Saturday, February 28, 2009

Pictures and Blessings

Some pictures of our last 2 weeks

Kyle after we first started noticing he was jaundiced. (It is hard to tell in this picture, but it was very obvious in real life.) Before we knew just how sick he was.

Kyle in the hospital resting and a Fruit Bouquet sent to us by my Sista's.
Thank you so much - it was such an upbeat and yummy surprise to our week!

Kyle and I in his hospital bed. Sometimes a Mother has to lay down next to her child and give them the touch and closeness of a Mother's Love. I did this a few times when times were tough. Kyle makes life happy, even if it isn't!

The steroids Kyle is on sometimes makes his cheeks all puffy and rosy at the same time. He really dislike the hospital pj's, so he tried to put on one of his shirts almost all the time.

Kyle painting at the hospital. This picture depicts his jaundice better. He is painting a wood car that they brought him to glue together and paint. He usually wanted one of these cars for a reward for all the daily "pokes" he was getting.


And some miracles that occured...

The past couple of weeks have taken a toll on Laren and I. We are both super tired. As most can imagine, the chair/bed in the hospital is not the greatest place to get sleep. I stayed with Kyle in the hospital every night until the last 2, when Laren slept there to give me a break. The emotional rollercoaster has been another factor in our ability to sleep and rest. We had been waiting on pins and needles to get the biopsy results and finally we got them last night. More than anything, I was so glad to hear that they found no cancer! They did find extensive liver damage. We will hopefully find out more about that when we go back to Primary Children's on Tuesday.

In the meantime Kyle is slowly recovering at home. He is SO glad he is not getting a bunch of "pokes" all the time and he has matured beyond his years in the past 2 weeks. I really am amazed by this huge trial, a trial that has surely been one of my most difficult. And of course, trials are a process and we are still in the midst of this process, but things are beginning to look up. We hope and pray that we have rounded that corner now, heading towards healing and good liver health for Kyle.

I know that the doctors who have been caring for him have been guided in their care. They told me on Wednesday that they do not know why, medically speaking, they are giving Kyle the treatment (medications) that they are because in all of their testing they have no physical evidence of Kyle having an auto immune problem. But what they do know, and me too, is that the medication is working. And so we are continuing it. And what I also know, is that Kyle's healing is miraculous, really and truly.

It is a modern day miracle just like what one would read in the New Testament of the Bible, only it is a miracle for our time. I know his healing so far has come about because of the Priesthood Blessing that Laren and my BIL, Doug, gave to Kyle, (and again 2 other blessings, with Laren and our home teacher Brother Bishop; and Laren and Trav, another BIL) that said the doctors would be guided as they go about trying to find a treatment for Kyle.

I saw this unfold before my very eyes as Dr. Jackson (a pediatric GI specialist caring for Kyle) struggled to find a treatment and couldn't find one and released us from the hospital. And then as Kyle's numbers were rising he called me at nearly 10:00 last Friday night to tell me he was concerned. Actually he left me an "urgent" message at 8:00 pm and I called him back at 10pm (Laren and I were out for a little bit when the message was left). And then again he called me back first thing in the morning around 8:15 am on a Saturday, his day off, to tell me he still was not satisfied and had already (since 10 pm the night before) went back through Kyle's records again, with a fine tooth comb, looking for something he might have missed; and he had consulted with 2 of his colleagues.

He decided Kyle needed to have some more bloodwork that morning and to be examined by him. He wanted to know how soon we could get there. So as soon as we were showered and dressed we were on our way back up to Primary Childrens. As we were there, he told me about Kyle's blood tests not really revealing too much - just ruling a bunch of stuff out. But his thyroid levels were slightly elevated. The thyroid can be considered part of the auto immune system of the body. But in order for the doctor to really say that it was auto immune attacking Kyle's liver, there needed to not only be an elevated thyroid, but also elevated ANA's (anti-nuclear antibodies). And Kyle's ANA's were not elevated. And we later learned his thyroid was not really elevated enough to consider it a threat.

And then the doctor got Kyle's blood clotting factor numbers back. His blood clotting factor had risen considerably. Meaning his blood was not clotting very much, a sign of his liver failing. So the doctor at THAT moment decided to re-admit Kyle to the hospital and at the same time decided to treat him as if it were something auto immune (like his thyroid) attacking his liver. We did that and we spent the next 2 hours in his office at the hospital while he made the necessary phone calls and did the necessary paperwork for Kyle to be admitted.

By that night, Kyle was receiving his first dose of Solumedrol - a type of Prednisone steroid. We were praying, along with many, many family, friends and strangers. The next day we had a family fast. Kyle's lab results came back on Sunday with significant improvement over Saturday. The doctors thought we were headed in the right direction, but I knew it. I knew it because of my Motherly intuition, I knew it because of our fasting and prayers, I knew it because of Laren's Priesthood blessing for our son.

The doctors anxiously awaited for Monday to see what Kyle's lab results would bring. Before they came, I knew Kyle's liver enzymes were falling. How? I felt it. I felt, literally the blessings that come from fasting and prayer. Prayers not just sent up for Kyle, but for Laren and I and the rest of our children. I felt the hope and assurance that can only come through the Savior's Healing Balm. And when the results came, again it was a decent improvement over the day before.

We do not know why this great trial had to come to Kyle or the rest of our family. But we do know we have learned so much in such a short amount of time and we have felt an increase of our faith. We have felt the love of so many. I have come to realize the existence, the true existence of angels on earth. It is through each of us that the Lord carries forth his purposes on earth. So many have went about helping us, watching Tyler for us each day so Laren could go to work while the kids were at school and I was at the hospital with Kyle; bringing in dinners to our family; bringing us groceries "just because they figured I had not had a chance to make it to the store yet..." (they were right); cards, flowers, balloons, phone calls, prayers, visits, fasting and expressions of love and concern.

Each day since last Saturday we have witnessed a physical improvement in Kyle with his liver enzymes dropping from over 7000 to 677 and 1400; with his bilirubin levels getting lower (from 17 to 7, so far), his color getting better and him not looking so jaundiced, etc... I know without a doubt that those doctors were guided. I know when Laren gives a blessing he will often tell me, "I don't know if it was my will or the Lord's but I think it was the Lord's will that I said that." He says that especially when he blesses someone that they will get better (as he did Kyle).

And though he blessed Kyle that he would get better and the doctors would be guided, it did also indicate that the healing might not come quickly. I want my sweet Husband to know that the Power of the Priesthood definitely works in him. And I am so grateful for that great Power in our home, that Laren is worthy to hold it and willing to exercise it. Kyle still has a road of recovery ahead of him, we are hoping it is not as long as it could be. In the meantime, we are counting our many, many blessings! And hopefully we will also be able to get some sleep!


Well the good news is that no cancer was found in Kyle's biopsy. They did, however; find that his liver has suffered pretty extensive damage. They figure this has been going on where his liver has been being attacked for 2 months now. They determined that based on the scar tissue they found on the biopsy. That would have been right around the time we moved here.

They are still going along the lines that it is something Auto Immune related attacking his liver. Kyle doesn't like taking his meds, but he is a good sport and takes them anyway. He has always been a patient and mild mannered boy and this illness has made him that way even moreso!

I know we still have a long road of recovery, but I'm just so grateful there was no cancer. I was worried to the point I couldn't function, yet I was too nervous to call and get the results myself. Thankfully Laren did that for me.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009



I guess this is a true rollercoaster. Today, I found out that they indeed have not ruled out liver cancer. It does scare me. He will go in for his biopsy somewhere around noon. Any and all prayers appreciated. He is scared of the needle.

They tell us we won't have results for a week or so. But his numbers have come down some more today. Not really enough to make it so he won't have to get a blood/plasma transfusion, but at least the numbers are trending downward with this type of prednisone they have him on.

I have a faith in the Lord that He knows us and knows our situation and that He has a plan for us. It might not be the course we hope for, but it will be the course that is His will. I know we are not forgotten in Him.

Last night Laren and Trav (our BIL) came and gave Kyle another blessing for his biopsy today. Since Laren was already up there and he would stay home today to be at the hospital for Kyle's biopsy, he suggested I come home for the night for a break and he could stay there with Kyle.

So that is what we did. It was nice to sleep in my own bed and get a shower from our own shower this morning. The hospital shower is just a trickle. Plus I had forgotten my razor and had been unable to shave and it is so nice to not feel like an Orangutan with hairy pits! :)

Kayla had a preschool clinical today at school and she had to bring a preschooler, so she brought her preschooler brother, Tyler. I had to be here to take him to and from the Jr. High for Kayla.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Numbers going down again!

Just a Quick Update

We are still here at the hospital. Thank you for your fasting and prayers. It has been a very spiritual and humbling experience to have so many fasting and praying on behalf of our son, who we love so much! After a very dark feeling all week, I felt like the light started to break through on Saturday and especially Sunday with the fasting.

Kyle's numbers are starting to come down. His liver enzymes were lowered yesterday and even more today - one of the levels is 2000, and the other is 2800. That is a good sign! His bilirubin was down for the first time since all this started, yesterday! It was down again today - it reached a high on Saturday of 17 and it is down to 12 today. By the way, a normal bilirubin count is less than 1.

His blood clotting factors have come down just 1 point (nothing yesterday and 1 point today). But it is progress in the right direction! The doctor is waiting for that to come down to do the biopsy. The thought is still that this is caused by Auto Immune attacking his liver. Likely something to do with the thyroid.

We got to attend Church yesterday here at the hospital - they had a short, but very wonderful, 30 minute Sacrament Meeting. It was so refreshing! (Only in Utah could you get SM in the hospital!) Then afterward, at my request, 2 women from a hospital branch primary presidency came and gave Kyle a short little primary lesson. (They offered this during the SM - that anyone who wanted it could just let them know and they'd send them to your child's room.)

My 2 favorite parts of the day were hearing Kyle sing "I am a Child of God" with the 2 impromptu Primary Teachers and having Laren and the kids come for the afternoon. I think this fast was the easiest one I've ever done, ironically. Even though I've never fasted for a more serious purpose, and I didn't think it would be hardly possible here in the hospital. But again, your prayers, I believe pulled me through.

Off to take a nap!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Back in Hospital

We are back in the hospital with Kyle. The labs yesterday showed his liver enzymes and bilirubin going up. The doctor called me last night telling me he was not liking the fact Kyle's numbers were rising. We had a rough night last night, Kyle threw up and we didn't get much sleep due to that and worry.

The doctor (GI Specialist here at Primary Children's Hospital) had me on the phone again first thing this morning. He said he had checked with his 2 colleagues and decided to check his numbers again today and do another exam rather than waiting for Monday. So we drove back up to Salt Lake to Primary Children's this morning. He wanted us here as soon as we could get here.

He gave me his cell phone number and told the ER to page him when we came in. As luck would have it, he was right there as we were rounding the corner towards Emergency. He helped us get through quickly and up to the Lab for more bloodwork. Then he did an exam. Kyle has had A LOT of tenderness all around his liver today (under his ribs on the right side).

The doctor was not going to keep us, but then Kyle's labs started coming back even higher than yesterday and his clotting factor was the straw that broke the camels back. So the doctor quickly decided to readmit him. So here we are, again. We don't know how long we are here for. Hopefully we will get resolution more quickly.

The doctor, Dr. Jackson, thinks this time that it is something Auto Immune attacking his liver. They are running some more bloodwork in that nature. And Kyle is getting steroids to help combat it. Apparently they prescribe steroids to help heal the liver if it is an auto immune problem. He said his levels for something to do with his thyroid came back elevated -so that is what tipped him in the direction of the auto immune course of treatment.

The doctor may do a biopsy on Monday still if the other bloodwork shows nothing. And he said he didn't want to scare me, but they are still not ruling out a transplant if things don't start improving. He said that is, of course, a last resort and he is hopeful it will not come to that. But he just wanted me to be aware. Of course, I was shocked - I thought we had averted that hurdle.

Thank you so much for your prayers! Please keep them coming!!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Levels aren't going down as hoped...

Levels not looking too good

I guess it was wishful thinking on my part to go back to regularly scheduled life... I took Kyle into the hospital this morning to have his liver enzymes rechecked and then followed up with a visit to the Pediatrician this afternoon.

His levels are not going down as hoped. One level went down and the other is up, enough to concern the doctor. One level went from from 4093 to 4800, the other level went from 4100 to 3900, so the change is negligable for the positive on the second one. His bilirubin went up from 13.1 to 14.8 and the conjugated bilirubin went from 10.1 to 9.1, again a negligible for the positive on the second one and quite a bit worse on the first one.

You know it is not good news when the specialist calls you and wants you to call him back on his cell phone at 8:00 at night and says he wants to see Kyle first thing again Monday and to come with Kyle prepared to have a biopsy - after his levels are checked on Monday morning.

It appears at the moment that we are a long ways from being out of the woods on this with Kyle. I'm supposed to watch for lethargy, bloody noses and unconsciousness over the weekend. Please keep praying! On Sunday, we are going to have a special fast for Kyle if anyone wants to join us.

Thursday, February 19, 2009



We are home! Kyle was totally exhausted yesterday, but is rebounding a bit today. He will have to go in for blood draws every other day to check his levels for awhile. He is still very yellow. Maybe now that we are home I can post a picture or two.

Words cannot express my gratitude for all of your love and concern. You guys are all wonderful! Thank you for your prayers. The doctor expects it to take a month or so for Kyle to completely recover.

We have a great ward and friends here (even though we just moved here 6 weeks ago)! Everyone wants to help, and I am grateful for that! I'm kind of embarrassed that they are bringing us dinner tonight - we don't need it, I'm here to do that!! I'm so glad to be back home and that Kyle is too. I realized just how much I miss my kids (all of them) when I can't be with them.

Now, hopefully we are back to regularly scheduled life!! :)

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Possibly Going Home

Kyle is gradually improving. So we may be going home tonight or tomorrow. His liver enzymes are now around 4000, the normal is 40! So even though his numbers have dropped from the 7000's, they are still more than 100x higher than normal!! 800 would be a normal number for high liver enzymes, so Kyle's numbers have been way beyond high!

His doctor says that whatever this is it is caused by a virus (like a cold virus) that affected his liver adversely. Obviously, it's rare. They still do not know exactly what virus has caused it. I just hope it never happens again! He will have a slow recovery at home. The doctor said it will take a month or maybe more. But we are just so happy that it appears he will recover, because just a couple of days ago that was in question.

He will be out of school until his jaundice goes away. The doctor thinks it will take 2-3 weeks for that to happen. In the meantime, we are hoping his liver enzymes continue to drop, that his bilirubin quits climbing and starts to drop, and that his liver inflammation goes down. Presently, his liver is still just as swollen as it was when this all started.

Today he is pretty sapped of energy and has napped all afternoon, so far. I'm just very grateful I get to bring my boy back home with me!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Kyle Update

Thank you for your prayers. They are being felt! Kyle's liver enzymes are starting to fall. At last check they were around 5000, instead of 7000. So that is good they are dropping. If they dropped too low too quick that could signify another set of problems but so far so good.

In the meantime other bloodwork is coming back too. Kyle tested negative for the alpha I anti-trypson, which is a genetic liver disorder. Our nephew on Laren's side actually had this and had to have a liver transplant when he was 7. So this was a big concern of the doctors because of the genetics, but it appears to have been averted!

The ultrasound showed an enlarged liver (one doctor told me two times the size of what is normal!), and an especially thick gall bladder wall. They do not know why the gall bladder wall would be thick other than the fact that it is so close to the liver.

So far, Kyle has tested negative on all of the major problems (like liver cancer or a disease requiring a liver transplant). And I'm sighing a HUGE sigh of relief over that! (Can you hear my sighing?! LOL)

Still no answers on what has caused this. We are still getting results from blood work and will continue to for the next couple of days. Kyle's tummy has been upset and not feeling too great today. But to me, his coloring is looking a little better (even though his bilirubin count is actually higher).

Thank you so much for all of your prayers and thoughts! Kyle is playing Lego's and we are waiting for Laren and the rest of the kids to show up so we can celebrate Alyssa's birthday at the hospital!! I thought it was so sweet that with his dinner, Kyle ordered a "rainbow cupcake," aka cupcake with rainbow sprinkles so he could have something to give Alyssa for her birthday!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Very Sick; Prayers needed


Kyle (8) is in the hospital and any prayers for him will be much appreciated. He is in Primary Children's Hospital in Salt Lake. I am staying here with him.

It all started on Friday of last week when Kyle came home from school the whites of his eyes were yellowing. I called Laren at work. We assessed Kyle as soon as Laren got home and decided Kyle would be fine for the night and we'd take him to Urgent Care in the morning.

First thing Saturday morning we took Kyle to Urgent Care. They ran bloodwork and the tests came back this morning. We kept Kyle home from Church yesterday. It was kind of hectic because I was getting sustained and set apart on my new calling, YW Secretary, and dealing with everything else. We had been having Kyle get lots of rest and trying to keep him well hydrated.

This morning I was waiting until the doctors office opened to call and get an appointment to get Kyle in. Before the doctors office even opened, the doctor that saw Kyle in the Urgent Care on Saturday called me and said that Kyle's bloodwork came back and it was awful! He said in all of his years of practice he's never seen numbers this high (for liver stuff). Kyle's numbers were over 7000 and a 'normal' high number would be around 800. And that numbers that high are an indication of liver failure.

He told me he had already called Primary Childrens Hospital and told me I needed to take Kyle in ASAP. He said the quickest way to get in was to take him to the Emergency Room. So that is what I did. They took a bunch of bloodwork and then admitted Kyle. At this point we don't know what is wrong with Kyle's liver. But something is. He is very jaundiced. Not just his eyes but his torso too. His energy level is low, he has diarrhea and is tired a lot and a little nauseated.
Kyle doesn't like the Hep Lock/IV but he's kind of excited to find out the Hospital has Playstation, so he might be able to play some video games. He does not want to be here, but he's being a good sport. Laren is trying to figure out a place for Tyler to stay and play for the next 5 days or so - either with one of our sisters or someone from our ward...we were told Kyle will likely be here at least 3 days or more, possibly even the week or more.

They are going to run a bunch of tests and see what is going on and then give him some treatments and see how he responds and they won't release him until after that. Tomorrow they are going to do a biopsy on Kyle's liver. So far, after retesting his liver numbers, his levels are still super high but maintaining in the over 7000 range.

Tomorrow is Alyssa's 11th Birthday, so I feel bad I'm not going to be there to celebrate that with her. And we were supposed to attend the Draper Temple Open House today, and a bunch of other stuff going on this week, but all of that pales in comparison to getting Kyle well.

More than anything, I'm just praying and hoping Kyle will get better soon - that whatever is making his liver not function properly that he can be healed of it. I want my Boy back! My brother in law was able to come to the hospital and help Laren give Kyle a Priesthood blessing.

I am so grateful for the Power of the Priesthood!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Courage Persistance and Perserverance

The Value of Courage, Persistance and Perserverance:

It has rarely been illustrated more convincingly than in the life story of this man, his age is in the ( ).

-Failed in business (22)
-Ran for Legislature - defeated (23)
-Again failed in business (24)
-Elected to Legislature (25)
-Sweetheart died (26)
-Had a nervous breakdown (27)
-Defeated for Speaker (29)
-Defeated for Elector (31)
-Defeated for Congress (34)
-Elected to Congress (37)
-Defeated for Congress (39)
-Defeated for Senate (46)
-Defeated for Vice President (47)
-Defeated for Senate (49)
-Elected President of the United States (51)

That's the record of Abraham Linclon - one of the greatest Presidents of the United States.

Thomas Edison spent 50 years and had thousands of failures before he revolutionized the world by inventing and patenting the incandescent light bulb. Because of his desire to created the incandescent light bulb, he was one of the most persistent people in history.

The invention, in which Edison had the most failures, was one of his most famous. His persistence also led to many other great inventions. Edison had thousands of attempts and thousands of failures. He once said, "Just because something doesn't do what you planned it to do doesn't mean it's useless." Edison did amazing things simply by persevering.

I love this message, especially in honor of the upcoming President's Day. And as a Mom, I feel like I have way more failures than successes, but this tells me to just keep at it, there is hope! :)

Friday, February 6, 2009


Five for Friday

1.) We are finding lots of things we like about Utah. Far more than I imagined I would. I love Laren's short commute. I love being near more family than we were in Colorado. I love having the mountains so close. I love having so many family oriented activities to do here. I love having the temple and church building close, [and the schools].

2.) We recently discovered the Dinosaur Museum and my kids love it. We have been there several times already and plan on going often!

3.) We were able to go to a BYU Basketball game recently and it was a lot of fun to go and be in the Marriott Center (with decent seats, even) with my husband and kids. I also should add, I enjoy living closer to the BYU Bookstore, I recently hit a great sale there (70% off) - but even if there is no sale I love to go and look...and I love BYU rice crispy treats! Very tasty!! :)

4.) Yesterday I finally went to a Shop that I've been dying to go into for a year now! It was Hapari, a swimwear store. I actually live fairly close to it and my daughter and I had a good time looking at and trying on swimsuits - made us more hungry for summer though! And speaking of shops, American Fork and Lehi have some great little Boutiques, that I've been discovering! You never see things like this (boutiques) in Colorado!

5. This morning Tyler and I ventured out to Shade's sale at the Warehouse in Pleasant Grove. They had tons of Shade shirts, jackets, etc... for $3, $5, $7, and $9!!! I got some stuff for my girls and I. But I totally thought of you Jenny (and Angie) and wished I had thought to ask your size, etc... so I could have gotten you something! And not only were the prices great at this sale, but everyone there (there were hoardes of shoppers!) seemed to be very polite, not too grabby! :)

Thursday, February 5, 2009



I was tagged by Donna to find the 6th picture from my 6th folder, post it, and describe it.

This a picture of my cute Girly Girl Alyssa, taken a couple of years ago. I can't remember why we were taking this picture, but it was probably because she did her hair and then wanted a photo shoot. Anyone else have Girls like this? Gotta love it!!

Anyway, it's appropriate the 6th picture was of Alyssa because her birthday is coming right up and I've recently been pondering my pregnancy, delivery and her birth. What a blessing she has been in our lives. Quite literally she saved me in so many ways, ways that are too private to post. But suffice it to say, she was born a ray of sunshine with a gorgeous dimple on her right cheek and she was the most beautiful pink coloring I have ever seen on a baby!

She was the perfect antidote to my life's difficulties at the time she came. And she is still that same bright personality today. She is happy, talkative and fun!

Now I'm tagging anyone who reads this to go and find the 6th picture from your 6th folder and blog it! :)

Monday, February 2, 2009

Things are looking up

Looking Up

On the job front, things are starting to look up. Some good news came about yesterday in regards to Laren's work project. Nothing is definite, yet. But things are definitely moving in the right direction! Yay!!

Now we just need our house to sell. We have had a lot more interest in it recently. Even though I go through times where I have wondered, I know that the Lord has not forgotten us and that at some point our house will sell. In the meantime, we will keep trying to be patient.