Today, after our harried morning, we went to the Rally for Mitt Romney here at a Ford Dealership in Denver. I guess they were expecting only 150 people to show up and it ended up being 1500 to 2000 people that showed up instead!!!

Unfortunately we did not get there early enough to get "inside" where Mitt was speaking. So we stood outside and got glimpses of him through the huge windows of the dealership.

I was impressed by Mitt's Energy, Enthusiasm, and Charisma! He is so articulate and knows just what to say. I was impressed by the fact that he didn't give his message in the "same" way that I had heard on TV. He gave the same message but in more detail.

Mitt also came outside and spoke to the crowd. By this time we were inside the building! I noticed he was headed outside and motioned to Laren. We quickly went out but he was surrounded in a crowd of people quite quickly!
Him going outside was unplanned but he went out because his "people" working with him suggested he do so because there was an enormous crowd of supporters that couldn't make it inside that wanted to see him!
So he obliged and came out!

I happened to be positioned near where he walked when he walked back in to give more television and radio interviews.

Giving his million-dollar smile, he shook my hand. I told him, "You have my vote!" He said, "Thank you" very genuinely. He was graciously signing shirts, books, magazines - you name it! He was shaking hands and greeting people.

I was really struck by how upbeat he is for being the underdog right now. He seemed so optimistic. He is forging forward, not retreating!

He looked great! As I thought about it later, I realized once again that he is 60. He certainly did not look like a 60 year old man. He looked more like he was in his late 30's to early 40's. No kidding!

He had a smile for everyone.
He is smiling in almost every picture I have of him and I was just trying to get a picture, any picture. I wasn't going for the gusto, that one best shot.
If he is fortunate to get enough delegates and become the Republican nominee, I know he will represent the Republicans better than McCain would. I don't think McCain stands a chance against the Democrats. Laren standing on the peripheal. It was hard for him to get too close with his crutches.
We saw a lot of people we know at the Rally today. I was somewhat surprised by that!
On the way home from the Rally, we listened to the interviews Mitt did on talk radio.

I'm so glad you posted about this. I saw you comment about it somewhere but when you posted about your frantic day first I figured this was off your radar by then.
It feels so frustrating to be rooting for an underdog, but if he can keep it up, then so I can grassroots my little heart out.
What a cool experience, and I am very impressed you went after your big morning!
That is very cool! I love the pictures, too. It sounds like a great experience. My mantra at this point is: Miracles can happen!!
How fun! You look great btw! Glad Laren is doing better.
Go Mitt!!
What a neat opportunity!
Kari, You got some great pictures of that hair you love! He really is amazing and I hope he gets on the final ballot because I would love to vote for him!
How cool! You got some really good pictures! I agree that he certainly looks a lot younger than he really is. I'm rooting for him, too!
I don't know much about politics! But I hope Tyler has a speedy recovery! Poor little tyke!
Cas xo
Oh and I'm sorry I don't have a pic of my shoes! They are cute tho!
He is a powerful speaker! I wish he could convey that "spirit" from his speaches into his debates! I would LOVE for him to kick McCain in AZ! McCain is too democratic for me!
tag...your it. read my blog, take your turn, then i'll be back to read yours!
My what a political activist you are!! When will you run for city council??
I think it is so cool that you were able to attend this. It wil be something you will always remember. Great photos!
I am so sorry about your husbands dad, and Tyler. I hope both of them get to feeling better soon.
so cool!!!!!! Mitt got my vote. :)!!
so cool!!!!!! Mitt got my vote. :)!!
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