The doctor (GI Specialist here at Primary Children's Hospital) had me on the phone again first thing this morning. He said he had checked with his 2 colleagues and decided to check his numbers again today and do another exam rather than waiting for Monday. So we drove back up to Salt Lake to Primary Children's this morning. He wanted us here as soon as we could get here.
He gave me his cell phone number and told the ER to page him when we came in. As luck would have it, he was right there as we were rounding the corner towards Emergency. He helped us get through quickly and up to the Lab for more bloodwork. Then he did an exam. Kyle has had A LOT of tenderness all around his liver today (under his ribs on the right side).
The doctor was not going to keep us, but then Kyle's labs started coming back even higher than yesterday and his clotting factor was the straw that broke the camels back. So the doctor quickly decided to readmit him. So here we are, again. We don't know how long we are here for. Hopefully we will get resolution more quickly.
The doctor, Dr. Jackson, thinks this time that it is something Auto Immune attacking his liver. They are running some more bloodwork in that nature. And Kyle is getting steroids to help combat it. Apparently they prescribe steroids to help heal the liver if it is an auto immune problem. He said his levels for something to do with his thyroid came back elevated -so that is what tipped him in the direction of the auto immune course of treatment.
The doctor may do a biopsy on Monday still if the other bloodwork shows nothing. And he said he didn't want to scare me, but they are still not ruling out a transplant if things don't start improving. He said that is, of course, a last resort and he is hopeful it will not come to that. But he just wanted me to be aware. Of course, I was shocked - I thought we had averted that hurdle.
Thank you so much for your prayers! Please keep them coming!!
Oh Kari, I just was reading what is happening- I feel so bad and want to help out your family so much. We will fast here on our end in Colorado and please know that your family is in our prayers.
Oh Kari, I'm so sorry to hear this. Continued prayers! And my family will be fasting for you tomorrow!
Oh goodness! I'm continuing my prayers for your family.
I really am sorry to hear the bad news. We will keep praying for you and your family. I hope things turn out well.
Kari, just want to let you know that my family is all praying for Kyle too. Thank you for the updates, so we know what is going on. Hang in there my dear. I just wish there was something we could do for you.
I was worried - I'm glad he's back under their eye so they can watch him closely. I hope they get some answers really fast - it's so hard with something so unknown.
Oh, my friend, I'm so sorry! Your family, and especially Kyle, are in our prayers. I hope that they can find answers and fast.
(Sorry. I accidentally double posted.)
Oh dear, I am so sorry to hear that his numbers are rising again. Please let us know if there's anything we can do for your family.
This must be so hard--I can't even imagine. One friend of mine has a son that has an auto immune disease and had to have a liver transplant. Let me know if you want to talk to her.
More prayers from here Kari....hang in there...
{{hugs}} Kari. I am so glad you are where you can get the best medical care in the country for Kyle! Continued prayers for him and your family. Thanks for keeping us all updated.
{{hugs}} Kari. I am so glad you are where you can get the best medical care in the country for Kyle! Continued prayers for him and your family. Thanks for keeping us all updated.
Kari, continuing to keep you all in my thoughts and prayers! And thanks so much for taking the time to update us during this stressful situation. {{{{{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}}}}
Oh, Kari! My heart goes out to You, Kyle and your family! Prayers sent from here in AZ!
I just got an e-mail from another friend that lives in the SLC area. Her son has also been at Primary Children's for 2 days. He has RSV & very possibly pneumonia.
I understand that Primary Children's Hospital is one of the better Children's hospital. It sounds like you have a attentive and good doctor.
I'm fasting and praying for Kyle today, too. I pray it doesn't come down to a transplant; that he kicks this virus's butt soon!
I'm so sorry, Kari! It's such an emotional weight not knowing - and worrying! I wish you weren't going through this right now! I hope they can figure it out soon!
Stay strong, Kari! We are praying for you all and thinking of you!
I am thinking of you. Hope you start getting some good news.
Kari, Kyle and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. I hope things are looking better today. Update us when you can. (((HUGS)))
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