They are still going along the lines that it is something Auto Immune related attacking his liver. Kyle doesn't like taking his meds, but he is a good sport and takes them anyway. He has always been a patient and mild mannered boy and this illness has made him that way even moreso!
I know we still have a long road of recovery, but I'm just so grateful there was no cancer. I was worried to the point I couldn't function, yet I was too nervous to call and get the results myself. Thankfully Laren did that for me.
Kari, I am so glad to hear that it is not cancer. And I hope that the road to a full recovery for Kyle is short and goes smoothly. Your family is in our prayers.
So what does the road to recovery entail? Do you have a home health nurse coming to do blood draws? Glad he's home!
SO glad it's not cancer! What do they think about the damage?
that is wonderful news that it isn't cancer. we will continue to pray for you guys!
so glad to hear that Kyle doesn't have cancer. We will still keep your family in our prayers.
Good to hear!! Was wondering about you guys and checking for an update. We'll keep you guys in our thoughts and prayers!!
Genial brief and this fill someone in on helped me alot in my college assignement. Thanks you for your information.
Brim over I to but I dream the collection should secure more info then it has.
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