I think McCain (unfortunately) and Obama are going to be the Republican and Democrat nominee's for President. I consider myself to be an Independant voter and will likely vote Democrat, depending on who the running mates are. It seems like such an interesting election year, a lot has happened in a short amount of time. I just hope whoever the new President is that they will do a beneficial job for our country!

In other news, I went back to the chiropractor this week. It turns out I have an extra (lower) vertebrae in my back. I have a small chunk out of one of my middle vertebrae, which I'm not sure how or when that happened but the Dr. suspects it is an old injury from my cheerleading days.
The bottom vertebrae in my back was almost completely compressed shutting off the sciatic nerve and piriformis muscle in my right leg which has caused me chronic pain for a long time now. So, the Chiro recommends I go back 3 times a week and then 2 times a week and then 1 time a week for the next 3 months or so. The problem is, our insurance doesn't cover chiropractic and that's $35 a pop! So, I'm trying to figure out what to do.
I've been to the regular doctor (he gave me muscle relaxants to deal with the problem) and to physical therapy for it also. The main thing that helped with the physical therapy was the ultrsound machine but whenever I didn't get that I had no pain relief. Ahh, what a frustration. If anyone has any good suggestions, I'm open to it!! :)
No suggestions, but yuck, that sounds painful! I hope you find something that works. I have been more or less ignoring the election stuff since Mitt dropped out, licking my wounds and waiting to see which losers I have to choose from this year, lol.
I don't have any suggestions either. It sounds painful. I hope you find relief either way.
I'm still following the election, but it's not fun. I really dislike the entire process. so much tearing down. I get that you have to point out the reasons why someone shouldn't be president, but it makes me glum all the same.
Back pain is the worst. WEll that along with abdominal pain because it is so hard to pin point it. I hope you find something that helps!
So sorry for oyur back pain.. I too suffer a terrible lower back ache nearly everyday. Hope you can get it sorted out soon. xoox
I am finally getting caught up with blogging. Sarah has been home sick this week. I loved what you said about blogging. It was so well worded. I am sorry your having such bad back pain. I think I would give the chiropractor a try. If it seems to help, and give you some relief, can he give you a deal? It seems with going so much, he could cut you a deal. :)
It is hard to say whether going to a PT or a Chiropractor is the best. With a Chiropractor it is an immediate 'fill good' fix, but often lasts only a short while, so you have to continue returning. With a PT they will explain to you and show you different ideas/exercises that will help you with your specific problem. Only problem is there are few 'hands on' PT's, where they actually do muscle manipulations, etc.
Have you considered water therapy? A massage every once in awhile?
I have had sciatica in the past. (and still often have hip pains) The thing that has helped me most is specific exercises, heat, massage, etc.
With how much a Chiropractor and/or a Massage therapist costs, your best bet is to find out to what extent under your insurance you can get therapies. Of course then you have to deal with co-pays, and such.
Do a search on the internet for your specific pain, find out what others have done, and what they feel is successful.
Maybe get a gym membership to the local gym that has a swimming pool, and preferably a jacuzzi. It would cost less then co-pays and Chiropractic visits, in the end. :)
Good luck...let me know how things go.
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