he can't heal fine from. That's great! And great to see Laren getting better, too!
Sorry you have had to deal with so much lately, just know I'm thinking about you and if you need anything, let me know! :D Even though we are a state apart, I'm glad to help any way I can!
wow i hope i everyone in you house feels and gets better fast.
I hope you were able to order some pizza and were able to rest some :)
I hope Tyler is feeling better. You are such a good Mom! I am sure you would rather hand the keys over to someone else! Some days I too feel like I live in the car.
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